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54 Ergebnisse
In: Travail and Société - Work and Society v.69
How can Europe 2020, the EU's new Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, lead to a stronger Social EU with less poverty and greater social cohesion? This book by a number of eminent scholars and experts is the first to attempt to answer this question. The adoption in June 2010 by EU leaders of a target to lift at least 20 million people out of the risk of poverty and exclusion by 2020 is an important step forward. However, delivering on this and the Union's four other mutually reinforcing targets, and achieving the EU's ambitious social objectives, raises many political and tech
In: Journal of policy analysis and management: the journal of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 243-267
ISSN: 0276-8739
In: Europe 2020: towards a more social EU?, S. 225-252
In: Journal of policy analysis and management: the journal of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 285-304
ISSN: 1520-6688
AbstractThe measurement of poverty and social exclusion is analytically and operationally relevant at all levels of policymaking. Here our focus is on national governments making policy in a global or multinational context such as the European Union (EU). In this process, social indicators are playing a growing role, and we need to stand back and examine their construction and use. In this paper, we argue on the basis of EU experience for a principle‐based approach and explore the possible architecture of indicators of poverty and social exclusion in a multinational context. We consider the implementation of a set of indicators and their contribution to the policy process. © 2010 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.
In: Armed forces & society, Band 19, Heft 3, S. 335-352
ISSN: 1556-0848
This article reports some preliminary results from a comparative research project on how security issues have been perceived in the twelve E.C. countries since the early 1970s among the mass public. This period has been characterized by breathtaking changes in the political and military world environment. How have Europeans reacted to these changes and what are their opinions on the future shape of European defense policy? The empirical evidence is based on a secondary analysis of public opinion surveys conducted in the European Community in the last twenty-one years. The trend analyses show that Europeans are overwhelmingly favorable to the creation of a common European security organization. This does not mean, however, that NATO is no longer thought to be essential or that the E.C. should supplant or replace NATO as the most important forum for making decisions about the security of Western Europe.
In: Armed forces & society: official journal of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society : an interdisciplinary journal, Band 19, Heft 3, S. 335-352
ISSN: 0095-327X
World Affairs Online
In: Res Publica, Band 33, Heft 3-4, S. 503-522
In: Res publica: politiek-wetenschappelijk tijdschrift van de Lage Landen ; driemaandelijks tijdschrift, Band 33, Heft 3-4, S. 503-522
ISSN: 0486-4700
Public perceptions of security & defense issues in Belgium 1970-1990 were studied via secondary analysis of 34 Belgian public opinion surveys from the Eurobarometer series, conducted on behalf of the Surveys, Research, Analyses unit of the Commission of the European Community (EC) each spring & autumn. The Belgian samples consisted of approximately 1,000 adults each, who responded to 151 questions dealing with security issues. Belgian reactions to political world changes during the 20-year period revealed several trends, including an increase in prodefense attitudes, support for creation of a collective European organization for defense, & growing agreement of opinions between Belgium & the EC; also found, however, was a growing positive orientation toward the peace movement & arms limitations. 15 Tables, 2 Figures. Adapted from the source document.
In: Res Publica, Band 33, Heft 3-4, S. 503-522
This article attempts to assess, in a quantitative way, how security/defense issues have been perceived in Belgium since the early 1970s among the mass public. This period has been characterized by breathtaking changes in the political and military world environment. How have Belgians reacted to these changes ? The empirical evidence is based on a secondary analysis of public opinion data from the Eurobarometer series.The picture that emerges from the trend analysis is mixed. On the one hand, orientations towards the peace movement and arms limitations are more positive than before. On the other hand, many other indicators point to an increase in pro-defense orientations. Belgians are also overwhelmingly favorable to the creation of a collective organization for defense.
In: Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) Working Paper Series 2013-29
Working paper
In: Eurostat
In: Theme: Population and social conditions
This book is about the incomes and living standards of the people of Europe. It treats employment, income inequality and poverty, housing, health, education, deprivation and social exclusion. The reader will learn about many of the social issues confronting Europe. How much income poverty is there in Europe? Is inequality increasing? Does a job guarantee escape from income poverty? How is Europe's welfare state coping with the economic crisis? The book is a timely contribution to the Europe 2020 Agenda as it explores the new landscape of EU targets' and the implications for monitoring at EU and national levels.
In: Journal of common market studies: JCMS, Band 42, Heft 1, S. 47-76
ISSN: 0021-9886
Fragen zur europäischen Politik und speziell zur Europawahl.
Der Datensatz enthält Teile des Eurobarometers 42, die sich
auf die Europawahl konzentrieren. Der Datensatz ist in einer
kumulierten Form über vier Studien unter der ZA-Studien-Nr.
2865 archiviert.
Themen: Unter anderem wurden folgende Fragen gestellt:
Allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit; Postmaterialismus; erwartete
Entwicklung der persönlichen Situation, der eigenen
finanziellen Lage und der Arbeitssituation im kommenden Jahr;
erwartete allgemeine ökonomische Entwicklung des Landes;
Häufigkeit von Nachrichtenkonsum im Fernsehen, Radio und
Tageszeitungen; Nationalstolz und Gründe für Nationalstolz;
Selbsteinstufung der politischen Orientierung; allgemeines
Politikinteresse und spezielles Interesse an europäischer
Politik; Demokratiezufriedenheit auf kommunaler, nationaler
und europäischer Ebene; Europabürgertum; Befürwortung der
europäischen Einigung; Einstellung zur Mitgliedschaft des
Landes in der EU und Vorteilhaftigkeit der Mitgliedschaft für
das eigene Land; gewünschte nationale oder europäische
Zuständigkeit für die politischen Ressorts und für ausgewählte
politische Maßnahmen; Wunsch nach vermehrter Information über
die Europäische Union; wahrgenommene Informationen über das
europäische Parlament, die europäische Kommission, den
Ministerrat, den europäischen Gerichtshof, den Gemeinsamen
Markt und den Maastrichter Vertrag; Befürwortung einer
zukünftigen Mitgliedschaft von Österreich, Finnland, Schweden,
Norwegen, der Tschechischen Republik, Ungarn, Polen, der
Slowakischen Republik, Bulgarien, Rumänien und Slowenien in
der EU; eigene Wahlbeteiligung; Wahlverhalten;
Politikbereiche, denen das europäische Parlament besondere
Aufmerksamkeit schenken sollte; Einschätzung des
Ausländeranteils im Lande; empfundene Störungen durch Menschen
anderer Nationalität, anderer Rasse oder anderer Religion.
Fragen zur europäischen Politik und speziell zur Europawahl.
Der Datensatz enthält Teile des Eurobarometers 41.1, die sich
auf die Europawahl konzentrieren. Der Datensatz ist in einer
kumulierten Form über vier Studien unter der ZA-Studien-Nr.
2865 archiviert.
Themen: Unter anderem wurden folgende Fragen gestellt:
Politisches Interesse und Interesse an europäischer Politik;
Vorteilhaftigkeit der Mitgliedschaft des eigenen Landes in der
EU; derzeitige und in fünf Jahren erwartete Bilanz der Vorzüge
aus der EU; Präferenz für vermehrte politische Entscheidungen
auf europäischer Ebene; Registrierung für die Wahl zum
europäischen Parlament; eigene Wahlbeteiligung bei der
Europawahl; Gründe für eine Nichtwahlbeteiligung; gewählte
Partei; eigene Mitgliedschaft bzw. Mitgliedschaft eines
Haushaltsmitglieds in einer Gewerkschaft.