Transmitter & Receiver Coil Design for Open Area Concealed Weapon Detection System
Individuals carrying guns, knives and other weapon type metal objects are a threat to general public safety and thus the detection of such weapons is a priority in airports, schools and military checkpoints etc. Conventional metal detectors and image scanners, typically, are unable to distinguish between different types of threat and non-threat metal objects and or lack the ability to detect threat items in large areas. The accurate and fast detection of threat metal objects in a crowded open area environment is the aim of this work. The optimum design of transmitter and receiver coils, which are arranged in an array structure, is an important aspect of an effective large area metal detection system. Transmitter and receiver coils arrays, proposed in this paper, reduce the occurrence of hotspots (area of high sensitivity) or dead zones (area of low sensitivity) and have been modelled and analysed in Opera 3D electromagnetic simulation software. The results are being used to build a multi- zone transmitter and receiver coil array for large open area concealed weapon detection system. Thus, the system is expected to be suited for use in corridor entrances in airports, apartments, schools, colleges and military checkpoints etc.