The paper deals with the study of Ukrainian constitutionalism and its development during the restoration of Ukraine's independence. The category of "constitutionalism" is a topical issue in legal doctrine, and it is analysed concerning various aspects in constitutional law and the theory and history of law. Constitutionalism is a universal concept that contains the basic principles and values, but a certain specificity of this term has its own feature regarding the example of a particular state. That is why the category of "constitutionalism" is an actual topic. The article aims to examine constitutionalism and its features in Ukrainian legal system. The author places special emphasis on the period of restoration of Ukraine's independence. The independence of Ukraine influences the peculiarities of the development of Ukrainian constitutionalism, which derives from the European model of constitutionalism. The Constitution of Ukraine is an important object of analysis of the specifics of Ukrainian constitutionalism. The author determines that the Constitution of Ukraine enshrines independence as the basis of the constitutional order. Article 1 of the Constitution of Ukraine states that Ukraine is an independent state and the Constitutional Court of Ukraine's practice reveals the essence of independence as a constitutional value and a constitutional principle. The author uses systematic, structural, and comparative legal methods as a complex approach to obtaining the results of the research. Finally, the research contains the conclusions that enable the author to provoke the motivation for studying the outlined topic in other scientific works. The paper aims at contributing to the growing research highlighting the current issues of Ukrainian constitutionalism. Keywords: constitutionalism, Ukrainian constitutionalism, independence, restoration of independence of Ukraine, Constitution of Ukraine.
This paper deals with the study of the justification of constitutional principles as a fundamental category of constitutional law. Legal principles are an important conception in the legal doctrine and the legal practice of democratic countries. Ukrainian legal doctrine studies legal principles in the two paradigms, namely fundamental principles and general principles. However, this approach does not result in the understanding of principles in constitutional law. That is why principles in constitutional law are an actual topic. The article aims to examine the fundamental concepts to find the justifications of constitutional principles. Hence, the author pays attention to the content of constitutional law and constitutionalism as principles-based categories. First, constitutional law is a fundamental part of the law in the legal system, and all the parts of the law are dependent on constitutional law. Second, the universal constitutional principles are the same for all legal systems. After all, constitutionalism doctrine consists of the limitation of power, and nowadays, this is expressed through the constitution and different constitution principles. The author uses comparative legal, phenomenological, and system-structural analysis as a valid methodology for this research. Finally, the research investigation contains the following conclusions that enable the author to prove the motivation of the science paper to study the outlined topic. First, constitutional law is the basis of the legal system, which embodies constitutional principles; constitutional law has the same effect on public law and private law. Second, constitutionalism is a source for finding constitutional principles. Third, the system of constitutional principles includes the following characteristics: universality and specificity. The system of constitutional principles is open and depends on the interpretation of constitutions. The paper aims to contribute to the growing research highlighting the current issues of constitutional principles. Keywords: principles, constitutional principles, constitutional law, constitutionalism, the system of constitutional principles.
The article devotes to the study of human dignity in the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. The author aims to continue a previous two science papers on human dignity in the Journal of Eastern European Law. The current law of developed countries is formed under the influence of various historical moments. For each state, the periods of historical processes have their characteristics and consequences. Besides, the author demonstrates the main trends of human dignity in Ukraine and provides the current approaches in dignity in the national law system. This paper provides an overview of the development of the legal position of dignity in the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. Some decisions of the Constitutional Court demonstrate to us a formal explanation "what is human dignity?" However, European Constitutional Courts have special approaches in a lot of cases that help us to understand dignity as a basic value. For example, in the European continent, human dignity is the value on the constitutional level as well as the rule of law, human rights, and democracy. It is a main characteristic of the constitutional values in the European countries that develop democratically. Unfortunately, there are a lot of legal positions in the Constitutional Court of Ukraine where human dignity is used as a declarative category. First of all, on 29 December 1999 in the decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine human dignity is explained as an important part of the right to life. In this case, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine does not more detail the special characteristics of human dignity as a constitutional value. After a long time, on 22 May 2018, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine is made decision where propose a new definition of human dignity. According to the decision, human dignity has basic elements that include such characteristics: 1) dignity is a constitutional human right is guaranteed in Article 28 of the Constitution of Ukraine, 2) human dignity is the constitutional ...
