Food and drink supply chains are complex, continually changing systems, involving many participants. They present stakeholders across the food and drinks industries with considerable challenges. Delivering performance in food supply chains offers expert perspectives to help practitioners and academics to improve their supply chain operations. The Editors have identified six key challenges in managing food and drinks supply chains. Each section of the book focuses on one of these important issues. The first chapters consider the fundamental role of relationship management in supply chains. The next section discusses another significant issue: aligning supply and demand. Part three considers five different approaches to effective and efficient process management, while quality and safety management, an issue food companies need to take very seriously, is subject of the next section. Parts five and six review issues which are currently driving change in food supply chains: the effective use of new technologies and the desire to deliver food sustainably and responsibly. With expert contributions from leaders in their fields, Delivering performance in food supply chains will help practitioners and academics to understand different approaches in supply chain management, explore alternative methods and develop more effective systems. Considers the fundamental role of relationship management in supply chains including an overview of performance measurement in the management of food supply chains Discusses the alignment of supply and demand in food supply chains and reviews sales and operations planning and marketing strategies for competitive advantage in the food industry Provides an overview of the effective use of new technologies and those that will be used in the future to deliver food sustainably and reliably.
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RESUMEN La presente tesis tiene como Título "PLAN INTRASSEC PARA DISMINUIR LA INSEGURIDAD CIUDADANA EN EL DISTRITO DE TUMBES; distrito que es la capital de la provincia y departamento de Tumbes; se fundamenta en datos estadísticos tomados del distrito de Tumbes los últimos cuatro años; los mismos de los cuales se obtuvo como resultados un sorprendente y desalentador INCREMENTO de la Inseguridad Ciudadana en el distrito de Tumbes, que se ven reflejados en estadísticas a nivel nacional, ubicándonos en los primeros lugares de mayor Inseguridad Ciudadana en el país; es por ello que surge la necesidad de proponer la implementación de un plan que permitirá la disminución de la Inseguridad Ciudadana en el jurisdicción de Tumbes como distrito, el plan a implementar es el denominado por el autor, PLAN "INTRASSEC"; el cual consiste en trabajar preventivamente de manera INTEGRADA y TRASVERSAL con los actores tanto gubernamentales, institucionales, sociales y civiles en general del distrito de Tumbes, para generar con la aplicación de diversas actividades preventivas, educativas y formativas, la disminución de la percepción de la Inseguridad Ciudadana que actualmente se vive en el distrito. En la PRIMERA parte de este trabajo, se describe la realidad que atraviesa el distrito de Tumbes con respecto a la Inseguridad Ciudadana y se plantea la necesidad de contar con mecanismos que hagan posible la disminución de la misma; se plantea la problemática, se establecen objetivos, tanto general como específicos de la presente tesis; de igual forma, la justificación y metodología que ha sido aplicada para el desarrollo de la misma. La SEGUNDA parte, está referida al marco teórico, el mismo que incluye antecedentes con experiencias similares a las que en esta tesis se plantea; además de las respectivas bases teóricas y legislación sobre la cual se sustenta el desarrollo de la misma; también se desarrolla el marco conceptual con las definiciones de los términos utilizados y sobre los que se desarrolla el contexto de estas tesis. En la TERCERA Parte, se desarrolla a detalle la Propuesta de Solución en la que se describe cada uno de los ejes temáticos que conforman el plan INTRASSEC; y la forma cómo es que se va a desarrollar cada una de ellas y en qué aportarán a la eficacia y eficiencia al momento de la ejecución del plan, dado que este, se pretende generar mediante el trabajo de un equipo multidisciplinario y múltiples actividades preventivas, integradoras y educativas, la participación activa de la población, y repotenciando las capacidades de los distintos sectores del distrito; elevar el nivel y la calidad de vida, proyectando una mejor expectativa social y cultural de la población. La CUARTA Parte, contempla puntos sumamente importantes en el desarrollo de la tesis, tales como la diagnosis y la discusión de los resultados, ya que es sobre estos mismos, en los cuales fundamento con mayor solides la propuesta de Implementación del plan INTRASSEC, puesto que en estos puntos se explican los resultados positivos de las experiencias