La garanzia del "contenuto essenziale" dei diritti fondamentali: dalla tutela della dignità umana ai livelli essenziali delle prestazioni
In: Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza N.S., 260
565 Ergebnisse
In: Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza N.S., 260
In: Collezione di opere giuridiche ed economiche
In: Teaching sociology: TS, Band 53, Heft 1, S. 1-2
ISSN: 1939-862X
This work focuses on the Chilean uprising of October 2019, and briefly characterizes its events. However, the core interest is to observe and question the international impact and everyday transnational features of this movement. Drawing on G. Schiller's thoughts and combining them with transnational social movements' scholarship, the analysis develops around two key axes. On the one hand, it charts mainly indirect diffusion through the spread of ideas and practices that travelled from Chile (and from Latin America) and grew to become embedded in social movements worldwide. On the other hand, it offers an ethnographic account of the transnational networks that have mobilized in support of this struggle in Italy, with particular attention paid to Chileans abroad. In this way, our work highlights the parallel movement from everyday transnational experiences to the formation of transnational political identities, and from shared political identities to transnational daily interactions. By exploring the interplay between different diffusion mechanisms, this case study contributes to the discussion of the role of political agency in shaping diffusion dynamics, and offers new insights into the construction of transnational collective identities.
Attraverso l'analisi delle rappresentazioni discorsive del think tank (TT) Gefira, questo capitolo si pone come obiettivo quello di interpretare alcune traiettorie nell'evoluzione dei discorsi esperti delle destre identitarie e sovraniste a cavallo tra la crisi migratoria e la crisi pandemica. In aggiunta all'interesse per il diffondersi di discorsi sovranisti e identitari, questo caso di studio rappresenta un contributo allo studio del rapporto tra saperi esperti e advocacy. In sintesi, se la crisi dei rifugiati ha reso evidente la sempre maggiore rilevanza che questioni identitarie e socioculturali assumono nella definizione dei problemi politici, la pandemia ha portato la scienza al centro del dibattito pubblico, mettendo a nudo la frammentarietà dei processi di costruzione della conoscenza e la problematica la relazione che intercorre tra politica, scienza, expertise e senso comune nella definizione e nella risposta a suddetti problemi. Nel drammatico scenario della pandemia è interessante osservare, da una parte, eventuali slittamenti nel posizionamento di Gefira in merito al rapporto tra expertise e senso comune e, dall'altra, la sua maggiore o minore capacità di mantenere al centro dei propri discorsi rappresentazioni politiche ben consolidate. In altre parole, il contributo si pone l'obiettivo di comprendere le modalità in cui questa organizzazione veicola messaggi politici e riesce a influenzare i discorsi di riferimento per l'azione pubblica.
This work focuses on the Chilean uprising of October 2019, and briefly characterizes its events. However, the core interest is to observe and question the international impact and everyday transnational features of this movement. Drawing on G. Schiller's thoughts and combining them with transnational social movements' scholarship, the analysis develops around two key axes. On the one hand, it charts mainly indirect diffusion through the spread of ideas and practices that travelled from Chile (and from Latin America) and grew to become embedded in social movements worldwide. On the other hand, it offers an ethnographic account of the transnational networks that have mobilized in support of this struggle in Italy, with particular attention paid to Chileans abroad. In this way, our work highlights the parallel movement from everyday transnational experiences to the formation of transnational political identities, and from shared political identities to transnational daily interactions. By exploring the interplay between different diffusion mechanisms, this case study contributes to the discussion of the role of political agency in shaping diffusion dynamics, and offers new insights into the construction of transnational collective identities.
During the lockdown, I started perceiving cash as a potentially infected entity, carrying the virus on its surface. This article explores the trajectories and implications of this modified perspective on money by merging different levels of analysis. The attempt to grasp both the social and material significance of this 'object' will resound in personal anecdotes from my house. The self-ethnographic approach accounts also for the intimate feelings and the new gaze on money produced within me; the enthusiasm for imagining an economy driven by different rules; nostalgia for the activities I used to pay for; anxieties caused by this unprecedented health crisis; and my curiosity to observe how relationships with people and things have changed. The need to share experiences as a political statement and the desire to put fears and hopes into words guide my work.
In: Annuaire français de droit international, Band 66, Heft 1, S. 444-456
In: Sociological focus: quarterly journal of the North Central Sociological Association, Band 52, Heft 4, S. 267-273
ISSN: 2162-1128
This paper presents the results of an in-depth case study about the increasing marginalization of poor urban dwellers in Villa Parinacota, a peripheral social housing complex in Santiago de Chile. Thanks to the implementation of a mixed methodology - which combines a mainly qualitative and ethnographic approach with the analysis of quantitative data - the research gives a detailed insight of the ways the neighborhood territory interplays with broader processes of social exclusion. Concepts as territorial segregation, peripheral location, uneven accessibility to services and stigmatization are analyzed jointly. By doing so, the paper offers a contribution on the discussion about territorial inequality, and suggests downsizing the role of geographical factors while centering in political and identitarian ones. In Parinacota, feelings of exclusion are mainly triggered by the symbolic position attributed to this place, not because of "distance" or "isolation," but because of a widespread feeling of "abandonment". So, the ways residents experience the territory, their subjective conceptualizations of exclusion and even the values promoted by public policies consolidate a territory-based discrimination. Broader political considerations follow, the subsidiary character of social policies in Chile has an important role in the all process: with its focus on the single individual, they led to the misrecognition of marginalization socio-economic causes, and represent by themselves a driver for the reproduction of discriminatory social representations.
In: Teaching sociology: TS, Band 46, Heft 1, S. 1-11
ISSN: 1939-862X
The 2017 Mauksch Address invites readers to consider how the field of sociology might benefit from greater inclusion of the science of learning into its pedagogy. Results from a survey of 92 teaching and learning experts in sociology reveal the degree to which the discipline's understanding of teaching and learning is informed by the science of learning. The address suggests strategies for increased student success.
In: Collection "Histoire"
In: Collection "Histoire"
In: Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law, Band 2, Heft 4, S. 879-905