4 Ergebnisse
Oksidentalizm: Oryantalizme Doğulu Bir Cevap; Occidentalism: An Eastern Reply to Orientalism
In: Bilig, Heft 93, S. 181-202
The aim of this paper is to research the etymology and different definitions of the term of Occidentalism. Occidentalism, in its broadest meaning, is the reverse of Orientalism; just as Orientalism is a Western reading of the East, Occidentalism is an Eastern reading of the West. A meticulous reading of related literature reveals several different meanings attributed to Occidentalism. One of these definitions was introduced by the Egyptian philosopher Hasan Hanafi, who sees Occidentalism as the science of adopting Western values by eliminating them. Conversely, Ian Buruma and Avishai Margalit do not consider Occidentalism to be a science, but hostility against the West. In addition to these two definitions, a further perspective defines Occidentalism as the answer to one of the following questions: "How can the Western values be developed" and "How can Western values be adopted by the East, while saving the Eastern identity". This paper defines and explores the terms Occidentalism' and 'Occidentalist' considering these forms and interpretations.
Classifying forms of government on a global scale
In: Asian journal of comparative politics: AJCP, Band 8, Heft 2, S. 487-515
ISSN: 2057-892X
This study classifies the forms of government present in all the countries worldwide. We examined the constitutions of 195 countries and prepared a template that allows us to determine the form of government of any given country. The study contributes to the literature in several ways. First, we support Shugart and Carey's claim that the president-parliamentary and premier-presidential forms are main types in themselves and not subtypes of semi-presidentialism. Second, based on some fundamental differences, we divided the assembly-government form into two subtypes, namely assembly-independent and assembly-dependent, the latter being introduced as a new subtype. The third significant contribution is to coin a new form of government named semi-monarchial, which is positioned between parliamentary and monarchy forms. Lastly, the study reveals that the most preferred form in the world is parliamentary (57), followed by presidential (43), premier-presidential (31), president-parliamentary (28), assembly-government (13), semi-monarchial (8), and monarchy (4).
Form of government, electoral system, and party system fragmentation: A global comparison
In: Asian journal of comparative politics: AJCP, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 308-323
ISSN: 2057-892X
This study aims to determine the characteristics of party systems within the context of electoral systems, forms of government, and continents. There is no study in the literature that quantitatively reveals the relationship between the party system and forms of government. Furthermore, this study differs from other studies in that it deals with the relationship between the electoral system and the party system on a global scale. In the study, the effective number of parties (ENEP and ENPP) was calculated for the last three legislative elections of the countries governed by presidential, president–parliamentary, premier–presidential and parliamentary forms of government, using the Laakso–Taagepera Index. The dataset was then analyzed with ANOVA and post-hoc tests. The study revealed that party systems do not differ significantly from forms of government, that is, forms of government do not determine party systems. Similarly, party systems do not significantly differ in terms of the continents, that is, there are no continental party system characteristics of the forms of government. Also, the study confirmed that it is the electoral system that determines the party systems.