35 Ergebnisse
Debts facing death. Discovering everyday credit practices through testaments in seventeenth-century Buenos Aires
In: The history of the family: an international quarterly, Band 27, Heft 2, S. 350-369
ISSN: 1081-602X
In: Revista de historia económica: RHE = Journal of Iberian and Latin American economic history, Band 40, Heft 2, S. 371-404
ISSN: 2041-3335
ABSTRACTThe South American Funds National Exchequer was established in 1818 to contribute to the consolidation of the public debt of Buenos Aires. It was the first financial innovation since the revolutionary outbreak in Buenos Aires, and its failure allowed the authorities to understand the limits of the fiscal and financial commitment they proposed by means of that institution. Its suppression, in 1821, offered an antecedent to develop a deep reform of the financial institutional matrix of Buenos Aires, based on the Public Credit office, the Amortization Exchequer and the Bank of Buenos Aires. The South American Funds National Exchequer was, thus, the first movement in the negotiation on the terms of the financial commitment assumed by the nascent State. This paper analyzes the 973 accounting entries of the institution, providing an interpretation of that failure and its importance for the course of public finances in Buenos Aires.
Círculos sociales, contextos normativos y crédito. Buenos Aires, siglo XVII
In: América Latina en la historia económica, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 35
ISSN: 2007-3496
<span lang="ES" style="font-family: "Times New Roman","serif"; font-size: 10pt; mso-fareast-font-family: "Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-ansi-language: ES; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;">El presente artículo se propone indagar en los órdenes normativos y dispositivos institucionales a los cuales los actores apelaban para interactuar económicamente en Buenos Aires durante la primera mitad del siglo XVII. Recurriendo al endeudamiento interpersonal como observatorio, se avanzará en la comprensión de la práctica consistente en formalizar legalmente, ante el escribano, las obligaciones derivadas de las deudas. Los vínculos de los actores discurrían por diferentes círculos de sociabilidad y estos, entre tanto, comportaban diferentes contextos normativos con sus respectivos dispositivos institucionales. Mediante este abordaje se intentará indagar en el peso que las redes detentaron como uno de los órdenes normativos e institucionales posibles para la interacción económica del temprano Río de la Plata.</span>
La concesión de obra pública. Una perspectiva económica
In: Ciencias económicas, Band 1, S. 63-76
ISSN: 2362-552X
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar, desde una perspectiva económica, las cláusulas contractuales incorporadas en los contratos de Concesión de obra pública, que tienen por fin incrementar el cumplimiento contractual y disminuir los costos de transacción. En particular, se describirán las soluciones contractuales a los problemas originados en la racionalidad limitada y especificidad de activos. Se recurre para este estudio a la evidencia de un caso de concesión de obra pública. El análisis revela que en la concesión objeto de estudio se invierte radicalmente el esquema de financiación de la inversión, respecto al existente en el contrato de obra pública. Mientras que en esta última la financiación de la inversión estaba en su mayor parte a cargo del Estado, ya que paga lo construido por la empresa generalmente a los treinta días, en la Concesión la financiación de inversión está a cargo usualmente de la empresa, ya que recupera lo invertido recién cuando cobra a los usuarios del servicio. En consecuencia, mientras que en el contrato de obra pública debería ser principalmente el Estado el destinatario de salvaguardas para proteger el capital humano generado y financiado por Él, en la Concesión debería ser la empresa la principal destinataria de salvaguardas tanto por la inversión en activos físicos como humanos.
La Cesación de Pagos en Empresas Constructoras: Un Enfoque Multicausal
In: Ciencias económicas, Band 1, S. 11-21
ISSN: 2362-552X
El objetivo de este trabajo es generar un modelo multicausal que permita predecir la cesación de pagos de empresas constructoras. Para construir el mismo se tomó como evidencia empírica información de 86 empresas clasificadas a priori en dos grupos de 43, según en el período hayan experimentado o no serios problemas financieros. Luego del procesamiento econométrico se obtuvo la función integrada por las variables Activo/Ventas, Disponibilidades/Deuda corto plazo y Deuda/Activo, cuyos signos resultan lógicos de acuerdo con lo previsto por la teoría. Asimismo, el modelo tiene una efectividad del 70%, la cual se considera razonable.