The science paper devotes to the study of the ratio of human dignity and the right to free development of personality based on legal doctrine and practice in Germany and Ukraine. The right to free development of personality can be attributed to one of the examples of individual freedom. However, the right to free development of personality is a part of the system of basic human rights under the Basic Law of Germany. Besides, according to Article 2 (1) of the Basic Law of Germany, the right to free development of personality is a basic human right in the German legal system. The right to free development of personality is the first basic human rights that continue a system after human dignity. Also, іn the Constitution of Ukraine, the right to development of personality is guaranteed in Article 23 as a constitutional human right. It means, that we might ratio to the right to free development of personality and human dignity as a constitutional value. Therefore, to achieve the goals of the study, the materials of the German and Ukrainian doctrines are considered and the practice of protection of the right to free development of personality in combination with the guarantee of human dignity. Finally, the author turns to the study of the hierarchy of constitutional values. This problem is relevant in both German and Ukrainian legal doctrine. There are different approaches to the analysis and definition of the system of constitutional values among researchers of constitutional values. Besides, human dignity is a basic constitutional value in democratic countries and an absolute human right. In the practice in the European constitutional courts often human dignity ratios with different basic human rights. Constitutional courts have to choose the criteria for the limitation of human rights and to protect dignity as a constitutional value. The author aims to contribute to the growing researches in human dignity issues.
This paper deals with the study of the general aspect of the regional structure of human rights. The author pays attention to the structure of the regional system of human rights protection and proposes a basic characteristic of the three elements of this regional system: the American system, the African system, and the regional system in the Middle East. Besides, in the article analysis of Ukrainian doctrine about this issue. The purpose of the article is to study the regional structure of human rights. The following tasks are formulated: 1) to characterize regionalism as a general characteristic of human rights, 2) to research the classification of the regional structure of human rights protection, and 3) to consider scientific research on this issue. The problem of human rights is relevant for a lot of researches because human rights are a modern legal value in a democracy. The development of democracy depends on the level of implementation and protection of human rights. Thus, the development of democracy should analyze through the right level of guarantees, protection, and defense of human rights. Researchers consider both philosophical aspects and international human rights standards. However, the conception of human rights on the international level develops as a universal idea all over the world. In this aspect, human rights are a current concept, but regionalism demonstrates some specialty of human rights in the universal aspect. The author highlights the regional system of human rights as a scientific and practical problem. Finally, the investigation contains necessary conclusions enabling the author to prove the motivation in researching the outlined topic. After all, human rights are an important issue for developed countries as well as developing countries. The author aims to continue a previous science paper on human rights issues in the Ukrainian doctrine.
This article devotes to the study of human dignity in law. To determine the value characteristics of human dignity, the materials of both scientific developments and practical examples are analyzed. Thus, the paper analyses the constitutional regulation of human dignity according to the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany and the doctrinal approaches that reveal the importance of dignity in law. Besides, the author pay attention to the protection of human dignity by the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany. The current law of developed countries is formed under the influence of various historical moments. For each state, the periods of historical processes have their characteristics and consequences. The focus is on the universal concept of human dignity, which is the value base for current democratic countries. The issue of human dignity cannot research without the German`s legal approach. It is in the German legal system that human dignity can be distinguished as a legal value. The universality of human dignity should be explained by the approaches laid down in German doctrine. For the social sciences, especially law, human dignity is an important context in the current world. However, human dignity focuses on both the legislative level of guarantee (first of all, constitutional level) and practically depends on the specifics of implementation (first of all, judicial protection). Finally, the investigation contains necessary conclusions enabling the author to prove the motivation in researching the outlined topic. Specifically, human dignity is an important issue for current democracy and a very specific conception in the general theory of law as well as in the constitutional law. So, this article aims to contribute to the growing more scientific papers which are highlighting the options for the effective protection of human rights.
This research paper deals with the study of human dignity in Ukrainian legal doctrine. In particular, the article offers the analysis of Ukrainian scientific researches on human dignity as a constitutional value. The present study is important for two main reasons: 1) the article analyses human dignity on the normative level and 2) studies the design of norm Article 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine. This paper provides an overview of the development of the position of dignity in the legal system of Ukraine. There are a lot of authors investigate human dignity in different aspects. At least, in the science paper highlights human dignity as value and principle. However, human dignity isoften named human rights but the author focuses on dignity as the value in the current constitutional law. The focus is on the universal concept of human dignity, which is the value base for current democratic countries.In fact, in the European continent, human dignity is the value on the constitutional level as well as the rule of law, human rights, and democracy. It is a main characteristic of the constitutional values in the European countries that develop democratically. Particular attention is paid to the analysis normative structure of the Constitution of Ukraine which regulates human dignity in Article 3 of the Constitution. The author demonstrates discussions about the constitutional design of human dignity in Ukraine. Besides, increased focus on the negative connotation to direct interpretation of the article about human dignity in the Constitution of Ukraine. In general terms, the author demonstrates the main trends of human dignity in the Ukrainian doctrine and provides the current approaches in dignity in the national law system in Ukraine. So, the investigation contains necessary conclusions enabling the author to prove the motivation in researching the outlined topic. Specifically, human dignity is an important issue for current democratic states. The author aims to continue a previous science paper on human dignity as ...
