Liminality experienced from within: place intensification through self-built dwellings in Montenegro
In: Journal of urbanism: international research on placemaking and urban sustainability, S. 1-17
ISSN: 1754-9183
5 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of urbanism: international research on placemaking and urban sustainability, S. 1-17
ISSN: 1754-9183
In: Community development: journal of the Community Development Society, Band 55, Heft 5, S. 730-753
ISSN: 1944-7485
Incremental housing, supported by governmental funding, denotes a solution for low-income households where dwellings can gradually be customized by users. This article examines the process of incremental construction and proposes an alternation of two phases: the basic house design and its customization. When designing houses, government officials and architects should follow three sub-phases: developing the design of the house with households, presenting the final design to households, and supporting families' habitation of the basic house. For the customization process, the professionals should pursue the three sub-phases guideline: inform households about building skills required for customization, discuss the different possibilities for completing the houses, and connect all this with households' financial resources. The outcome is a template for self-building that synthesizes collecting data about the issues during customization for future incremental housing projects. This article is based on fieldwork analyzing "Las Higueras" (2006) incremental housing project in the Santiago Metropolitan Region, assessing the families' capabilities to subsequently customize their houses, and using qualitative research methods in collaboration with Las Higueras, the Chilean Ministry of Housing and Urban Design, and Gubbins architecture studio. ; La vivienda incremental, respaldada por fondos gubernamentales, denota una solución para que hogares con bajos ingresos puedan construir su vivienda gradualmente. El artículo examina el proceso de construcción incremental y sugiere la alternancia de dos fases: una de diseño y otra de personalización de la vivienda base. Para el diseño de éstas, los agentes gubernamentales y los arquitectos deben seguir tres subfases: desarrollar el diseño de la vivienda base juntamente con las familias, presentar el proyecto final de la vivienda base y apoyar la vivienda base una vez habitada. Para la personalización de las viviendas, los profesionales deben seguir una directriz con tres subfases: ...
La vivienda incremental, respaldada por fondos gubernamentales, significa una solución para los hogares de bajos ingresos, que les permite autogestionar el proceso de personalización de unidades sin terminar. Este artículo utiliza un análisis fenomenológico interpretativo para examinar la pertenencia de los hogares a su casa incremental. Su objetivo es argumentar que hay espacio para teorizar la vivienda incremental, lo que da una idea de la importancia de reunirse en un lugar, sin simplificar demasiado la diversidad de responsabilidades de construcción y vivienda de los residentes. El autor utiliza la idea de vivienda de Martin Heidegger para examinar la noción entrelazada de construir y habitar una casa incremental. La razón subyacente para utilizar el trabajo de Heidegger es su interpretación de una vivienda, que él ve como un proceso continuo de construcción de una casa. La hipótesis sostiene que, los esfuerzos de los hogares para completar la casa sin terminar, cultiva el sentido de reunión de los miembros de la familia, para aumentar su sentido de pertenencia al lugar. Esta pertenencia se entiende en relación con la rutina de los ocupantes, como la organización física y social del proceso de construcción, que trasciende el impedimento social presente en los barrios de bajos ingresos. ; L'habitatge incremental, recolzada per fons governamentals, significa una solució per a les llars de baixos ingressos, que els permet autogestionar el procés de personalització d'unitats sense acabar. Aquest article utilitza una anàlisi fenomenològic interpretatiu per examinar la pertinença de les llars a casa incremental. El seu objectiu és argumentar que hi ha espai per a teoritzar l'habitatge incremental, el que dóna una idea de la importància de reunir-se en un lloc, sense simplificar massa la diversitat de responsabilitats de construcció i habitatge dels residents. L'autor utilitza la idea d'habitatge de Martin Heidegger per examinar la noció entrellaçada de construir i habitar una casa incremental. La raó subjacent per utilitzar el treball de Heidegger és la seva interpretació d'un habitatge, que ell veu com un procés continu de construcció d'una casa. La hipòtesi sosté que, els esforços de les llars per completar la casa sense acabar, conrea el sentit de reunió dels membres de la família, per augmentar el seu sentit de pertinença a el lloc. Aquesta pertinença s'entén en relació amb la rutina dels ocupants, com l'organització física i social de l'procés de construcció, que transcendeix l'impediment social present als barris de baixos ingressos. ; Incremental housing, supported by governmental funding, signifies a solution for low-income households, allowing them to self-manage the process of customising unfinished units. This article uses interpretative phenomenological analysis to examine the households' belonging to their incremental house. The aim is to argue that there is room for theorising incremental housing, which adds insight to the importance of gathering in a place without oversimplifying the diversity of building and living responsibilities held by the residents. The author uses Martin Heidegger's idea of dwelling to examine the entwined notion of building and inhabiting an incremental house. The underlying reason behind using Heidegger's work is his interpretation of a dwelling, which he sees as a continuing process of building a house. The hypothesis holds that households' efforts to complete the unfinished house cultivates the sense of gathering family members for increasing their sense of belonging to the place. This belonging is understood in relationship with the occupants' routine, such as the physical and social organisation of the building process, which transcends social hindrance present in low-income neighbourhoods. ; I am thankful to Dr Fernando Saucedo Lastra for reading the first draft of this manuscript and providing insights for improvements. ; Peer Reviewed
Incremental housing, supported by governmental funding, denotes a solution for low-income households where they can gradually customise their dwelling. The Chilean government officials and architects proposed phases of construction which fell short of addressing the households' capabilities and motivation to finalise their units. Hereof, this article looks at two incremental housing projects: Lo Espejo condominium (2007) and Las Higueras (2006) in the Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile, to inquire capacities of government officials and architects' comprehensive assistance to families' housebuilding. The hypothesis holds that the greater responsibility of government officials and architects engaged with incremental housing will enhance motivation of low-income families to customise their house by self-building practice. Arguing for the importance of the self-building the author proposed the guideline for customising houses that comprises four phases: introducing the incremental construction design idea, discussing with families the possibilities for completing houses, connecting households' construction plans with their financial resources, and presenting the customisation design template. This guideline structure is founded on extensive nine months fieldwork in the Santiago Metropolitan Region, carried out in close collaboration with low-income households from two neighbourhoods, the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism of Chile, the Architectural Office Elemental, and "Gubbins Arquitectos."