The exchange of ideas between scientists and technicians, from both academic and business areas, is essential in order to ease the development of systems which can meet the demands of today?s society. Technology transfer in this field is still a challenge and, for that reason, this type of contributions are notably considered in this compilation. This book brings in discussions and publications concerning the development of innovative techniques of IoT complex problems. The technical program focuses both on high quality and diversity, with contributions in well-established and evolving areas of research
[ES] El intercambio de ideas entre científicos y técnicos, tanto del ámbito académico como empresarial, es fundamental para facilitar el desarrollo de sistemas que puedan satisfacer las demandas de la sociedad actual. La transferencia de tecnología en este campo sigue siendo un reto y, por ello, este tipo de aportaciones se consideran de forma destacada en esta recopilación. Este libro trae debates y publicaciones sobre el desarrollo de técnicas innovadoras de problemas complejos de IoT. El programa técnico se centra tanto en la alta calidad como en la diversidad, con contribuciones en áreas de investigación bien establecidas y en evolución. Específicamente, 10 capítulos fueron presentados a este libro. Los editores alentaron y agradecieron particularmente las contribuciones sobre IA y computación distribuida en aplicaciones de IoT. Los editores agradecen especialmente el apoyo financiero del proyecto "Virtual-Ledgers-Tecnologías DLT/Blockchain y Cripto-IOT sobre organizaciones virtuales de agentes ligeros y su aplicación en la eficiencia en el transporte de última milla", ID SA267P18, financiado por Junta de Castilla y León y fondos FEDER. ; [EN] The exchange of ideas between scientists and technicians, from both academic and business areas, is essential in order to ease the development of systems which can meet the demands of today's society. Technology transfer in this field is still a challenge and, for that reason, this type of contributions are notably considered in this compilation. This book brings in discussions and publications concerning the development of innovative techniques of IoT complex problems. The technical program focuses both on high quality and diversity, with contributions in well-established and evolving areas of research. Specifically, 10 chapters were submitted to this book. The editors particularly encouraged and welcomed contributions on AI and distributed computing in IoT applications. The editors are specially grateful for the funding supporting by the project "Virtual-Ledgers-Tecnologías DLT/Blockchain y Cripto-IOT sobre organizaciones virtuales de agentes ligeros y su aplicación en la eficiencia en el transporte de última milla", ID SA267P18, financed by regional government of Castilla y León and FEDER funds.
The rising needs for increased energy efficiency and better use of renewable energy sources bring out the necessity for improved energy management and forecasting models. Electricity consumption, in particular, is subject to large variations due to the effect of multiple variables, such as the temperature, luminosity or humidity, and of course, consumers' habits. Current forecasting models are not able to deal adequately with the influence and correlation between the multiple involved variables. Hence, novel, adaptive forecasting models are needed. This paper presents a novel approach based on multiple artificial intelligence-based forecasting algorithms. The considered algorithms are artificial neural networks, support vector machines hybrid fuzzy inference systems, Wang and Mendel's fuzzy rule learning method and a genetic fuzzy system for fuzzy rule learning based on the MOGUL methodology. These algorithms are used to forecast the electricity consumption of a real office building, using multiple input variables and consumption disaggregation. ; This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under project DOMINOES (grant agreement No 771066) and from FEDER Funds through COMPETE program and from National Funds through FCT under the project UID/EEA/00760/2019. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