similares al plan INTRASSEC que permiten PROYECTAR dichos RESULTADOS que el plan tendría de llevarse a cabo su aplicación en el distrito de Tumbes; dado que las experiencias a obtener serían positivas de la misma forma que en los casos nacionales e internacionales que se muestran, puesto que estos contienen ejes temáticos, actividades y metodologías similares a las que se implementarán en el Plan INTRASSEC, además que se está hablando de una población relativamente similar en los casos y experiencias presentadas. Y por último como QUINTA Parte de la Tesis, están las conclusiones a las que se llegaron con el estudio, y en las que se responde al objetivo general y los objetivos específicos planteados en la tesis. Así mismo se presentan las recomendaciones para mejorar los resultados en el momento mismo de la implementación del Plan INTRASSEC. ; ABSTRACT This thesis is titled "INTRASSEC DESIGN PLAN TO REDUCE INSECURITY IN THE DISTRICT OF TUMBES; which it is the capital district of the province and department of Tumbes; is based on the district borrowed four years Tumbes statistics; the same of which was obtained as a surprising and disappointing results increased insecurity in the district citizen Lay, which are reflected in national statistics, placing in the first places of citizen insecurity in the country; that is why the need to propose the implementation of a plan that will allow the reduction of citizen insecurity in the district court of Tumbes as arises to implement the plan is called by the author PLAN "INTRASSEC"; which it is to work proactively integrated and transversal way with governmental, institutional, social and general civil district of Tumbes, to generate the application of various preventive, educational and training activities actors, decreasing the perception of citizen insecurity currently lives in the district. In the FIRST part of this work , the reality that crosses the district of Tumbes regarding citizen insecurity described and the need for mechanisms that enable the reduction of the same arises; the problem arises, objective, both general and specific of this thesis are established; likewise, the rationale and methodology that has been applied to develop it. The SECOND one refers to the theoretical framework, which includes the same history with similar experiences that arises in this thesis; in addition to the respective bases theory and legislation on which is supported the development of the same; the framework is also developed with the definitions of the terms used and about the context of this thesis is developed. In Part THREE, it develops in detail the proposed solution described in each of the themes that make up the INTRASSEC plan; and the way how it is going to develop each of them and what will contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency when implementing the plan, as this, is to generate through the work of a multidisciplinary and multiple preventive activities team and inclusive education, active participation of the population, and repowering capabilities of different sectors of the district; raising the level and quality of life , designing better social and cultural expectation of the people Part QUARTER , provides extremely important points in the development of the thesis , such as the diagnosis and discussion of the results , as it is on these same , in which I base most solides the proposal Implementation INTRASSEC plan since these points similar experiences INTRASSEC plan are explained with positive results that can project these results that the plan would be carried out in the district implementation of Tumbes ; since the experiences you get would be positive in the same way that national and international cases shown , since they contain themes , activities and similar methodologies to which they will be implemented in the INTRASSEC plan also it is being spoken of a relatively similar in cases and experiences presented population. And finally as FIFTH of the thesis, are the conclusions that were reached by the study, and which meets the general objective and specific objectives in the thesis. Also recommendations are presented to improve results at the same time the implementation of INTRASSEC plan.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the configurations of supply chain integration.
Design/methodology/approach – The authors use qualitative data from manufacturers shortlisted for the UK's Manufacturing Excellence awards over three years. Detailed processes and policies of 68 manufacturers are analysed.
Findings – Process structure and product newness require different supply chain configurations, which change as products mature. Supply chain integration is dynamic, and the extent of collaboration between suppliers and customers will be different at different moments in time. The authors define and discuss four key supply chain configurations: customised; ramp-up; recurring; coordinated.
