5 Ergebnisse
Die diskursive Behauptung einer eigenen Musikpädagogik in der Deutschschweiz im Spiegel von Rezensionen ; The discursive assertion of an individual music education in German-speaking Switzerland as reflected in reviews
Der Artikel fragt nach Konturen der Musikpädagogik im deutschsprachigen Teil der Schweiz, die sie sich in den letzten 50 Jahren in Abgrenzung zum benachbarten Ausland diskursiv ausbildeten. Dazu wurden 150 Rezensionen musikpädagogischer Literatur sowie von Schulbüchern unter einer Foucault'schen Perspektive analysiert. Die Resultate bestätigen Kleinens komparative Studie zur Musikpädagogik in der Schweiz (Kleinen, 2006), weisen in zwei wichtigen Punkten aber darüber hinaus. Zum einen erscheint die Fachdidaktik als Leerstelle; zum anderen wird der Sprache als Vermittlungsinstanz zentrale Bedeutung zugeschrieben. Die Ergebnisse werfen Fragen auf zu verschiedenen Wissensarten und ihrer Kommunikation und legen nahe, dass sich politische Kultur und pädagogisches Denken gegenseitig durchdringen. (DIPF/Orig.) ; This article examines music education in the German-speaking part of Switzerland, which has developed discursively over the last 50 years in a way that is distinct from neighbouring countries. To this end, 150 reviews of music education literature and textbooks were analysed through a Foucauldian lens. The results confirm Kleinen's comparative study of music education in Switzerland (Kleinen, 2006) but point beyond it in two important respects. On the one hand, the didactics appear as a blank space; on the other hand, language takes on a central role in mediation. The results raise questions about different types of knowledge and their communication and suggest a mutual exchange between the political culture and educational thinking. (DIPF/Orig.)
Arbeitszeiten von Professorinnen und Professoren in Deutschland 2016; Workload of German professors in 2016
In: Wirtschafts- und sozialstatistisches Archiv: eine Zeitschrift der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft, Band 12, Heft 2, S. 135-177
ISSN: 1863-8163
Automated avalanche hazard indication mapping on a statewide scale
In: Natural hazards and earth system sciences: NHESS, Band 22, Heft 6, S. 1825-1843
ISSN: 1684-9981
Abstract. Snow avalanche hazard mapping has a long tradition in the European Alps.
Hazard maps delineate areas of potential avalanche danger and are only
available for selected areas where people and significant infrastructure are
endangered. They have been created over generations, at specific sites,
mainly based on avalanche activity in the past. For a large part of the area
(90 % in the case of the canton of Grisons) only strongly generalized
hazard indication maps are available (SilvaProtect), not showing impact
information such as pressure. This is a problem when new territory with no
or an incomplete historical record is to be developed. It is an even larger
problem when trying to predict the effects of climate change at the state
scale, where the historical record may no longer be valid. To close this gap,
we develop an automated approach to generate spatially coherent hazard
indication mapping based on a digital elevation model for the canton of
Grisons (7105 km2) in the Swiss Alps. We calculate eight different
scenarios with return periods ranging from frequent to very rare as well as
with and without taking the protective effects of the forest into account,
resulting in a total of approximately 2 million individual avalanche
simulations. This approach combines the automated delineation of potential
release areas, the calculation of release depths and the numerical
simulation of the avalanche dynamics. We find that between 47 % (most
frequent scenario) and 67 % (most extreme scenario) of the cantonal area
can be affected by avalanches. Without forest, approximately 20 % more
area would be endangered. This procedure can be applied worldwide, where
high-spatial-resolution digital elevation models, detailed information on
the forest and data on the snow climate are available, enabling reproducible
hazard indication mapping also in regions where no avalanche hazard maps yet
exist. This is invaluable for climate change studies. The simulation results
are validated with official hazard maps, by assessments of avalanche experts,
and by existing avalanche cadastres derived from manual mapping and mapping
based on satellite datasets. The results for the canton of Grisons are now
operationally applied in the daily hazard assessment work of the
authorities. Based on these experiences, the proposed approach can be
applied for further mountain regions.
Climate Scenarios for Switzerland CH2018 – Approach and Implications
To make sound decisions in the face of climate change, government agencies, policymakers and private stakeholders require suitable climate information on local to regional scales. In Switzerland, the development of climate change scenarios is strongly linked to the climate adaptation strategy of the Confederation. The current climate scenarios for Switzerland CH2018 - released in form of six user-oriented products - were the result of an intensive collaboration between academia and administration under the umbrella of the National Centre for Climate Services (NCCS), accounting for user needs and stakeholder dialogues from the beginning. A rigorous scientific concept ensured consistency throughout the various analysis steps of the EURO-CORDEX projections and a common procedure on how to extract robust results and deal with associated uncertainties. The main results show that Switzerland's climate will face dry summers, heavy precipitation, more hot days and snow-scarce winters. Approximately half of these changes could be alleviated by mid-century through strong global mitigation efforts. A comprehensive communication concept ensured that the results were rolled out and distilled in specific user-oriented communication measures to increase their uptake and to make them actionable. A narrative approach with four fictitious persons was used to communicate the key messages to the general public. Three years after the release, the climate scenarios have proven to be an indispensable information basis for users in climate adaptation and for downstream applications. Potential for extensions and updates has been identified since then and will shape the concept and planning of the next scenario generation in Switzerland. ; Climate Scenarios for Switzerland CH2018 – Approach and Implications ; publishedVersion