Imperial strategy and local credit. The Malvinas/Falkland Islands in the making of a Spanish frontier (1767-1774) ; Estrategia imperial y crédito local. El archipiélago de Malvinas en la construcción de la frontera hispánica (1767-1774)
This article investigates the role of the Malvinas/Falkland Islands in the reconfiguration of Hispanic American space since 1767. It articulates three variables of analysis: the geopolitical importance of the Malvinas/Falkland Islands on a global scale, their place in the redefinition of the Spanish monarchy's imperial frontier, and the role played by the economic actors of the Río de la Plata in the colonization of the archipelago. Using political, cartographical and fiscal sources, this work demonstrates that the consolidation of borders —a necessity for the Monarchy— depended on a confluence of interests with local financial oligarchies. ; El presente artículo indaga el rol del archipiélago de Malvinas en la reconfiguración del espacio hispanoamericano desde 1767. Para ello, se articulan tres variables de análisis: la importancia geopolítica de las islas Malvinas a escala global, su lugar en la redefinición de la frontera imperial de la monarquía española, y el papel que los actores económicos del Río de la Plata tuvieron en la colonización del archipiélago. Empleando documentación política, cartográfica y fiscal, este trabajo demuestra que la consolidación de las fronteras que la Monarquía precisaba asegurar confluyó con los intereses de las oligarquías financieras locales.
Reseñas ; Reviews
Reseña de Valle Pavón, Guillermina del (2016). Donativos, préstamos y privilegios. Los mercaderes y mineros de la ciudad de México durante la guerra anglo española de 1779-1783. México: Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora-Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, 227 páginas. Por MARTÍN L. E. WASSERMAN Reseña de Goldman, Noemí (2016). Mariano Moreno. De reformista a insurgente. Buenos Aires: Edhasa, 280 páginas. Por ANA FREGA Reseña de Ossa, Juan Luis (2014). Armies, politics and revolution. Chile, 1808-1826. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 247 pp. Por FLAVIA MACÍAS Reseña de Doyle, Don H. (ed.) (2017). American Civil Wars: The United States, Latin America, Europe and the Crises of the 1860's. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 259 pp. Por LAURA CUCCHI Reseña de Di Liscia, María Silvia y Soprano, Germán (eds.) (2017). Burocracias estatales. Problemas, enfoques y estudios de caso en la Argentina (entre fines del siglo XIX y XX). Rosario: Prohistoria Ediciones, 221 páginas. Por FEDERICO MARTOCCI Reseña de Canelo, Paula (2016). La Política secreta de la última dictadura militar argentina (1976-1983). Buenos Aires: Edhasa, 262 páginas. Por ESTEBAN PONTORIERO ; Review of Valle Pavón, Guillermina del (2016). Donativos, préstamos y privilegios. Los mercaderes y mineros de la ciudad de México durante la guerra anglo española de 1779-1783. México: Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora-Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, 227 páginas. By MARTÍN L. E. WASSERMAN Review of Goldman, Noemí (2016). Mariano Moreno. De reformista a insurgente. Buenos Aires: Edhasa, 280 páginas. By ANA FREGA Review of Ossa, Juan Luis (2014). Armies, politics and revolution. Chile, 1808-1826. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 247 pp. By FLAVIA MACÍAS Review of Doyle, Don H. (ed.) (2017). American Civil Wars: The United States, Latin America, Europe and the Crises of the 1860's. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 259 pp. By LAURA CUCCHI Review of Di Liscia, María Silvia y Soprano, Germán (eds.) (2017). Burocracias estatales. Problemas, enfoques y estudios de caso en la Argentina (entre fines del siglo XIX y XX). Rosario: Prohistoria Ediciones, 221 páginas. By FEDERICO MARTOCCI Review of Canelo, Paula (2016). La Política secreta de la última dictadura militar argentina (1976-1983). Buenos Aires: Edhasa, 262 páginas. By ESTEBAN PONTORIERO
