Seminario impartido en la XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la RSEF. Zaragoza, julio de 2019 ; An study of the driving forces of CO2 emissions in the member states of the European Union (EU-28)
The main objective of this research has been the valorisation of a waste from the TiO2 production process (sulphate method), called red gypsum, in the production of cements. This waste is mainly formed by di-hydrate calcium sulphate and iron hydroxides. To cover this objective it has been necessary to perform the physico-chemical characterisation of the red gypsum as well as the main components in the production of cements and of the new cements generated. Moreover, for the red gypsum, has been analyzed its radioactive content because it is generated in a NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials) industry. Finally, the most important properties of the obtained cements with different proportions of red gypsum in their composition have been studied by comparing them with the standard ones obtained in a Portland cement. Lastly, we have demonstrated that the new cements fulfil all the quality tests imposed by the European legislation. ; El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido analizar la valorización de un residuo generado en el proceso de producción de dióxido de titanio (vía sulfato), denominado yeso rojo, en la producción de cementos. Dicho residuo está compuesto fundamentalmente por sulfato de calcio di-hidratado e hidróxidos de hierro. Para ello, ha sido necesaria la caracterización físico-química del yeso rojo, así como la de los otros componentes fundamentales en la fabricación de cementos y de los cementos generados con el mencionado residuo. Además, en el caso del yeso rojo, se ha analizado su contenido radiactivo al generarse éste en una industria NORM (Natural Occurring Radioactive Materials). Posteriormente, se han estudiado las propiedades más importantes de los cementos producidos con diferentes porcentajes de yeso rojo añadido, comparando estas mezclas con las propiedades de un cemento Portland comercial, comprobándose que se cumplen todas las normas Europeas de calidad exigibles.
This paper aims to analyse and compare the driving forces of the carbon dioxide emissions of the six highest emitters of the world, namely, China, the United States of America, the European Union, India, Russia, and Japan, which are responsible for more than the 67\% of the emissions, during the period 1990-2018. The analysis is based on an enlarged Kaya-LMDI decomposition, considering five driving forces and a Granger causality study. Both techniques allow us to disentangle the relationship among the different driving forces and how they change from country to country. The main conclusion from the Kaya-LMDI analysis is that economic growth has been the main driving force that increases CO$_2$ emissions, and to a much lesser extent, the increase in population in most of the six analysed economies. On the other hand, energy intensity is the main factor for reducing CO$_2$ emissions. Surprisingly enough, the end-use fuel-mix term seldom contributes to the decrease of the emissions, which proves that the use of renewable energy should still be actively promoted. It is worth highlighting the different behaviour observed between the four developed countries and the two most populous developing ones, China and India. The Granger-causality analysis suggests that energy intensity Granger causes GDP in the developed countries, energy intensity also Granger cause CO$_2$ emissions in half of the countries and, GDP Granger causes CO$_2$ emissions only in one case, Japan. ; This work has been partially supported by the Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad de la Junta de Andalucía (Spain), under Group FQM-370 and by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), ref. SOMM17/6105/UGR. Resources supporting this work were provided by the CEAFMC and Universidad de Huelva High-Performance Computer (HPC@UHU) funded by ERDF/MINECO project UNHU-15CE-2848.
El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido analizar la valorización de un residuo generado en el proceso de producción de dióxido de titanio (vía sulfato), denominado yeso rojo, en la producción de cementos. Dicho residuo está compuesto fundamentalmente por sulfato de calcio di-hidratado e hidróxidos de hierro. Para ello, ha sido necesaria la caracterización físico-química del yeso rojo, así como la de los otros componentes fundamentales en la fabricación de cementos y de los cementos generados con el mencionado residuo. Además, en el caso del yeso rojo, se ha analizado su contenido radiactivo al generarse éste en una industria NORM (Natural Occurring Radioactive Materials). Posteriormente, se han estudiado las propiedades más importantes de los cementos producidos con diferentes porcentajes de yeso rojo añadido, comparando estas mezclas con las propiedades de un cemento Portland comercial, comprobándose que se cumplen todas las normas europeas de calidad exigibles. ; The main objective of this research has been the valorisation of a waste from the TiO2 production process (sulphate method), called red gypsum, in the production of cements. This waste is mainly formed by di-hydrate calcium sulphate and iron hydroxides. To cover this objective it has been necessary to perform the physicochemical characterisation of the red gypsum as well as the main components in the production of cements and of the new cements generated. Moreover, for the red gypsum, has been analyzed its radioactive content because it is generated in a NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials) industry. Finally, the most important properties of the obtained cements with different proportions of red gypsum in their composition have been studied by comparing them with the standard ones obtained in a Portland cement. Lastly, we have demonstrated that the new cements fulfil all the quality tests imposed by the European legislation. ; This work has been supported by the PROFIT Project "Valorization of red gypsum from the industrial production of titanium dioxide" (CIT-310200-2007-47).
El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido analizar la valorización de un residuo generado en el proceso de pro-ducción de dióxido de titanio (vía sulfato), denominado yeso rojo, en la producción de cementos. Dicho residuo está compuesto fundamentalmente por sulfato de calcio dihidratado e hidróxidos de hierro. Para ello, ha sido necesaria la caracterización físico-química del yeso rojo, así como la de los otros componentes fundamentales en la fabricación de cementos y de los cementos generados con el mencionado residuo. Además, en el caso del yeso rojo, se ha analizado su contenido radiactivo al generar-se éste en una industria NORM (Natural Occurring Radio-active Materials).Posteriormente, se han estudiado las propiedades más importantes de los cementos producidos con diferentes porcentajes de yeso rojo añadido, comparando estas mezclas con las propiedades de un cemento Portland comercial, comprobándose que se cumplen todas las normas europeas de calidad exigibles. ; The main objective of this research has been thevalorisation of a waste from the TiO2production process(sulphate method), called red gypsum, in the productionof cements. This waste is mainly formed by di-hydratecalcium sulphate and iron hydroxides. To cover thisobjective it has been necessary to perform the physico-chemical characterisation of the red gypsum as well asthe main components in the production of cements andof the new cements generated. Moreover, for the redgypsum, has been analyzed its radioactive contentbecause it is generated in a NORM (Naturally OccurringRadioactive Materials) industry. Finally, the most important properties of the obtainedcements with different proportions of red gypsum in theircomposition have been studied by comparing them withthe standard ones obtained in a Portland cement. Lastly,we have demonstrated that the new cements fulfil all thequality tests imposed by the European legislation
Abstract This paper proposes a measurement method for assessing the extent to which the XBRL digital standard eXtensible Business Reporting Language can assist firms in implementing their reporting when applying EMAS The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme. A specific survey based on the work of (Bunker et al., 2007), which uses Value Compatibility, was carried out at the most important firms in Southern Spain. Different sectors were involved in the study: public hospital, copper manufacturing facilities, petrochemical plant and pulp and renewable energy production. The results reveal some concordances between EMAS using XBRL as a reporting technology, and the cultural, organisational and technical working environment of the analysed firms, specifically those related to the Structural Dimension. By contrast, some discordance is highlighted related to the Practical Dimension. The paper proposes for the first time the application of the global financial standard XBRL for a non financial purpose like the widely accepted EMAS, to actual potential uses in real scenarios. The empirical research combined heavy industry with services, privately owned firms with public entities, private and public sector, in the analysis of this technology. The paper represents a necessary landmark for a subsequent longitudinal study.