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18 Ergebnisse
In: Social science information, Band 34, Heft 1, S. 67-77
ISSN: 1461-7412
In: American behavioral scientist: ABS, Band 34, Heft 3, S. 371
ISSN: 0002-7642
In: American behavioral scientist: ABS, Band 34, Heft 3, S. 371-385
ISSN: 1552-3381
In: American political science review, Band 84, Heft 3, S. 973-974
ISSN: 1537-5943
In: Politics and the life sciences: PLS ; a journal of political behavior, ethics, and policy, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 48-49
ISSN: 1471-5457
Writing as someone outside the field of political science, but very much involved in studies of behavior-physiology interactions, James Davies' article seems to me to be compelling in its argument for a reorientation of much of political science to include biology. As Davies points out, there is clear and convincing evidence that different physiological states are associated with different probabilities of aggression. Moreover, he cited only a part of the available evidence. At this time, data strongly support two of his points: multiple factors (e.g., genetic, developmental) contribute to the long-run probability of aggression; and different levels of neurotransmitters and hormones contribute to the short-run probability of aggression. All higher animal forms (and lower forms insofar as is known) are capable of aggression, however, within-animal frequency and type of aggression differ. Thus, what factors alter the probability of aggression under different circumstances becomes a question of great interest. It is this issue that Davies addresses. Yet, he may not have gone far enough in his effort to alert readers about the importance of understanding physiological processes as an essential requisite for understanding aggression in particular and behavior in general.
In: American behavioral scientist: ABS, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 295-312
ISSN: 0002-7642
In: International political science review: the journal of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) = Revue internationale de science politique, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 11-32
ISSN: 1460-373X
This article discusses dominance relationships in groups of male vervet monkeys and the potential relevance of selected findings from vervet studies to research on human political behavior. In considering the vervets, we first focus on the empirical data de scribing dominant and non-dominant animals, including both behavioral and bio chemical points of distinction, and then turn to the species-typical constraints associated with such dominance relationships. Methodological and theoretical points of departure for human studies are noted, and an illustrative study of humans is briefly summarized.
In: American behavioral scientist: ABS, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 295-312
ISSN: 1552-3381
In: Schriftenreihe zur Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstatsachenforschung v.73
Intro -- Contents -- Preface by Margaret Gruter -- I. Introduction -- Michael T. McGuire and Manfred Rehbinder: Can Biology Inform Environmental Law? -- II. Theory and General Concepts -- 1. Zdenek Madar: Environmental Protection: The Necessity of an Interdisciplinary Approach -- I. Importance of the Interdisciplinary Approach in Scientific Research in General -- II. Importance of Interdisciplinarity in the Field of Legal Protection of Environment -- III. Conclusion -- 2. Margaret Gruter: Ethology and Environmental Law -- I. Species-Characteristic Behaviors and the Environment -- 1. Self-interest -- 2. Nepotism -- 3. Reciprocity -- 4. Indirect Reciprocity -- II. Biology and Laws Dealing with Preservation to the Environment -- 1. Public Education -- 2. Laws with Harsh Penalities, Tempting Awards, and Attractive Subsidies -- 3. Community-Support Systems -- 4. Auctioning off the Environment -- Ill. Reduced Competitiveness -- Limited Environmental Density -- and Ideological/Religious Solutions -- IV. Conclusion -- 3. Hans Rudolf Trüeb: Economics and the Environment: The Case For Tradeable Emission Permits -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Ecology and Economics: A Dangerous Liaison? -- 3 Of Commons, Coase and Clean Air -- 3.1 The Invisible Hand, or: Doing What Comes Naturally -- 3.2 Bargaining in the Shadow of the Smoke-Stack -- 3.3 Beyond Command and Control -- 4 Tradeable Permits: A New Instrument in Environmental Policy -- 4.1 The Idea... -- 4.2 ...and Its Refinements -- 5 Collective Choice for Command and Control -- 5.1 Pressure Groups and Environmental Policy -- 5.2 Synopsis -- 6 Aphorisms to a Theory of Instrument Choice -- 6.1 Environmental1ncidence -- 6.2 Cost Savings: Facts and Illusions -- 6.3 Organizational Viability: The Role of Certainty -- 6.4 Distributional Effects and Equal Treatment.
In a concise, lively, accessible, and witty style, the authors combine zoom-lens vignettes of religious practices with discussions of the latest research on religion's neurological effects on the brain. Among other topics, they consider religion's role in providing positive socialization, its seeming obsession with regulating sex, how religion's rules of behavior influence the law, the common biological scaffolding between nonhuman primates and humans and how this affects religion, a detailed look at brain chemistry and how it changes as a result of stress
In: Political psychology: journal of the International Society of Political Psychology, Band 17, Heft 4, S. 789
ISSN: 1467-9221
In: Political psychology: journal of the International Society of Political Psychology, Band 17, Heft 4, S. 789-792
ISSN: 0162-895X
In: Social science information, Band 26, Heft 2, S. 385-402
ISSN: 1461-7412