[ES] El intercambio de ideas entre científicos y técnicos, tanto del ámbito académico como empresarial, es fundamental para facilitar el desarrollo de sistemas que puedan satisfacer las demandas de la sociedad actual. La transferencia de tecnología en este campo sigue siendo un reto y, por ello, este tipo de aportaciones se consideran de forma destacada en esta recopilación. Este libro trae debates y publicaciones sobre el desarrollo de técnicas innovadoras de problemas complejos de IoT. El programa técnico se centra tanto en la alta calidad como en la diversidad, con contribuciones en áreas de investigación bien establecidas y en evolución. Específicamente, 10 capítulos fueron presentados a este libro. Los editores alentaron y agradecieron particularmente las contribuciones sobre IA y computación distribuida en aplicaciones de IoT. Los editores agradecen especialmente el apoyo financiero del proyecto "Virtual-Ledgers-Tecnologías DLT/Blockchain y Cripto-IOT sobre organizaciones virtuales de agentes ligeros y su aplicación en la eficiencia en el transporte de última milla", ID SA267P18, financiado por Junta de Castilla y León y fondos FEDER. ; [EN] The exchange of ideas between scientists and technicians, from both academic and business areas, is essential in order to ease the development of systems which can meet the demands of today's society. Technology transfer in this field is still a challenge and, for that reason, this type of contributions are notably considered in this compilation. This book brings in discussions and publications concerning the development of innovative techniques of IoT complex problems. The technical program focuses both on high quality and diversity, with contributions in well-established and evolving areas of research. Specifically, 10 chapters were submitted to this book. The editors particularly encouraged and welcomed contributions on AI and distributed computing in IoT applications. The editors are specially grateful for the funding supporting by the project "Virtual-Ledgers-Tecnologías DLT/Blockchain y Cripto-IOT sobre organizaciones virtuales de agentes ligeros y su aplicación en la eficiencia en el transporte de última milla", ID SA267P18, financed by regional government of Castilla y León and FEDER funds.
The use of Decision Support Systems (DSS) in the eld of Electricity Markets (EM) is essential to provide strategic support to its players. EM are constantly changing, dynamic environments, with many entities which give them a particularly complex nature. There are several simulators for this purpose, including Bilateral Contracting. However, a gap is noticeable in the pre-negotiation phase of energy transactions, particularly in gathering information on opposing negotiators. This paper presents an overview of existing tools for decision support to the Bilateral Contracting in EM, and proposes a new tool that addresses the identied gap, using concepts related to automated negotiation, game theory and data mining. ; This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 641794 (project DREAM-GO) and grant agreement No 703689 (project ADAPT); and from FEDER Funds through COMPETE program and from National Funds through FCT under the project UID/EEA/00760/2013 ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
[ES] El intercambio de ideas entre científicos y técnicos, tanto del ámbito académico como empresarial, es fundamental para facilitar el desarrollo de sistemas que puedan satisfacer las demandas de la sociedad actual. La transferencia de tecnología en este campo sigue siendo un reto y, por ello, este tipo de aportaciones se consideran de forma destacada en esta recopilación. Este libro trae debates y publicaciones sobre el desarrollo de técnicas innovadoras de problemas complejos de IoT. El programa técnico se centra tanto en la alta calidad como en la diversidad, con contribuciones en áreas de investigación bien establecidas y en evolución. Específicamente, 10 capítulos fueron presentados a este libro. Los editores alentaron y agradecieron particularmente las contribuciones sobre IA y computación distribuida en aplicaciones de IoT. Los editores agradecen especialmente el apoyo financiero del proyecto "Virtual-Ledgers-Tecnologías DLT/Blockchain y Cripto-IOT sobre organizaciones virtuales de agentes ligeros y su aplicación en la eficiencia en el transporte de última milla", ID SA267P18, financiado por Junta de Castilla y León y fondos FEDER. ; [EN] The exchange of ideas between scientists and technicians, from both academic and business areas, is essential in order to ease the development of systems which can meet the demands of today's society. Technology transfer in this field is still a challenge and, for that reason, this type of contributions are notably considered in this compilation. This book brings in discussions and publications concerning the development of innovative techniques of IoT complex problems. The technical program focuses both on high quality and diversity, with contributions in well-established and evolving areas of research. Specifically, 10 chapters were submitted to this book. The editors particularly encouraged and welcomed contributions on AI and distributed computing in IoT applications. The editors are specially grateful for the funding supporting by the project "Virtual-Ledgers-Tecnologías DLT/Blockchain y Cripto-IOT sobre organizaciones virtuales de agentes ligeros y su aplicación en la eficiencia en el transporte de última milla", ID SA267P18, financed by regional government of Castilla y León and FEDER funds.