This article deals with the institute of citizenship which is a key element of the legal status of an individual through which the basic human rights are realized. The author considers the correlation between civil and political human rights which are considering as interdependent types of human rights. German and Ukrainian legal literature on the subject of the paper is examined and features of the citizenship of the European Union are analyzed. Basic human rights are studied in the German legal doctrine. Basic human rights are realized through the legal status of a natural person as a subject of such rights. According to the natural-rights approach it is traditionally believed that basic human rights are the bearer of rights from nature. By the way, the state does not have a direct need to normative consolidation of such rights. Recognition of the basic rights by the state in modern conditions is one of the elements of the guarantee of human rights in a democracy. The author highlights the legal status of a natural person who influences the realization of human rights. The legal status of the natural person involves various elements. One of the elements of the legal status of the natural person is the institution of citizenship. The article concludes that citizenship is a legal status of the natural person who can realize the complex human rights.
The article is devoted to the study of the legal nature of the interpretation of law, its features, as well as the role in overcoming gaps in the law. Attention is focused and substantiated that the interpretation of legal norms, being a necessary element of the legal regulation mechanism, plays the important role in the process of overcoming gaps in law. So, by means of various methods of interpretation, in particular, formal gaps are overcome, which, in turn, may arise as a result of an unsuccessful presentation of legal norms by the legislator. It is determined that when applying the rule of law by analogy, such a rule in the particular situation should be interpreted not as part of the institution from which it is borrowed, but as part of the institution, the gap in which it is designed to overcome. This is due to the fact that the rule applied by analogy is subject to double influence: on the one hand, it generally retains its original meaning, on the other - partially adapts to the characteristics of the institution in which the gap is overcome through it. The role of official interpretation in the process of application of the law in the conditions of gaps in the legislation is clarified, the role of recommendatory explanations provided by higher courts on the issues of application of the legislation is investigated. In Ukraine, these powers, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Judicial System and the Status of Judges" dated June 02, 2016, are assigned to the Plenum of the Supreme Court, in order to ensure the same application of the rules of law in solving certain categories of cases, generalizes the practice of applying substantive and procedural laws, systematizes and ensures the promulgation legal positions of the Supreme Court, as well as based on the results of the analysis of judicial statistics and generalization of judicial practice, it provides explanations of the recommendatory nature on the application of legislation in solving court cases. It is concluded that the importance of the interpretation of law is primarily to ensure full and accurate disclosure of the functions of legal acts as a source and form of existence of legal norms, other substantive elements of the legal system. The interpretation concretizes the law, which allows law enforcement agencies to ensure the resolution of legal cases in strict accordance with the constitutional principles of legal certainty, legality and the rule of law. ; Стаття присвячена дослідженню юридичної природи тлумачення права, його особливостей, а також ролі в процесі подолання прогалин у законодавстві. Акцентується увага та обґрунтовується, що тлумачення норм права, будучи необхідним елементом механізму правового регулювання, відіграє важливу роль у процесі подолання прогалин у законодавстві. Так, за посередництвом різних способів тлумачення долаються, зокрема, формальні прогалини, які у свою чергу можуть виникати внаслідок невдалого викладення законодавцем правових норм. Визначено, що в разі застосування норми права за аналогією така норма в конкретній ситуації має тлумачитися не як частина інституту, з якого її запозичено, а як складник інституту, прогалину в якому вона покликана подолати. Указане пов'язано з тим, що норма, застосовувана за аналогією, піддається подвійному впливу: з одного боку, вона в цілому зберігає первинний смисл, з другого - частково пристосовується до особливостей того інституту, прогалина в якому долається за її посередництвом. З'ясовано роль офіційного тлумачення в процесі застосування права в умовах прогалин у законодавстві, досліджено роль рекомендаційних роз'яснень, що надаються вищими судами, з питань застосування законодавства. В Україні зазначені повноваження згідно із Законом України «Про судоустрій і статус суддів» від 02.06.20І6 р. покладено на Пленум Верховного Суду, який з метою забезпечення однакового застосування норм права під час вирішення окремих категорій справ узагальнює практику застосування матеріального і процесуального законів, систематизує та забезпечує оприлюднення правових позицій Верховного Суду, а також за результатами аналізу судової статистики та узагальнення судової практики надає роз'яснення рекомендаційного характеру з питань застосування законодавства у вирішенні судових справ. Зроблено висновок, що значення тлумачення права полягає насамперед у забезпеченні повного й точного розкриття функцій правових актів як джерела й форми існування юридичних норм, інших змістовних елементів правової системи. За допомогою тлумачення здійснюється конкретизація права, яка дає змогу правозастосовним органам забезпечити вирішення юридичних справ у суворій відповідності конституційним принципам правової визначеності, законності й верховенства права.