In Silico Analysis of the Age-Dependent Evolution of the Transcriptome of Mouse Skin Stem Cells
© 2020 by the authors. ; The stem cells located in the hair follicle bulge area are critical for skin regeneration and repair. To date, little is known about the evolution of the transcriptome of these cells across time. Here, we have combined genome-wide expression analyses and a variety of in silico tools to determine the age-dependent evolution of the transcriptome of those cells. Our results reveal that the transcriptome of skin stem cells fluctuates extensively along the lifespan of mice. The use of both unbiased and pathway-centered in silico approaches has also enabled the identification of biological programs specifically regulated at those specific time-points. It has also unveiled hubs of highly transcriptionally interconnected genes and transcriptional factors potentially located at the core of those age-specific changes. ; X.R.B.'s work has been supported by grants from the Castilla-León Government (CLC-2017-01), the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MSIU) (RTI2018-096481-B-I00), Worldwide Cancer Research (14-1248), and the Spanish Association against Cancer (GC16173472GARC). XRB's institution is supported by the Programa de Apoyo a Planes Estratégicos de Investigación de Estructuras de Investigación de Excelencia of the Ministry of Education of the Castilla-León Government (CLC-2017-01). LFL-M contracts have been supported by funding from both the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (FPU13/02923) and the CLC-2017-01 project. Both Spanish and Castilla-León government-associated funding is partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund.
Reviews ; Reseñas
Review of Molina, F. (2017). Cuando amar era pecado. Sexualidad, poder e identidad entre los sodomitas coloniales (Virreinato del Perú, siglos XVI-XVII). La Paz: Plural Editores; Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, 179 pp. By JUAN PEDRO NAVARRO MARTÍNEZ Review of Michel Bertrand y Zacarías Moutoukias (Eds.) (2018). Cambio institucional y fiscalidad. Mundo hispánico, 1760-1850, Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 431 pp. By MARTÍN L. E. WASSERMAN Review of Diego-Fernández, Rafael; Bernal, Graciela y Alcauter, José Luis (coords.) (2019). Subdelegaciones novohispanas. La jurisdicción como territorio y competencia. Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán / Universidad de Guanajuato / Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, 333 pp. By CARLOS ARMANDO PRECIADO DE ALBA Review of Wasserman, Fabio (comp.) (2019). El mundo en movimiento: El concepto de "revolución" en Iberoamérica y el Atlántico norte (siglos XVII-XX). Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila Editores. By NORA SOUTO Review of Platt, Tristan (2018). Defendiendo el techo fiscal: curacas, ayllus y sindicatos en el Gran Ayllu Macha, Norte de Potosí, Bolivia, 1930-1994. La Paz: Biblioteca y Archivo Histórico de la Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional, Vice-Presidencia del Estado, 512 pp. By SERGIO SERULNIKOV Review of Marchesi, Aldo (2019). Hacer la revolución. Guerrillas latinoamericanas, de los años sesenta a la caída del Muro. Argentina: Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 267 pp. By MANUEL MARTÍNEZ RUESTA ; Reseña deMolina, F. (2017). Cuando amar era pecado. Sexualidad, poder e identidad entre los sodomitas coloniales (Virreinato del Perú, siglos XVI-XVII). La Paz: Plural Editores; Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, 179 pp. Por JUAN PEDRO NAVARRO MARTÍNEZ Reseña de Michel Bertrand y Zacarías Moutoukias (Eds.) (2018). Cambio institucional y fiscalidad. Mundo hispánico, 1760-1850, Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 431 pp. Por MARTÍN L. E. WASSERMAN Reseña de Diego-Fernández, Rafael; Bernal, Graciela y Alcauter, José Luis (coords.) (2019). Subdelegaciones novohispanas. La jurisdicción como territorio y competencia. Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán / Universidad de Guanajuato / Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, 333 pp. Por CARLOS ARMANDO PRECIADO DE ALBA Reseña de Wasserman, Fabio (comp.) (2019). El mundo en movimiento: El concepto de "revolución" en Iberoamérica y el Atlántico norte (siglos XVII-XX). Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila Editores. Por NORA SOUTO Reseña de Platt, Tristan (2018). Defendiendo el techo fiscal: curacas, ayllus y sindicatos en el Gran Ayllu Macha, Norte de Potosí, Bolivia, 1930-1994. La Paz: Biblioteca y Archivo Histórico de la Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional, Vice-Presidencia del Estado, 512 pp. Por SERGIO SERULNIKOV Reseña de Marchesi, Aldo (2019). Hacer la revolución. Guerrillas latinoamericanas, de los años sesenta a la caída del Muro. Argentina: Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 267 pp. Por MANUEL MARTÍNEZ RUESTA
Drug Vulnerabilities and Disease Prognosis Linked to the Stem Cell-Like Gene Expression Program Triggered by the RHO GTPase Activator VAV2 in Hyperplastic Keratinocytes and Head and Neck Cancer
© 2020 by the authors. ; We have recently shown that VAV2, a guanosine nucleotide exchange factor that catalyzes the stimulation step of RHO GTPases, is involved in a stem cell-like (SCL) regenerative proliferation program that is important for the development and subsequent maintenance of the tumorigenesis of both cutaneous (cSCC) and head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (hnSCC). In line with this, we have observed that the levels of the VAV2 mRNA and VAV2-regulated gene signatures are associated with poor prognosis in the case of human papillomavirus-negative hnSCC patients. These results suggest that the SCL program elicited by VAV2 in those cells can harbor therapeutically actionable downstream targets. We have addressed this issue using a combination of both in silico and wet-lab approaches. Here, we show that the VAV2-regulated SCL program does harbor a number of cell cycle- and signaling-related kinases that are essential for the viability of undifferentiated keratinocytes and hnSCC patient-derived cells endowed with high levels of VAV2 activity. Our results also show that the VAV2-regulated SCL gene signature is associated with poor hnSCC patient prognosis. Collectively, these data underscore the critical role of this VAV2-regulated SCL program for the viability of both preneoplastic and fully transformed keratinocytes. ; X.R.B. is supported by grants from Worldwide Cancer Research (14-1248), the Castilla-León Government (CSI049U16, CLC-2017-01), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RTI2018-096481-B-I00) and the Spanish Association against Cancer (GC16173472GARC). X.R.B.'s institution is supported by the Programa de Apoyo a Planes Estratégicos de Investigación de Estructuras de Investigación de Excelencia of the Ministry of Education of the Castilla-León Government (CLC-2017-01). L.F.L.-M. has been supported by funding from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (L.F.L.-M., FPU13/02923) and the CLC-2017-01 grant. Both Spanish and Castilla-León government-associated funding is partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund.
