Convergence, creative industries and civil society: the new cultural policy
In: Culturelink / Special issue 2001
15 Ergebnisse
In: Culturelink / Special issue 2001
Working paper
In: Colin Mercer: 'Convergence, Creative Industries and Civil Society', Culture Unbound, Volume 1, 2009: 179–204
In: European Culture Forum 2011 - Panel 2, Brussels, October 20-21, 2011
In: Colin Mercer: 'Convergence, Creative Industries and Civil Society', Culture Unbound, Volume 1, 2009: 179–204
In: Local Policies for Cultural Diversity, Institut de Cultura, Barcelona City Council/United Cities and Local Governments' Working Group on Culture, Barcelona, 2006
Working paper
In: Economy and society, Band 26, Heft 2, S. 211-232
ISSN: 1469-5766
In: New Formations, Number 4, Spring 1988
In: Social history, Band 9, Heft 3, S. 361-368
ISSN: 1470-1200
Working paper
Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Foreword -- 1 Introduction -- Who is this handbook for? -- What will it help you do? -- What will be the final product? -- Why have a cultural plan? -- How long will it take? -- 2 Setting flie scene -- What is culture? -- What are cultural resources? -- What is cultural assessment? -- What is cultural development? -- How does it fit with other strategic planning? -- Why is local government a key player in cultural planning? -- Who should we involve? -- Getting started -- Summary of recommended methodology -- 3 Quantitative cultural assessment -- The survey and data collection process -- Population profile -- Cultural assets and activities profile -- Policy audit -- Quantitative data analysis and publication -- 4 Qualitative cultural assessment -- Cultural mapping -- Mapping cultural groups -- Mapping the 'spirit of place' -- Mapping cultural mind-sets -- Mapping artefacts and their messages -- Livability resources and corrosives -- Mapping access and access barriers -- Charting coordination opportunities -- Self-perception questionnaire/workshop -- Using workshops -- Documenting and displaying maps -- 5 Vision, strategy and implementation -- SWOT-taking stock -- Establishing the future visions -- Developing strategies -- Evaluating strategic options -- Action Plan -- Implementation -- Funding the strategy -- Managing implementation -- Where to from here? -- Appendix A: Facilitating small groups -- Appendix B: Livability resources and indicators -- Appendix C: Going further-helpful resources -- Select bibliography -- Index.
In: Politics: Australasian Political Studies Association journal, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 121-167