Research limitations/implications – Future studies on supply chain integration should be controlled for the variation in the configurations. A limitation is the use of data which were derived for an award. The paper explains how the authors have mitigated the associated risks.
Practical implications – The configuration of integration will change as the manufacturing plant becomes more familiar with a product. Additionally, different suppliers may provide better support at different stages of a product's lifecycle. To yield better performance, supply chain integration would need to take different forms. Efforts to integrate with suppliers should not be avoided as, when certain conditions are met, integration can lead to improved performance.
Originality/value – The authors have identified manufacturers' main process structures and products' newness as two strategic characteristics that differentiate integration approaches with customers and suppliers, and defined four integration configurations. To the authors' knowledge this is the first study to argue that these also define the configuration of supply chain integration.
PurposeThis pathway paper offers research guidance for investigating illegal supply chains as they increasingly threaten societies, economies and ecosystems. There are implications for policy makers to consider incorporating supply chain expertise.Design/methodology/approachThe authors' work is informed by the team's previous and ongoing studies, research from fields such as criminology, investigative journalism and legal documents.FindingsIllegality occurs in many supply chains and consists in multiple forms. Certain sectors, supply chain innovations, longer supply chains, and heterogeneous regulations and enforcement exacerbate illegal activities. But illegal activity may be necessary for humanitarian, religious or nationalistic reasons. These areas are under explored by supply chain researchers.Research limitations/implicationsBy encouraging supply chain academics to research in this area as well as form collaborative partnerships outside of the discipline, the authors hope to move the field forward in prevention as well as learning from illegal supply chains.Practical implicationsPractitioners seek to prevent issues like counterfeiting with their products as well as fraud for economic and reputational reasons.Social implicationsGovernments strive to minimise impacts on their economies and people, and both governments and NGOs attempt to minimise the negative social and environmental impacts. Policy makers need supply chain researchers to evaluate new laws to prevent enabling illegality in supply chains.Originality/valueAs an under-explored area, the authors suggest pathways such as partnering with other disciplines, exploring why these supply chains occur, considering other data sources and methodologies to interdict illegality and learning from illegal supply chains to improve legal supply chains.
The Covid-19 pandemic represents a low-probability, high-impact systemic risk that has severely disrupted international trade, reshaping the patterns of globalization. Drawing from the concept of supply chain resilience, which involves both the ability of a system to withstand an impact (robustness) and recover from it (responsiveness), we investigate country-level trade resilience during the 1st wave of the pandemic. By employing Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA), we identify configurations of country-level factors, i.e., country profiles, based on their effectiveness in engendering trade resilience. These factors include social and economic globalization, logistics performance, healthcare preparedness, national government response, and income level. The results show how these factors coalesced to strengthen (or weaken) international trade resilience, contributing to a holistic understanding of the impact of the pandemic on international trade. The findings inform the post-Covid-19 debate on international trade, with implications for managers and policymakers.
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to test the moderated-mediated model using a dataset drawn from 204 manufacturing firms in Australia, and Hayes' PROCESS macro software was used for analyzing the research model.Design/methodology/approachThis study examines how firms can leverage the strategic value of their key supplier for improving their product performance by developing strategic collaborations with the key supplier as a mediating factor. Furthermore, it also seeks to understand the role that commitment plays in strategic relationships by testing how the mediating role of strategic collaboration is moderated by the level of buyer-suppliers relational capital.FindingsThe findings show that strategic collaborations mediate the relationship between the strategic value of key supplier and buyer's product performance, and the mediating effect is moderated by the relational capital between the buyer and the key supplier in such a way that the stronger the relational capital the stronger the indirect effect of strategic value of key supplier on buyer's product performance.Practical implicationsThe findings show that firms could derive significant benefits from the strategic value of their key supplier in improving their product performance. However, the benefits can only be realized if firms can build successful strategic collaborations in the first place. At the same time, this study also demonstrates the importance of relational capital in terms of commitment and trust with the key supplier that influences the effectiveness of strategic collaborations in realizing the outcome of the collaborations.Originality/valueThis study addresses the gap in the literature by disentangling the complex relationship between a key supplier's strategic value and a buyer's product performance and the role that both collaboration and relational capital play in this relationship. By integrating strategic collaborations and relational capital of buyer-supplier relationships, this study not only confirms the links by testing key supplier's strategic value, strategic collaboration and product performance, but also extends the previous studies by incorporating the moderating role of relational capital as a contingent factor.
