Climate Change, Cooperation, and Resource Scarcity
In: Beyond Resource Wars, S. 25-42
79 Ergebnisse
In: Beyond Resource Wars, S. 25-42
In: The Future of Globalization, S. 384-397
In: Growth and change: a journal of urban and regional policy, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 82-92
ISSN: 1468-2257
In: American behavioral scientist: ABS, Band 13, Heft 5-6, S. 745-760
ISSN: 1552-3381
In: American behavioral scientist: ABS, Band 13, Heft 5 & 6
ISSN: 0002-7642
In: Policy research working paper 3350
In: New horizons in environmental economics
The impact of climate change on seven regions of the United States is studied in this new collection. The basic hypothesis of the study is that warming would be beneficial to the economies of the colder northern regions but harmful to the economies of the warmer more southern regions. This is confirmed in a careful set of sectoral studies applied to each region. Because of its importance, two methods are used to study agriculture. Agriculture is analyzed using both an agronomic-economic simulation model and a cross-sectional Ricardian analysis. The two capital-intensive sectors affected by cli
In: Regulation: the Cato review of business and government, Band 29, Heft 4, S. 42-46
ISSN: 0147-0590
Critically examines the assumptions & conclusions of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, contending that its indifference to policy alternatives other than its own greenhouse gas abatement strategy raises questions regarding the soundness of its policy recommendations. References. Adapted from the source document.
In: Public administration review: PAR, Band 46, Heft 4, S. 374
ISSN: 1540-6210
In: Outstanding Dissertations on Energy, A continuing Garland research series
In: Outstanding Dissertations in Economics, A continuing Garland research series
In: Social service review: SSR, Band 44, Heft 4, S. 473-474
ISSN: 1537-5404
This book explores the interaction between climate change and the agriculture sector. Agriculture is essential to the livelihood of people and nations, especially in the developing world; therefore, any impact on it will have significant economic, social and political ramifications. Scholars from around the world and from various fields have been brought together to explore this important topic. The contributions found here analyze direct agronomic effects, the economic impacts on agriculture, agricultural impacts on the economy, agricultural mitigation and farmer adaptation. The authors argue