La tesis denominada "ACTUAL REGULACIÓN EN EL PERÚ DEL AUTOLAVADO DE ACTIVOS PREVISTO EN EL DECRETO LEGISLATIVO Nº 986 Y Nº 1106"; trata de analizar una problemática traducida en la siguiente pregunta: ¿En qué medida la actual regulación del autolavado de activos regulado en el artículo 10 del Decreto Legislativo N° 1106 (el mismo que modificó el artículo 06 del Decreto Legislativo N° 986) afecta principios constitucionales? Frente a ello, sostenemos que: en la medida que se procese y sancione por el ilícito de blanqueo de activos a personas que solo poseen activos ilícitos, derivados automáticamente del delito previo, la actual regulación del autolavado, afecta el principio constitucional de ne bis in ídem, proscripción de responsabilidad objetiva, culpabilidad, más aún si estas personas ya han sido investigadas y sentenciadas por delitos previos. Es así que daremos a conocer a la luz de la doctrina y jurisprudencia nacional y extranjera –que forma parte de una investigación doctoral que abarca un manejo de la institución elegida, su aplicación real, sus fundamentos filosóficos y su evolución- como se ha desarrollado la figura del autolavado de activos. Asimismo, determinaremos si los principios como el ne bis in ídem, razonabilidad, legalidad, proporcionalidad, culpabilidad, proscripción de responsabilidad objetiva y humanidad de las penas se condicen con la regulación del autolavado de activos, sobre todo cuando se tratan de casos en donde los sujetos solo poseen activos ilícitos, derivados automáticamente del delito previo. Esta investigación, por su profundidad, es una de carácter descriptivo explicativo causal ya que no solamente describiremos la problemática presentada sobre la actual regulación del autolavado de activos vinculado con principios constitucionales, sino que explicaremos dicha problemática a fin de conocer los efectos de su regulación si se pretende sancionar a personas que solo poseen activos ilícitos, derivados automáticamente del delito previo más aún si estas personas ya han sido investigadas y sentenciadas por aquellos delitos. Asimismo, por su finalidad es una investigación aplicada debido a que la investigación está destinada a incrementar conocimientos y aplicarla inmediatamente en el trabajo operativo de este tipo de delitos relacionados al blanqueamiento de activos ilícitos. Por otra parte, la muestra de la investigación es no probabilística ya que fue elegida a criterio del investigador, en la modalidad de muestra tipo y por expertos, pues fue necesario recabar la posición doctrinaria de determinados expertos en materia penal, así como recolectar, bajo una adecuada selección, sentencias nacionales de primera instancia, de la Corte Suprema, extranjeras y disposiciones fiscales que estén relacionados con el tema materia de investigación y que servirán para el análisis de la discusión y resultados, pues sobre esto último, hemos desarrollado una variedad de criterios, y que constituye el aporte del investigador fijando lineamientos para calificar adecuadamente conductas y determinar si la posesión de activos del sujeto generador de activos ilícitos -y que podría extenderse también para el tercero (heterolavado)- puede configurar el delito de lavado de activos. ; The thesis called " CURRENT REGULATION IN PERU OF THE SELFWASHING OF ASSETS PROVIDED FOR IN LEGISLATIVE DECREE Nº 986 AND Nº 1106"; It tries to analyze a problem translated into the following question: To what extent does the current regulation of self-laundering of assets provided for in article 06 of Legislative Decree No. 986, modified by Legislative Decree No. 1106, affect constitutional principles? Faced with this, we maintain that to the extent that people who only possess illicit assets, automatically derived from the previous crime, are prosecuted and punished for the crime of money laundering, the current regulation of self-laundering affects the constitutional principle of ne bis in idem, proscription of strict liability, guilt, even more so if these people have already been investigated and sentenced for previous crimes. Thus, we will make known in the light of national and foreign doctrine and jurisprudence - which is part of a doctoral research that covers a management of the chosen institution, its real application, its philosophical foundations and its evolution - how the figure of the car wash of assets. Likewise, we will determine if principles such as ne bis in idem, reasonableness, legality, proportionality, culpability, proscription of strict liability and humanity of penalties are in accordance with the regulation of self-laundering of assets, especially when dealing with cases where the subjects only possess illicit assets, automatically derived from the previous crime. This research, due to its depth, is one of a causal explanatory descriptive nature since we will not only describe the problem presented on the current regulation of selflaundering of assets linked to constitutional principles, but we will also explain said problem in order to know the effects of its regulation if It is intended to punish people who only possess illicit assets, automatically derived from the previous crime, even more so if these people have already been investigated and sentenced for those crimes. Likewise, due to its purpose it is an applied investigation because the investigation is intended to increase knowledge and apply it immediately in the operational work of this type of money laundering crimes. On the other hand, the sample of this research is non-probabilistic since it was chosen at the discretion of the researcher, in the type of sample and by experts, since it was necessary to collect the doctrinal position of certain experts in criminal matters, as well as collect under an adequate selection, national judgments of the first instance, of the Supreme Court, foreign and fiscal provisions that are related to the subject matter of investigation and that will serve for the analysis of the discussion and results, because on the latter, we have developed a variety criteria, and that constitutes the contribution of the researcher setting guidelines to adequately qualify behaviors and determine if the possession of assets of the subject generating illicit assets - and that could also be extended to the third party (hetero-laundering) - can configure the crime of money laundering. ; Tesis
