Unissons nos forces dans l'intérêt de la France, ses territoires, leurs entreprises !
In: Administration, Band 284, Heft 4, S. 97-100
27 Ergebnisse
In: Administration, Band 284, Heft 4, S. 97-100
In: The political quarterly, Band 28, Heft 2, S. 168-168
ISSN: 1467-923X
In: The political quarterly: PQ, Band 28, S. 168-178
ISSN: 0032-3179
In the context of the environmental impacts caused due to the increasing volumes of discarded technologies (e-Waste), this article critically evaluates whether environmental policy, the Waste of Electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE) legislation in particular, can contribute to a shift in logic from neo-liberal growth to green growth. Drawing upon empirical research we show how three computer waste organisations evolve through the imbrication of pre- and post- policy logics in collaborative and heterogeneous ways to create an economy of greening. Extending the concept of a fractionated trading zone, we demonstrate the heterogeneous ways in which computer sourcing is imbricated, providing a taxonomy of imbricating logics. We argue that what is shared in a fractionated trading zone is a diversity of imbrications. This provides for a nuanced perspective on policy and the management of waste, showing how post-WEEE logics become the condition to continue to pursue pre-WEEE logics. Our research focuses on three organisations and the EU 2003 and UK 2006 versions of the WEEE legislation. We conclude that our research findings have important implications, more specifically, for how e-waste policy is enacted as an economy of greening in order to constitute the managerial and organisational adaptation needed to create a sustainable economy and society. Our paper's contribution is threefold. First, theoretically, we extend the literature on trading zones and imbrication by considering how they can complement one another. Our focus on imbrication is a 'zooming in' on the managerial and organisational implications and dynamics of a trading zone. Second, we add to the literature on imbrication by identifying a diverse range of imbricating logics that can be used to discern a more nuanced understanding of the translated effects of policy. Last, we ground these ideas in a relevant empirical context – that of e-waste management in the UK, providing a deeper knowledge, over time, of specific actors' translations of policy into ...
In: Inter-national
This book studies the complex and often tempestuous relationship between Art and Nationalism. It is clear that a work of art is part of the history and cultural heritage of a nation, and that it transforms society as much as the artist who gave it birth. But Art, synonym of universality and timelessness, poorly lends itself to nationalistic appropriation. The Art and Nation dyad is complex? Exile produced among the uprooted African peoples a music that had not existed in Africa and that has now traveled the world. But it destroyed their genius as sculptors: nothing in Brazil or Haiti is comparable to the bronzes of Benin (Nigeria). The issue naturally leads to the debate about Art and cultural property and cultural heritage. Art in the colonial eighteenth century bought by collectors and reputed museums and galleries is generally stolen or looted. 0The book focuses also on the illicit appropriation of art in time of war, an specifically during the Nazi hegemony on Europe and the looted of Jewish families and collectors. The awakening of countries with ancient civilizations regarding the importance of collective memory and cultural heritage, coming in step with their emergence on the international scene (China, India, Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Korea?) prompts them to exercise increasing pressure on and continuously issue claims to museums, art dealers and collectors which can no longer be ignored or treated with condescension. This trend is irreversible, flying in the face of the illusory concept of universal cultural heritage propounded by the curator of the British Museum. The restitution of works of art that are listed as unique within the cultural heritage of the mobilized countries (Mexico, Peru, China, Bolivia, Cyprus, Guatemala, Korea, Egypt?) must be considered
"In the wake of the 1588 destruction of the Spanish Armada, English Catholics launched an ingenious counterespionage effort to undermine the Tudor government's anti-Catholic machinations. Queen Elizabeth long maintained spies and provocateurs among English Catholic exiles. Walsingham, her principal secretary, used treachery to foster plots against the queen to justify harsh measures against Catholics"--
In: Monde chinois: nouvelle Asie ; revue trimestrielle, Band 44, Heft 4, S. 151-155
Que ce soit par des politiques, des lignes directrices ou des recommandations, les organisations nationales et internationales de la santé déploient des efforts afin de promouvoir, soutenir et protéger l'allaitement. Par ces moyens, elles cherchent à instaurer une culture d'allaitement forte et à faire de l'allaitement une norme nutritionnelle infantile tant à l'échelle nationale qu'internationale. Bien que l'allaitement soit bénéfique pour la santé des mères et celle de leurs enfants, un regard critique, teinté par la théorie queer, et plus particulièrement par les écrits de Judith Butler et de Michel Foucault, nous permet de prendre conscience des effets potentiellement insidieux de la promotion de l'allaitement sur la construction de l'identité maternelle. La sédimentation des normes du genre féminin en contexte de maternité, la fabrication de phénomènes sociaux tels que la « bonne mère » ainsi que la définition de l'identité maternelle à partir d'idéaux socioculturels sont les possibles effets pernicieux de la promotion de l'allaitement maternel.
In: The Canadian journal of economics: the journal of the Canadian Economics Association = Revue canadienne d'économique, Band 34, Heft 3, S. 827-845
ISSN: 1540-5982
Since Hotelling's seminal paper on the optimal depletion of exhaustible resources, much has been published; yet confusion remains about whether scarcity rent and price increase or decrease as a resource is depleted when costs tend to rise with depletion. We show that Hotelling's fundamental results of rising scarcity rent and price paths are sustained and that the path of scarcity rent converges on the r per cent rule, provided the objective function is concave. Predictions of non‐monotonic or declining scarcity rent paths are due to implicit assumptions that lead to a non‐concave objective function. We identify the sources of these non‐concavities. JEL Classification: Q30, D90, C60 Prix, rente de rareté et une règle modifiée du r‐pourcent pour les ressources non renouvelables. Malgré la volumineuse littérature spécialisée qui a fleuri depuis qu'Hotelling a écrit son mémoire fondateur sur l'épuisement optimal des ressources renouvelables, une grande confusion règne toujours quand il faut établir si la rente de rareté et le prix augmentent ou chutent à proportion que la ressource s'épuise quand les coûts tendent à croître avec l'épuisement. Ce mémoire montre que les résultats fondamentaux obtenus par Hotelling quant aux sentiers de croissance de la rente de rareté et du prix tiennent toujours, et que le sentier de croissance de la rente de rareté converge vers la règle du r‐pourcent pourvu que la fonction objective soit concave. Les prédictions de sentiers de croissance non monotone ou de déclin de la rente de rareté présentées dans la littérature spécialisée sont attribuables à des postulats implicites qui engendrent une fonction objective non concave. Les auteurs identifient les sources de ces non‐concavités.
In: Recherches Amériques Latines
World Affairs Online
In: Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health: JMVFH, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 102-107
ISSN: 2368-7924
LAY SUMMARY Big data promises to revolutionize health care but presents challenges to researchers hoping to use it. The challenges include acquiring the data, creating a working environment capable of processing the data, and knowing how to effectively use the data to solve problems. A data safe haven is a solution used in several health care domains. It provides safe and secure transfer, storage, and access for sensitive health care data. The Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research Data Safe Haven (CDSH) provides a secure data repository and analytics platform for researchers of military, Veteran and family health. The CDSH provides state-of-the-art analytics software and can be easily expanded in terms of capacity and functionality. Researchers access the CDSH using a remote desktop over a secure communication channel. The CDSH can simplify grant applications, project initiation, and project operation. It can also enhance collaboration and enable researchers to address new problems.
International audience ; In today's competitive industry and in view of recent economic turbulences new frontiers of challenges emerge that require new educational paradigms accompanied by new tools and methodologies applicable to all aspects of engineering areas including the functional and organizational aspects. In accordance with the objectives stipulated by the Council of European Union work programme on the future of education and training, a Tempus project (2010-2013) has been mounted to develop a novel model for modular programmes to be used in education of technology specialities at master level. The model is implemented in manufacturing technology and management area and has general applicability for technology education in several fields. The main feature of this project consists in flexibility, adaptability, dynamic interactivity while consolidating theoretical and practical skills. MasTech is the name of a flexible modular master two-year programme in technology being developed according to the Bologna process that is to be adapted to the particular conditions of the universities in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. Three European Universities (Sweden, Germany, France) are involved in the project. This paper introduces MasTech and describes the different steps that have been followed to develop the master programme taking into account both academic and industrial needs and priorities. Results are expressed in terms of a professional master programme that has been submitted for accreditation.
International audience ; In today's competitive industry and in view of recent economic turbulences new frontiers of challenges emerge that require new educational paradigms accompanied by new tools and methodologies applicable to all aspects of engineering areas including the functional and organizational aspects. In accordance with the objectives stipulated by the Council of European Union work programme on the future of education and training, a Tempus project (2010-2013) has been mounted to develop a novel model for modular programmes to be used in education of technology specialities at master level. The model is implemented in manufacturing technology and management area and has general applicability for technology education in several fields. The main feature of this project consists in flexibility, adaptability, dynamic interactivity while consolidating theoretical and practical skills. MasTech is the name of a flexible modular master two-year programme in technology being developed according to the Bologna process that is to be adapted to the particular conditions of the universities in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. Three European Universities (Sweden, Germany, France) are involved in the project. This paper introduces MasTech and describes the different steps that have been followed to develop the master programme taking into account both academic and industrial needs and priorities. Results are expressed in terms of a professional master programme that has been submitted for accreditation.