Flexible polyurethane foams based on 100% renewably sourced polyols
Since polyol is one of the major components in polyurethane foam synthesis, introducing renewably sourced polyols in the foam formulation leads to materials with high renewable carbon content. A series of flexible polyurethane foams with variations in polyol composition were synthesized with castor oil based Lupranol Balance ® 50 polyether polyol and corn based polytrimethylene ether glycol mixtures. Water was used as the unique and eco-friendly blowing agent. The effect of the relative amount of each polyol on the structure and properties was analyzed by optical microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, tensile and compressive tests, dynamic mechanical analysis and atomic force microscopy. The average molecular weight and hydroxyl number of the polyol components showed to influence the foaming reaction and hence the structure and properties of the polyurethane foam. The newly developed peak force quantitative nano-mechanics technique was used to map the elastic modulus values of foam cell struts and it seemed to be adequate to assess the purity of the different phases. ; Authors thank financial support from University of the Basque Country (PIFUPV047/2011), Basque Government (IT776-13 and S-PE13UN091), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (IPT-2012-0728-420000) and European Union (PIRSES-2012-318996). Technical support provided by SGIker (UPV/EHU, MINECO, GV/EJ, ESF) is gratefully acknowledged. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Lysine Acetylation Reshapes the Downstream Signaling Landscape of Vav1 in Lymphocytes
© 2020 by the authors ; Vav1 works both as a catalytic Rho GTPase activator and an adaptor molecule. These functions, which are critical for T cell development and antigenic responses, are tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent. However, it is not known whether other posttranslational modifications can contribute to the regulation of the biological activity of this protein. Here, we show that Vav1 becomes acetylated on lysine residues in a stimulation- and SH2 domain-dependent manner. Using a collection of both acetylation- and deacetylation-mimicking mutants, we show that the acetylation of four lysine residues (Lys222, Lys252, Lys587, and Lys716) leads to the downmodulation of the adaptor function of Vav1 that triggers the stimulation of the nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT). These sites belong to two functional subclasses according to mechanistic criteria. We have also unveiled additional acetylation sites potentially involved in either the stimulation (Lys782) or the downmodulation (Lys335, Lys374) of specific Vav1-dependent downstream responses. Collectively, these results indicate that Nε-lysine acetylation can play variegated roles in the regulation of Vav1 signaling. Unlike the case of the tyrosine phosphorylation step, this new regulatory layer is not conserved in other Vav family paralogs. ; X.R.B. is supported by grants from the Castilla-León Government (CLC-2017-01), the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (MSIU) (RTI2018-096481-B-I00), and the Spanish Association against Cancer (GC16173472GARC). X.R.B.'s institution is supported by the Programa de Apoyo a Planes Estratégicos de Investigación de Estructuras de Investigación de Excelencia of the Ministry of Education of the Castilla-León Government (CLC-2017-01). S.R.-F. and L.F.L.-M. contracts have been supported by funding from the MISIU (S.R.-F., BES-2013-063573), the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports (L.F.L.-M., FPU13/02923), and the CLC-2017-01 grant (S.R.-F. and L.F.L.-M.). L.F.-N. is supported by the Salamanca local section of the Spanish Association for Cancer Research. Both Spanish and Castilla-León government-associated funding is partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund.
Using data mining techniques to road safety improvement in Spanish roads
[EN] Crashes are events that involve the interaction of different components: road, driver, vehicle and environment. Nevertheless, road is an essential component and improvements on road conditions are directly related to increased traffic safety. From 2008 to 2010 a road safety inspection project was developed, whose aim was to identify and collect information about hazardous points on the Complementary Road Network of Andalusia, Spain, and build a database with this information. These elements were technically called Susceptible Elements of Improvement (ESM), which are defined as elements on the road that show worse road conditions than the ideal road safety standards. The main objective of this paper is to study the relationship between ESMs, number of crashes and hazardous sections, by analysing the information gathered in this database with advanced data mining techniques. Economically, this project is rather beneficial, since the resources of governments are limited, and therefore, it is necessary to intervene in those sections that have a higher cost-effectiveness ratio. Therefore, these relationships between roads conditions and crashes will be identified by analysing the information available in this data set of the Government of Andalusia, which has not been previously used. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. ; The authors would like to thank the FEDER of European Union for financial support via project "Analisis de la relacion entre Elementos Susceptibles de Mejora, Accidentes y TCA" of the "Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucia 2007-2013". We also thank all Agency of Public Works and the Ministry of Furtherance and Housing of Andalusia Regional Government staff and researchers for their dedication and professionalism. Griselda Lopez Maldonado acknowledges to Consejeria de Economia, Innovacion y Ciencia of Junta de Andalucia for "Beca de formacion de personal docente e investigador en Areas Deficitarias". ; Martín, L.; Baena-Ruiz, L.; Garach, L.; López-Maldonado, G.; De Oña, J. (2014). ...