4 Ergebnisse
Anticipating the Financial Crisis: Evidence from Insider Trading in Banks
In: CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP11302
Working paper
Review of European ventilation strategies to meet the cooling and heating demands of nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB)/Passivhaus. Comparison with the USA
The parameters and conditions that govern the ventilation requirements in residential buildings under current regulations worldwide are not harmonized. The reduction in energy demand and the increase in the thermal comfort in dwellings are mainly conditioned by these parameters. This article reviews and compares the ventilation flow rates in residential buildings in various countries: the United States of America, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Spain. It also compares the requirements of these countries with the requirements of the Passivhaus construction standard, which is recommended by the European Union as an example of nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEB). Furthermore, a model for a dwelling is created using TRNSYS software. First, simulations have been performed with the flow rates, ventilation strategies and envelope transmittance required by the regulations of each country. The cooling and heating demands have been obtained for representative cities in different climate zones. With these results, the impact of ventilation parameters in the heating demand of the proposed Spanish dwelling is analyzed. Secondly, the same dwelling has been simulated with the thermal envelope transmittance values recommended by the Passivhaus standard. The ventilation strategies of each country have been maintained. The influence of the ventilation can be observed uninfluenced by other design parameters. It is found that with the current ventilation strategies, the heating and cooling demand values required by Passivhaus can be reached in only a few warm climates. In other cases, the ventilation strategies will need to change, and heat recovery ventilation will be required.