The specter of skepticism in the age of Enlightenment
The "age of reason" and the specter of skepticism -- The spectrum of anti-skepticism -- The walking ignorant: the skeptical "epidemic" in the eighteenth century -- Pierre Bayle-Bete Noire and the elusive skeptic -- The specter of Bayle returns to haunt France -- Secret skepticism: Huet's fideistic fumbles -- A new hope: the critics of Pyrrhonism strike back -- The Berlin compromise: mitigated skepticism and probability -- Disciplining doubt -- Matter over mind: dualism, materialism, and skepticism in eighteenth-century epistemology -- A matter of debate: conceptions of material substance in the "scientific revolution" -- War of the worlds: Cartesian vortices and Newtonian gravitation in eighteenth-century astronomy -- Historical Pyrrhonism and its discontents