This research investigates the effect of political risk on the offshore service industry. The study empirically examines how an extended political risk definition, operationalised into a model consisting of 12 political risk variables, helps predict location decisions across offshoring entry modes and activity types. The research focuses on captive offshoring and offshore outsourcing entry modes, and Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO), Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) activity types. The research indicated that political risk factors accounted for 38% of the variability in offshore outsourcing flows, implying that concerns about service disruptions and/or cost implications of external uncertainties feature as a key factor in supplier selection and location decisions. The findings further confirm a positive relationship between institutional and regulatory factors in host locations, and the flow of offshoring activities with a high knowledge content. The research contributes to enhancing the explanatory ability of Transaction Cost Economics by re-operationalising the concept of political risk in the context of both offshore outsourcing and captive offshoring. For practitioners, these findings provide a clear indication of the political risks that can affect service offshoring decisions; for policymakers, they highlight the importance of strengthening institutional and regulatory factors to attract investment.
Galapagos is often cited as an example of the conflicts that are emerging between resource conservation and economic development in island ecosystems, as the pressures associated with tourism threaten nature, including the iconic and emblematic species, unique terrestrial landscapes, and special marine environments. In this paper, two projects are described that rely upon dynamic systems models and agent-based models to examine human–environment interactions. We use a theoretical context rooted in complexity theory to guide the development of our models that are linked to social–ecological dynamics. The goal of this paper is to describe key elements, relationships, and processes to inform and enhance our understanding of human–environment interactions in the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador. By formalizing our knowledge of how systems operate and the manner in which key elements are linked in coupled human–natural systems, we specify rules, relationships, and rates of exchange between social and ecological features derived through statistical functions and/or functions specified in theory or practice. The processes described in our models also have practical applications in that they emphasize how political policies generate different human responses and model outcomes, many detrimental to the social–ecological sustainability of the Galapagos Islands.
PurposeTheoretical models of collaboration assume that intra‐organizational relationships are more collaborative that inter‐organizational ones. This paper seeks to question the validity of this assumption by comparing the levels of collaboration in two cases that comprise both types of relationship.Design/methodology/approachTwo case studies in the UK food industry were conducted, in each two relationships were analyzed: one inter‐ and one intra‐organizational. Data were collected through a questionnaire followed by semi‐structured interviews.FindingsThis exploratory research indicates that in both case studies intra‐organizational relationships have lower levels of collaboration than inter‐organizational ones. This appears to contradict the commonly held assumption that intra‐organizational relationships involve closer collaborations than inter‐organizational ones.Research limitations/implicationsCase study approaches have reliability and generalisability limitations, however, the paper was given in‐depth access to four relationships (two per case), which provide a basis for further research. The use of multiple informants and two methods of data collection helped to increase reliability and efforts were made to reduce bias in responses by ensuring confidentiality and engaging with participating companies in an impartial way.Practical implicationsA better appreciation of collaboration in inter‐ and intra‐ organizational relationships will result in managers making better decisions about how their organization relates internally and externally. This could have implications for decisions on make‐buy, alliances, and acquisitions.Originality/valueThe paper shows that it is possible to have relationships with customers and suppliers that are more collaborative than those between departments within a single organization. This finding appears to challenge traditional assumptions and provides a new perspective of the management of supply chain relationships.