The important role of sensory evaluation in the development of novel multifunctional ingredients
Sensory evaluation has a central role in the development of novel multifunctional ingredients (MFI) in a project funded by the Swiss government (CTI project number 10276.1 PFLS-LS; 2009-2012) involving ZHAW, the Laboratory of Food Biotechnology, ETHZ (Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health) and three Swiss Industry partners: Bakels AG, Coop, and Bioforce AG. The MF ingredients are naturally produced by fermentation technology2 using food-safe microorganisms (i.e. Lactobacillus, Propionic bacteria). MFI contain the vitamins folate and B12; organic acids, such as propionic and acetic acids; and also other functional substances . Clearly MFI have high potential for adding value and benefits to bakery applications and offering new sources of nutritional supplements. In the project, consensus profiling (DIN 10967-2) is being used to identify and characterize different flavours and aroma components in MFI-enriched breads compared with controls (without MFI). This allows to identify both desired and undesired attributes in MFI-breads, therefore allowing rapid adjustments to the fermentation technology and baking trials at pilot scale. Triangle tests are used to test for small differences between MFI-breads and controls. Hedonic tests by consumer panellists are planned for the final ingredients. The present study focused on an off-flavour detected in MFI-enriched breads which resembles that of propionic acid. With the aim of masking or attenuating the off-flavour, five different bread formulations, i.e. whole-wheat-, walnut-, light sour-dough rye-, chia bread and white-bread, were enriched with MFI (2 g/kg dough) and studied for sensory attributes, compared with control bread. The off-flavour was best attenuated by formulations with whole-wheat and chia seeds, as evaluated by consensus profiling. Results were confirmed by a triangle test, showing no significant differences between both MFI-whole-wheat bread and MFI-chia bread (both at 0.2% MFI) compared with their respective control breads. The study shows how sensory is being used to guide the development of MFI ingredients, bringing them closer to commercialization.