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6 Ergebnisse
In: The Edinburgh edition of the philosophical works of François Hemsterhuis volume 3
The first ever English translation of François Hemsterhuis' philosophically ambitious and illuminating fragments, notes and correspondenceTranslates Hemsterhuis' fragmentary notes, treatises and letters in English for the first time, supplementing and informing the texts published in volumes 1 and 2 of the seriesIntroduces the first translation into any language that is based on a critical and complete edition of Hemsterhuis' correspondence and unedited worksForms a scholarly edition with full apparatus and commentaries that will elucidate the meaning of Hemsterhuis' textsIncludes introductory essays that cover the full range of subjects at stake in the texts by world-leading scholars of Dutch philosophy like Jonathan I. Israel and Henri A. KropA complete edition with full scholarly apparatus and commentaries, tracing Hemsterhuis' remarkable influence on the French Enlightenment, German Idealism and German Romanticism.The first ever English translation of François Hemsterhuis' philosophically ambitious and illuminating fragments, notes and correspondence, making accessible to Anglophone readers some of the most significant texts, for a genuine understanding of his philosophy.This final volume in The Edinburgh Edition of the Complete Philosophical Works of François Hemsterhuis includes the 'Letter on Atheism', the 'Letter on Fatalism' and the 'Letter on Optics'—all penned as part of his remarkable correspondence with Amalie Gallitzin—as well as the unpublished dialogue, 'Alexis II'. Also included is Hemsterhuis' philosophical responses to Plato, Spinoza and Diderot, to contemporary political events in the Dutch Republic and to the French Revolution
In: Biblioteca di studi umanistici 16
Frontmatter -- Preface -- Table of Contents -- List of Abbreviations/Siglenverzeichnis -- Editors' Introduction. The Owl's Flight. Hegel's Legacy in a Different Voice -- Introduction -- Hegel's Theory of Absolute Spirit as Aesthetic Theory -- Section 1 The Night of Reason -- The Dark Side of Thought. The Body, the Unconscious and Madness in Hegel's Philosophy -- The Feminine in Hegel. Between Tragedy and Magic -- A Plastic Anthropology? Dialectics and Neuroscience in Catherine Malabou's Thought -- Maternal Consciousness and Recognition in the Anthropology of Hegel -- The Rise of Human Freedom in Hegel's Anthropology -- Seele, Verrücktheit, Intersubjektivität. Einige Überlegungen zu Hegels Anthropologie -- Die Behandlung der psychischen Störung. Hegel und Pinel gegen die De-Humanisierung der Geisteskranken -- Verrücktheit und Idealisierung. Wachen, Schlaf, Traum in Hegels Philosophie des Geistes -- Im wachen Zustand träumen. Der Einfluss der Gefühle auf die Entstehung psychischer Krankheiten -- Dialectics of Madness: Foucault, Hegel, and the Opening of the Speculative -- Section 2 Women for and against Hegel -- Hegel's Master and Servant Dialectics in the Feminist Debate -- Giving an Account of Precarious Life and Vulnerability. Antigone's Wisdom after Hegel -- "Men and women are wonderfully alike after all". The Practical Adaption of Hegel by Anna C. Brackett (1836–1911) -- Simone de Beauvoir Reading Hegel. The Master-Slave Dialectic -- Irigaray as a Reader of Hegel. The Feminine as a Marginal Presence -- Domination and Exploitation. Feminist Views on the Relational Subject -- Subversion without Subject? Criticism of the Dissolution of Nature and I-Identity in Performativity -- Considerations on the Female Body between Political Theory and Feminism. The Rehabilitation of Hegel? -- Reading Hegel on Women and Laughing. Hegel against or with Women/Other? -- Section 3 Female Characters in Hegel's Philosophy -- Hegel's Constellation of the Feminine between Philosophy and Life. A Tribute to Dieter Henrich's Konstellationsforschung -- Von Antigone zur anständigen Frau. Hegels Frauenbild im Spannungsfeld zwischen der Phänomenologie des Geistes und der Rechtsphilosophie von 1820 -- "Der Stand der Frau − Hausfrau". Hegels Affirmation der bürgerlichen Geschlechterverhältnisse -- Antigone and the Phenomenology of Spirit. Between Literary Source (vv. 925–928) and Philosophical Reading -- The Feminist Potential of Hegel's Tragic Heroines -- Welches Recht ist gerecht? 'Sittlichkeit' und 'Gerechtigkeit' in Hegels Deutung der Antigone -- Antigone's Guilt. Reading Antigone with Hegel and Butler -- Die Tochter der Nacht: "Nemesis" im Maß. Das Maßlose und die absolute Indifferenz in Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik -- Die mütterliche Seite der Dreieinigkeit an einer Stelle der Phänomenologie des Geistes -- The Sphinx and Hegel's Philosophy of History. On the Philosophical Riddle -- Section 4 The Twentieth Century and Hegel: Subversion or Conciliation? -- Subversion or Conciliation? The Challenges of Hegel's Legacy -- Hegels Relevanz für den heutigen Diskurs zu "Gemeinschaft/Community" -- The Work of Man and the End-of-History. Hegel Transfigured by Kojève's Thought -- Subjects of Desire and Law Hypothesis on Kojève's Hegel -- Der Andere in der Begierde. Kojèves Hegelianismus und dessen Einfluss auf die französische Philosophie -- Kreis und Ellipse Adornos Kritik an Hegel -- The Hegelian Influence in Adorno's Construction of the Idea of Nature -- Difference and Affirmation. Deleuze against Hegel -- WO-MAN DIFFÉRANCE (I): Figuras indecidibles. Sexual Difference and Gender (Hegel read by Heidegger, read by Derrida, read by Cixous, read by Butler … et ainsi de suite) -- The Logic of Remains in Derrida -- With Portia in the Passage towards Philosophy. The Place of Translation in Hegel's System -- Reading Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. A Feminist Issue -- Section 5 Re-thinking the Absolute Spirit -- Suggestions on a Re-interpretation of Hegel's Philosophy of Absolute Spirit -- Friendship and Religion. Some Missing Elements in Hegel's Conception of "Lordship and Bondage" -- "Das Lob der Frauen". Hegel und das ästhetische Ideal Schillers -- The Reins of the Inconceivable. Contemporary Echoes of Hegel's Theory on Symbolic Art: Interpreting Kapoor's Art between Danto, Mitchell and Gadamer -- Philosophy and the End of Art. Hegel in Danto's View -- Judaism as the Other of Greek-Christian Civilization. Samuel Hirsch, Franz Rosenzweig, and Ernst Cassirer on Hegel's Religionsphilosophie -- Von Homer bis Hegel. Die Konzeption der Geschichte in Homer und der 'Traum des Hades' als vorstrukturierte Lesart der Hegelschen spekulativen Philosophie -- Hegel's Thought in Egypt. The "East", Islam, and the Course of History -- The "Feminine". A Breach in the Absolute Levinasian Anti-idealism -- Conclusion -- Critique, Refutation, Appropriation: Strategies of Hegel's Dialectic -- List of Contributors -- Editors -- Invited Contributors -- Selected Papers -- Index