The parameters and conditions that govern the ventilation requirements in residential buildings under current regulations worldwide are not harmonized. The reduction in energy demand and the increase in the thermal comfort in dwellings are mainly conditioned by these parameters. This article reviews and compares the ventilation flow rates in residential buildings in various countries: the United States of America, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Spain. It also compares the requirements of these countries with the requirements of the Passivhaus construction standard, which is recommended by the European Union as an example of nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEB). Furthermore, a model for a dwelling is created using TRNSYS software. First, simulations have been performed with the flow rates, ventilation strategies and envelope transmittance required by the regulations of each country. The cooling and heating demands have been obtained for representative cities in different climate zones. With these results, the impact of ventilation parameters in the heating demand of the proposed Spanish dwelling is analyzed. Secondly, the same dwelling has been simulated with the thermal envelope transmittance values recommended by the Passivhaus standard. The ventilation strategies of each country have been maintained. The influence of the ventilation can be observed uninfluenced by other design parameters. It is found that with the current ventilation strategies, the heating and cooling demand values required by Passivhaus can be reached in only a few warm climates. In other cases, the ventilation strategies will need to change, and heat recovery ventilation will be required.
Producción Científica ; The URBIOFIN demonstration-scale plant constitutes the first integrated biorefinery for the transformation of municipal solid waste (MSW) into new biobased products and a pioneer concept for converting the current linear economy to a more circular economy in the European Union (EU). URBIOFIN, with a total budget of 15 million €, is based on the synergistic action of 16 European companies, universities and research centers, and represents nowadays the most ambitious joint public-private research initiative to create a new model for the management of the organic fraction of MSW (OFMSW). The URBIOFIN biorefinery constitutes a demo-scale plant for the transformation of OFMSW into bioblocks (bioethanol, volatile fatty acids (VFA), and biogas), biopolymers (short-chain (scl-PHA) and medium-chain polyhydroxyalkanoates (mcl-PHA)) and additives (bioethylene and biofertilizers) using a battery of innovative physical-chemical and biological processes configured in a three step approach. In the pretreatment step, MSW must be sorted into OFMSW and non-organics that will be recycled. Subsequently, a fraction of OFMSW is pretreated, hydrolyzed and fermented into bioethanol, which will be catalytically converted into bioethylene (to be used for fruit ripening applications). Alternatively, the other fraction of OFMSW can be partially converted into VFAs, which will be biologically converted into scl-PHAs or elongated with bioethanol and further bioconverted into mcl-PHAs (to be used for packaging and agriculture). Finally, the VFA-free digestate is mixed with the vinasse originated from OFMSW fermentation into bioethanol and anaerobically biotransformed into biogas. Finally, biogas is photosynthetically upgraded to biomethane (to be injected into natural gas grids) or desulfurized and bioconverted into PHAs (for packaging applications) in biogas fermenters based on type II methanotrophs under nutrient-limiting conditions. The microalgae produced during photosynthetic biogas upgrading are further converted into biofertilizer. ; European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 745785.
German Research Association (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Research Training Group Life Science - Life Writing) ; German Research Association (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Research Training Group Life Science - Life Writing): DFG/GRK 2015/1 ; Background: Practices of biopiracy to use genetic resources and indigenous knowledge by Western companies without benefit-sharing of those, who generated the traditional knowledge, can be understood as form of neo-colonialism. Hypothesis: The One-World Medicine concept attempts to merge the best of traditional medicine from developing countries and conventional Western medicine for the sake of patients around the globe. Study design: Based on literature searches in several databases, a concept paper has been written. Legislative initiatives of the United Nations culminated in the Nagoya protocol aim to protect traditional knowledge and regulate benefit-sharing with indigenous communities. The European community adopted the Nagoya protocol, and the corresponding regulations will be implemented into national legislation among the member states. Despite pleasing progress, infrastructural problems of the health care systems in developing countries still remain. Current approaches to secure primary health care offer only fragmentary solutions at best. Conventional medicine from industrialized countries cannot be afforded by the impoverished population in the Third World. Confronted with exploding costs, even health systems in Western countries are endangered to burst. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is popular among the general public in industrialized countries, although the efficacy is not sufficiently proven according to the standards of evidence-based medicine. CAM is often available without prescription as over-the-counter products with non-calculated risks concerning erroneous self-medication and safety/toxicity issues. The concept of integrative medicine attempts to combine holistic CAM approaches with evidence-based principles of conventional medicine. Conclusion: To realize the concept of One-World Medicine, a number of standards have to be set to assure safety, efficacy and applicability of traditional medicine, e.g. sustainable production and quality control of herbal products, performance of placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized clinical trials, phytovigilance, as well as education of health professionals and patients.