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181 Ergebnisse
In: India macroeconomics annual. 2009
This annual publication analyzes interesting macroeconomic events of contemporary India using macroeconomic and statistical tools. Its focus is on problems affecting economy in general; it no only addresses problems of the Indian economy, but also has a fairly broad perspective that would be applicable to the conditions in other countries. The first part of the volume deals with macroeconomic issues while the second part comprises academic research papers covering a wide range of topics such as labour, fiscal issues, banking and finance, international trade, econometrics, and computational and
In: Research paper 2009,16 : Theory and methods
The ongoing focus of this Annual will be to analyse macroeconomic events in contemporary. India using macroeconomic and statistical tools. While one part of the Annual. will be devoted to macroeconomic issues, the other part will carry academic research. papers encompassing a wide range of topics such as labour, fiscal issues, banking. and finance, international trade, econometrics, computational and mathematical. methods. The focus of this section will be on problems affecting the economy in. general and will take a broader view of topics relevant to developing countries. The first section of
In: Discussion paper No. 538
In: Beiträge des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Osnabrück 9507
In: Beiträge des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Osnabrück 9316
In: Beiträge des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Osnabrück 9407
In: Discussion paper$ 419
In: Diskussionsbeiträge
In: Serie 2 182
This paper builds up a two country model of trade and unemployment allowing for perfect mobility of capital across the borders. Capital moves from the north to the south, which suffers from unemployment. A few basic policies related to lowering of unemployment are discussed. In particular it is shown that larger tariff as well as smaller tax on foreign capital may reduce employment in the south.