The article discusses certain aspects of the legal regulation of public-private partnerships in the health sector in Ukraine and foreign countries. The subject of the study is the legislative acts of public-private partnerships in healthcare field, its types and directions for their implementation. The varieties of public-private partnership forms in healthcare field in foreign countries and Ukraine are clarified. Process of reforming the healthcare sector, introduction of standards and criteria of best practices of European countries on the issues of partnership under study in national legislation is appropriate and promising.The aim of the article is to disclose the features of legal regulation of public-private partnerships implementation in the healthcare field in foreign countries and Ukraine. The methodology of this work is based on a set of research methods. The comparative method was used to clarify the legal aspects of public-private partnerships in the healthcare field and the possibility of its use in Ukraine, to analyze indicators that determine the success of partnership projects in foreing countries. Using the method of theoreticalanalysis, systemic and analytical methods, the term of "public-private partnership in the healthcare field" was established, types of contracts, signs of public-private partnership, categories of such partnership models in world practice are given. Experience of the EU countries on public-private partnerships in healthcare field, the introduction of changes in healthcare management system in accordance with requirements of European law is positive for Ukraine.
In: Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation: official publication of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, Band 3, Heft 4, S. 199-208
In: Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation: official publication of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, Band 2, Heft 5, S. 691-699
Ukraine's first steps in the transition to democracy turned out to be quite complex, which found its expression, among other things, in negative consequences for Ukrainian society, as indeed for all post-socialist states of the former USSR. This is due to the fact that, firstly, not one country in the world experienced a painless cardinal change in social relations, and secondly, among the many reasons that impede the flow of democratic transit in Ukraine, one can single out one of the system-forming contradictions between the declared political goal and a fairly low level of culture of democracy is characteristic of almost all countries that have gained state independence and started on the path of democratic development after World War II. It is conditioned, among other things, by the historical conditions of the development of our country. According to German researchers at the University of Regensburg, doctors Jerzy Mackow, chairman of the University's Comparative Policy Council and Ingmar Bredies3, democratic changes in Ukraine, unlike Western European countries, began without their core - the bourgeoisie and civil society - that significantly complicated the movement towards the goal. Of course, this could not but hinder the spread of CSR practice in Ukraine and the formation of its culture as a value expression of the realization by the business of not only economic but also social and spiritual activity. ; первые шаги Украины в переходе к демократии оказались довольно сложными, что нашло свое выражение, в том числе, в негативных последствиях для украинского общества, как собственно, и для всех постсоциалистических государств бывшего СССР. Это объясняется тем, что, во-первых, ни одна страна мира не переживала безболезненно кардинальное изменение общественных отношений, и, во-вторых, среди многих причин, затрудняющих протекание демократического транзита в Украине можно выделить одну из системообразующих – противоречие между провозглашенной политической целью и довольно низким уровнем культуры демократии характерно практически всем странам, которые получили государственную независимость и стали на путь демократического развития после Второй мировой войны. Она обусловлена, помимо всего прочего, историческими условиями развития нашей страны. По мнению немецких исследователей из Регенсбургского университета докторов Ежи Мачкува (Jerzy Mackow) - председателя Совета сравнительной политики университета и Ингмара Бредис (Ingmar Bredies3), демократические преобразования в Украине, в отличие от западноевропейских стран, начались без их сердцевины – буржуазии и гражданского общества, что значительно осложнило движение на пути к поставленной цели. Безусловно, это не могло не затруднить распространение практики КСО в Украине и формирование ее культуры, как ценностного выражения реализации бизнесом не только экономической, но и социально-духовной деятельности. ; перші кроки України у переході до демократії виявилися доволі складними, що знайшло свій вираз, у тому числі, в негативних наслідках для українського суспільства, як власне, і для всіх постсоціалістичних держав колишнього СРСР. Це пояснюється тим, що, по-перше, жодна країна світу не переживала безболісно кардинальну зміну суспільних відносин2, і, по-друге, серед багатьох причин, що ускладнюють протікання демократичного транзиту в Україні варто виокремити одну з системостворюючих – суперечність між проголошеною політичною метою і доволі низьким рівнем культури демократії, що притаманно практично всім країнам, які набули державну незалежність і стали на шлях демократичного розвитку після Другої Світової війни [3]. Вона обумовлена, окрім всього іншого, історичними умовами розвитку нашої країни. На думку німецьких дослідників з Регенсбургського університету докторів Єжи Мачкува (Jerzy Mackow) - голови Ради порівняльної політики університету та Інгмара Бредіса (Ingmar Bredies3), демократичні перетворення в Україні, на відміну від західноєвропейських країн, розпочалися без їхньої серцевини – буржуазії і громадянського суспільства [67], що значно ускладнило рух на шляху до поставленої мети4. Безумовно, це не могло не утруднити розповсюдження практики КСВ в Україні та формування її культури, як ціннісного виразу реалізації бізнесом не тільки економічної, але й соціально-духовної діяльності.