
44 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12019

Ebola virus at the interface human - wildlife and animal reservoir of Ebola viruses in the Democratic Republic of Congo ; Virus Ebola à l'interface homme – faune sauvage et réservoir animal des virus Ebola en République Démocratique du Congo


Open Access#22019

Ebola virus at the interface human - wildlife and animal reservoir of Ebola viruses in the Democratic Republic of Congo ; Virus Ebola à l'interface homme – faune sauvage et réservoir animal des virus Ebola en République Démocratique du Congo


Open Access#32019

Ebola virus at the interface human - wildlife and animal reservoir of Ebola viruses in the Democratic Republic of Congo ; Virus Ebola à l'interface homme – faune sauvage et réservoir animal des virus Ebola en République Démocratique du Congo


Open Access#42017

Full Genome Characterization of a New Simian Immune Deficiency Virus Lineage in a Naturally Infected Cercopithecus ascanius whitesidei in the Democratic Republic of Congo Reveals High Genetic Diversity Among Red-Tailed Monkeys in Central and Eastern Africa


Open Access#52017

High prevalences and a wide genetic diversity of simian retroviruses in non-human primate bushmeat in rural areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo


Open Access#62012

Identification and Molecular Characterization of New Simian T Cell Lymphotropic Viruses in Nonhuman Primates Bushmeat from the Democratic Republic of Congo


Open Access#72019

Clinical Evaluation of QuickNavi(TM)-Ebola in the 2018 Outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


Open Access#8

Clinical Evaluation of QuickNaviTM-Ebola in the 2018 Outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo ; Clinical Evaluation of QuickNavi(TM)-Ebola in the 2018 Outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


Open Access#92021

Investigating the Circulation of Ebola Viruses in Bats during the Ebola Virus Disease Outbreaks in the Equateur and North Kivu Provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo from 2018


Open Access#102021

Investigating the Circulation of Ebola Viruses in Bats during the Ebola Virus Disease Outbreaks in the Equateur and North Kivu Provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo from 2018


Open Access#112021

Investigating the Circulation of Ebola Viruses in Bats during the Ebola Virus Disease Outbreaks in the Equateur and North Kivu Provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo from 2018


Open Access#122021

Investigating the Circulation of Ebola Viruses in Bats during the Ebola Virus Disease Outbreaks in the Equateur and North Kivu Provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo from 2018


Open Access#152021

Multiplex detection of antibodies to Chikungunya, O'nyong-nyong, Zika, Dengue, West Nile and Usutu viruses in diverse non-human primate species from Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo