3DBionotes COVID-19 Edition
https://3dbionotes.cnb.csic.es/ws/covid19 ; The web platform 3DBionotes-WS integrates multiple Web Services and an interactive Web Viewer to provide a unified environment in which biological annotations can be analyzed in their structural context. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, new structural data from many viral proteins have been provided at a very fast pace. This effort includes many cryogenic Electron Microscopy (cryo-EM) studies, together with more traditional ones (X-rays, NMR), using several modeling approaches and complemented with structural predictions. At the same time, a plethora of new genomics and interactomics information (including fragment screening and structure-based virtual screening efforts) have been made available from different servers. In this context we have developed 3DBionotes-COVID-19 as an answer to: (1) The need to explore multi-omics data in a unified context with a special focus on structural information and (2) the drive to incorporate quality measurements, especially in the form of advanced validation metrics for cryogenic Electron Microscopy. ; We acknowledge financial support from: CSIC (PIE/COVID-19 number 202020E079), the Comunidad de Madrid through grant CAM (S2017/BMD-3817), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through projects (SEV 2017-0712, FPU-2015/264, PID2019-104757RB-I00 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033), the Instituto de Salud Carlos III: PT17/0009/0010 (ISCIII-SGEFI / ERDF-) and the European Union and Horizon 2020 through grant: CORBEL (INFRADEV-01-2014- 1, Proposal 654248) and EOSC Life (INFRAEOSC-04-2018, Proposal: 824087). This work was supported by Instruct-ULTRA (Grant 731005), an EU H2020 project to further develop the services of Instruct-ERIC. Contributions from the Coronavirus Structural Task Force were supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research [grant no. 05K19WWA] and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [project TH2135/2-1]. The authors acknowledge the support and the use of resources of Instruct, a Landmark ESFRI project. ; Peer reviewed