O Programa Bolsa Família, considerado referência internacional entre os modelos de condicional cash transfer, surge durante o primeiro governo do Partido dos Trabalhadores como resultado da unificação de diversos programas de transferência de renda anteriores que buscavam, sobretudo, romper com o ciclo da pobreza. O presente artigo tem o objetivo de descrever, por meio de um panorama histórico, o processo de construção do programa com base em suas experiências pregressas. Para tanto, utiliza como principal estratégia metodológica, a análise qualiquantitativa, com foco nos principais programas e iniciativas implementadas entre 1991 e 2003. Durante os 18 anos em que permaneceu em atividade, identifica que o programa contribuiu, em conjunto com as diversas políticas sociais implementadas, na redução dos índices gerais de pobreza e no fortalecimento do pacto federativo brasileiro.
Objectives: The scope of this research includes the examination of the set of measures related to foreign trade adopted by Brazil in the fight against Covid-19 and enabling the understanding of its dimension and importance.Methodology: Through the bibliographic review, examination of Brazilian legislation, and analysis of public data, the Brazilian foreign trade public policies are researched to combat the current health crisis, as well as reflect on the volume, importance, and impacts of such policies. Results: It was found that Brazil has adopted numerous and essential foreign trade public policies to avoid importing goods' burdens and bureaucracy, and for the lack of control on exportation to compromise Brazilians' access to the products necessary to combat COVID-19. Furthermore, in the drawback regime, the policy's importance to mitigate the economic impact of the crisis on foreign trade agents was verified.Contributions: This study allows for an understanding of the public policies to combat the health crisis adopted by Brazil, a reflection on its importance and, especially in the case of the special customs regime of drawback, examining its economic impacts. This article, due to its breadth and depth, can serve as a reference for research on the subject under different approaches, such as the economic analysis of law.Keywords: COVID-19; Pandemic; Foreign Trade; Import; Export; Drawback; Antidumping. RESUMOObjetivos: O escopo dessa pesquisa incluí examinar o conjunto de medidas relativas ao comércio exterior adotadas pelo Brasil no combate ao Covid 19 e permitir a compreensão da sua dimensão e importância.Metodologia: Por meio de revisão bibliográfica, exame da legislação brasileira e análise de dados públicos, as políticas públicas brasileiras de comércio exterior são levantar para combater a atual crise de saúde, bem como refletir sobre o volume, importância e impactos de tais políticas. Resultado: Verificou-se que o Brasil adotou numerosas e importantes políticas públicas no comércio exterior no sentido de evitar que a oneração e a burocracia na importação e a falta de controle na exportação comprometam o acesso dos brasileiros aos produtos necessários no combate ao Covid 19. Além disso, no caso do regime de drawback, verificou-se a importância da política adotada para atenuar o impacto econômico da crise sobre os agentes do comércio exterior.Contribuições: Este estudo permite a compreensão das políticas públicas de combate à crise sanitária adotadas pelo Brasil e uma reflexão sobre sua importância e, especialmente no caso do regime aduaneiro especial de drawback, o exame do seu impacto econômico. Este artigo, por sua abrangência e profundidade, pode servir de referência para futuras pesquisas sobre o assunto sob diferentes abordagens, como a análise econômica do direito.Palavras-chave: Covid-19; Pandemia; Comércio Exterior; Importação; Exportação; Drawback; Antidumping.
This study performs a historical analysis of one of the oldest special customs regimesin Brazil: temporary admission. This regime has been applied in Brazil for more than twocenturies, and it has been gradually expanded, especially in the last thirty years. In terms ofspecial customs regimes, it is one of the most widely used in the country when consideringthe taxes calculated and the statements recorded, what justifies the focus.The focus of the analysis is the evaluation of the current existing regulation in Brazilin the light of the historical evolution of its legislation, and this is a comparative study thatevaluates the international scenario and the perception of operators on the latest proceduralstandard edited about the regime in Brazil.Such a perception was obtained from a qualitative and quantitative research withoperators who use the regime, and it sought to identify possible improvements of the newprocedure in terms of simplification and adaptation to the best international practices. Thecollaboration between the public sector and the private sector in the construction of newprocedures and the positive results obtained demonstrates that it is possible to contribute toreduce time and costs, while increasing the efficiency of the Customs in the control of theregime.As results, this article identified that the new procedures concerning the regimereduce the bureaucracy of the temporary admission, reduce costs and save labor. ; В данном исследовании проводится исторический анализ одного из старейшихспециальных таможенных режимов Бразилии – временного ввоза. Этот режимприменяется в Бразилии более двух столетий и постепенно масштабируется,особенно в последние тридцать лет. Среди других специальных таможенныхрежимов он является одним из наиболее широко используемых в Бразилии, исходя изсумм заплаченных налогов и количества поданных деклараций.Основное внимание уделяется оценке существующих процедур в светеисторической эволюции законодательства Бразилии. Проведен сравнительныйанализ, в котором оценивается международный сценарий и восприятиеэкономическими операторами последнего процессуального стандарта, добавленного врежим временного ввоза в Бразилию.Приведенные в статье результаты были получены в результатекачественного и количественного анализа работы экономических операторов,использующих режим временного ввоза. Целью данного анализа было выявитьвозможные улучшения, связанные с введением новой процедуры, с точки зренияупрощения торговли и адаптации к лучшим международным практикам.Сотрудничество между государственными органами и бизнесом в разработке новыхпроцедур и полученные положительные результаты свидетельствует о том, чтосуществует возможность сокращения времени и затрат при одновременномповышении эффективности деятельности таможенной службы в области контроляза режимом временного ввоза.В заключение, в данной статье было установлено, что новые процедурыуменьшают уровень бюрократии во время применения режима временного ввоза,снижают затраты и экономят труд.