18 Ergebnisse
Il difensore civico: esperienze comparate di tutela dei diritti
In: Linea professionale
Le sfide dell'operatore turistico 2.0 tra OTA e brand reputation management
Durante i miei cinque anni di studi in ambito turistico, ho potuto seguire i cambiamenti del settore e come a questi si sono adattati gli operatori. In particolare, nel lavoro che ho svolto, mi sono occupato di analizzare l'evoluzione del turismo su Internet e l'avvento dei suoi nuovi attori. Nel primo capitolo ho descritto il web 2.0 ed i nuovi strumenti portati da questo, in particolare quelli utilizzati per il marketing turistico. Nel secondo capitolo vengono presentati i nuovi attori del turismo online, ovvero gli intermediari come le Online Travel Agiencies, i motori di ricerca di hotel, TripAdvisor, il social commerce e tutti i cambiamenti che questi hanno portato nell'industria turistica. Nel terzo capitolo viene preso in analisi il fenomeno della brand reputation e delle recensioni online. Vengono presentate le problematiche che incontrano gli operatori nel gestirle, ma anche le opportunità offerte da esse. Infine, nel quarto ed ultimo capitolo, ho presentato il caso della Maremma toscana. Una destinazione nella quale le istituzioni hanno capito l'importanza di conoscere quale fosse la sua reputazione. In questo modo, successivamente all'analisi di ciò che pensano i turisti della destinazione, sono stati formati gli operatori turistici della Maremma, indicandogli la strada da percorrere per il successo turistico della destinazione.
The Effects of R&D Subsidies to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Evidence from a Regional Program
In: Italian economic journal: official peer-reviewed journal of the Italian Economic Association, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 249-281
ISSN: 2199-3238
Regional policy mixes for enterprise and innovation: A fuzzy-set clustering approach
In: Environment and planning. C, Politics and space, Band 36, Heft 1, S. 28-46
ISSN: 2399-6552
The paper identifies different regional policy mixes, ranging from the more minimal to the more proactive or entrepreneurial and verifies their diffusion in the Italian regional enterprise and innovation policies. The empirical analysis is based on an original database containing every enterprise and innovation programme that has been implemented in Italy from 2007 to 2013, and is carried out by means of fuzzy-set clustering techniques. The results show the existence of remarkable heterogeneity, partly reflecting the well-known North-South divide, with some regions adopting minimal policy mixes and other regions adopting different types of proactive mixes.
Government policy failure in public support for research and development
peer-reviewed ; Promoting Research and Development (R&D) and innovative activity is a key element of the EU Lisbon Agenda and is seen as playing a central part in stimulating economic development. In this paper we argue that, even allowing for benevolent policy-makers, informational asymmetries can lead to a misallocation of public support for R&D, hence government policy failure, with the potential to exacerbate preexisting market failures. Initially, we explore alternative allocation mechanisms for public support, which can help to minimize the scale of these government policy failures. Of these mechanisms (grants, tax credits, or allocation rules based on past performance), our results suggest that none is universally most efficient. Rather, the effectiveness of each allocation rule depends on the severity of financial constraints and on the level of innovative capabilities of the firms themselves. ; ACCEPTED ; peer-reviewed
Government policy failure in public support for research and development
Promoting Research and Development (R&D) and innovative activity is a key element of the EU Lisbon Agenda and is seen as playing a central part in stimulating economic development. In this paper we argue that, even allowing for benevolent policymakers, informational asymmetries can lead to a misallocation of public support for R&D, hence government policy failure, with the potential to exacerbate pre-existing market failures. Initially, we explore alternative allocation mechanisms for public support, which can help to minimize the scale of these government policy failures. Of these mechanisms (grants, tax credits, or allocation rules based on past performance), our results suggest that none is universally most efficient. Rather, the effectiveness of each allocation rule depends on the severity of financial constraints and on the level of innovative capabilities of the firms themselves. ; peerReviewed
La sopravvivenza delle imprese negli anni della crisi: prime evidenze empiriche dalla Toscana
In: Journal of industrial and business economics: Economia e politica industriale, Heft 1, S. 25-52
ISSN: 1972-4977
Understanding the procurement performance of local governments: A duration analysis of public works
In: Environment and planning. C, Politics and space, Band 35, Heft 5, S. 809-827
ISSN: 2399-6552
Public works often suffer from long durations and time escalations, which entail the dissatisfaction of collective needs. Using micro-level data on the works recently procured by the municipalities of a large Italian region, we analyse delay incurrence and the subsequent time-to-completion of works. For this purpose, we rely on a split-population duration model. Our findings show that appropriate levels of expertise and experience – which are often believed to be lacking in municipalities – have a role in speeding up works' executions. The lack of experience is actually an issue that requires appropriate policy remedies, in that it brings to higher delay probability and longer delay durations. The same applies to municipalities that resort to late payments in response to budget constraints.