30 Ergebnisse
Big slavery: agribusiness and the crisis in women's employment in Tanzania
This book sets out to correct the usual portrayal of Tanzania's agriculture as being primarily or solely based on peasant farming. The significant contribution of the private and the public sectors during and after the colonial period is examined, along with its growing importance of women's labour as unpaid family labour in peasant household production and as waged labour in peasant and largescale capitalist farming. She also traces the crisis of the so-called 'shortage of casual labour' in the estate sector during the 1970s and early 1980s to women's resistances and the mushrooming of 'off-the-books' activities organised by women in urban and rural areas. (DÜI-Hff)
World Affairs Online
ROAPE at 50: What is ROAPE's significance to me?
In: Review of African political economy, Band 51, Heft 181
ISSN: 1740-1720
Analysing the history of agrarian struggles in Tanzania from a feminist perspective
In: Review of African political economy, Band 43, Heft sup1
ISSN: 1740-1720
Agriculture remains the major site of employment and livelihoods for most Tanzanians, and especially women. This article explores patterns of continuity and change in agrarian struggles and primitive accumulation in Tanzania from a transformative feminist perspective. Such a framework combines gender and class, and questions of race and national sovereignty in its analysis of production and reproduction as significant components of feminist political economy. It pursues the author's particular interest in the continuity between colonial efforts to destroy the self-sustaining nature of peasant production and reproduction and to promote settler and corporate agriculture and mining instead, and the present neoliberal focus on 'transformation'. The analysis here is based on a re-reading of earlier work, including much of the author's own, together with reflection on the results of participatory action research carried out by the Tanzanian Gender Networking Programme with grassroots activists in selected rural areas during the period from 2010 to 2014. Of particular significance is the joint emphasis given by grassroots women both to economic and social service issues.
Debating Land and Agrarian Issues from a Gender Perspective
In: Agrarian south: journal of political economy, Band 5, Heft 2-3, S. 164-186
ISSN: 2321-0281
Agrarian studies in Africa today is taking place in the context of an aggressive plunder of resources by national and foreign companies and of other processes of primitive accumulation shaped by the global crisis of capital. This article analyses ongoing gender and class struggles over agricultural commercialization in Tanzania. The article is a tribute to Sam Moyo, whose rigorous scholarship and committed activism was an inspiration for this author, as for many other scholar activists involved in agrarian issues. The analysis here is shaped by transformative feminist analysis/action, which uses gender, class and race analysis intersecting with other social relations, such as age, to understand the changing agrarian political economy and to challenge patriarchy and neoliberal globalization.
Struggles over Land and Livelihoods in African Agriculture
In: Development: journal of the Society for International Development (SID), Band 55, Heft 3, S. 390-392
ISSN: 1461-7072
Struggles over patriarchal structural adjustment in Tanzania
In: Gender & Development, Band 1, Heft 3, S. 26-29
ISSN: 1364-9221
Agribusiness and Women Peasants in Tanzania
In: Development and change, Band 19, Heft 4, S. 549-583
ISSN: 1467-7660
Agribusiness and women peasants in Tanzania
In: Development and change
ISSN: 0012-155X
Untersuchung der Beziehungen zwischen Kleinbauern, Kapitaleignern und transnationalen Unternehmen in Tansania und den Veränderungen in der geschlechtsspezifischen Arbeitsteilung in der Kleinlandwirtschaft. Anhand einer Fallstudie über Teebäuerinnen im Rungwe Distrikt wird augezeigt, wie die ursprünglich zur Stärkung der Kleinbauern initiierten Programme der Weltbank zur Zerstörung der kleinbäuerlichen Strukturen führten und daraufhin die Förderung von Großgrundbesitz und des multinationalen Agrobusiness propagiert wurde. (DÜI-Fwr)
World Affairs Online
Agribusiness and Casual Labor in Tanzania
In: African economic history, Heft 15, S. 107
ISSN: 2163-9108
Women Studies and the Crisis in Africa
In: Social scientist: monthly journal of the Indian School of Social Sciences, Band 13, Heft 10/11, S. 72
' Women in development' ideology: The promotion of competition and exploitation
In: The African review: a journal of African politics, development and international affairs, Band 11, Heft 1, S. 14-33
ISSN: 0002-0117, 0856-0056
Weltbank und UNO im Verein mit anderen wichtigen Entwicklungs-Institutionen haben ein "Women in Development" (WID) Konzept entwickelt, das dem großen Anteil der Frauen in der Landwirtschaft gerecht werden soll. Die Autorin erhebt den Vorwurf, daß dieses vor allem in Tansania propagierte Konzept den Wettbewerb zwischen den Frauen verschärft und ihre Ausbeutung vertieft. Sie zeigt dies anhand von Feldforschungen in Mbaye, die sie im Zeitraum 1981-83 durchführte. Im Zusammenhang damit stellt sie Aktivitäten der staatlichen tansanischen Frauenorganisation zur Förderung von Frauen vor. (DÜI-Gbh)
World Affairs Online
Research priorities in women's studies in Eastern Africa
In: Women's studies international forum, Band 7, Heft 4, S. 289-300
Tanzanian women confront the past and the future
In: Futures, Band 7, Heft 5, S. 400-413