Abstract: In public relations in military operations, the quality and opportunity of the transmitted message are elements that count and that can be quantified, constituting at the same time a leverage for the success of the operation, a means to save human lives, material and patrimony values.Keywords: public relations; quantification; military operations; target groups.
Conceptul de putere și relațiile sale cu spațiul pot fi analizate din perspectiva așa numitor peisaje ale puterii. Articolul se concentreză pe Țara Hațegului, regiunea din sud-vestul Transilvaniei cunoscută pentru evoluția sa particulară din punct de vedere socio-politic. Absența unor importante intervenții maghiare alături de prezența unei puternici elite locale a generat un peisaj cultural specific. Regiunea este recunoscută pentru numărul mare de biserici medievale, fortărețe și conace care s-au conservat până în prezent. De-a lungul timpului, au fost întreprinse numeroase studii cu privire la locația, funcția și arhitectura acestor monumente. Articolul prezent cercetează localizarea și dinamica funcțiilor edificiilor și încercă să ofere o altă persectivă utilizând conceptul de peisaje ale puterii. Relația dintre oameni, spațiu și putere este regândită, analizând amprenta peisagistică a acestor structuri.
AbstractCreative economies are today one of the fastest-growing economic sectors and an impressive transforming force, than can contribute to increasing territorial, regional or national competitiveness and, therefore, to economic growth and long-term development. The study aims to analyze the contribution of creative economies to the local and regional economy. Quantification of the role of creative economies in the economic profile was made by creating a database, at the level of administrative-territorial unit, with the main economic indicators (number of companies, number of employees, turnover and profit) for the creative economies, according to the NACE classification (Classification of National Economy Activities), for the period 2000-2016. The database was also used for the evolution of the ranks held by each economic sector for the analyzed period and for the development of trend matrices on the evolution of the above indicators, at the four-digit NACE code. The result highlight the importance of creative sector in the dynamics of local and regional economies of the territorial systems.
Abstract The entrepreneurial sector can play an important role in increasing the functional complexity of the territorial systems with tourist functionality, by increasing the capacity of adapting the local economy to the changes caused by the economic crises. The study aims to analyze the dynamics of the entrepreneurial sector, for the period 2000-2016, and to identify the changes in the entrepreneurial profile, in the territorial systems with tourist functionality from Romania. To quantify this dynamics, a database was created, at the territorial administrative unit level, with the main economic indicators (number of companies, number of employees, turnover and profit). The database was also used for the development of trend matrices on the evolution of the above indicators, at the four-digit NACE code (classification of activities in the national economy), and on the evolution of the ranks held by each economic sector for the analyzed period. The result highlight the importance of the entrepreneurial sector, in the dynamics of local and regional economies of the territorial systems with tourist functionality.
Nowadays, creative economies stand as a relevant indicator of the sustainable development of local and regional ones. The study aims to highlight the spatial behaviour of creative economies in the Bucharest‒Ilfov Development Region, the most dynamic and complex regional economy in Romania. In order to assess the spatial dynamics of creative economies in the region, an economic database was created, at the level of the territorial administrative unit, for the two economic indicators considered important for the study, number of employees and turnover, under the auspices of the Classification of National Economy Activities (NACE). The establishment of creative economies was made following the Government Decision no. 859 of 2014, with 66 codes for this sector. Annual cartographic models were developed for each indicator in QGIS (a free and open&ndash ; source cross&ndash ; platform desktop geographic information system application that supports viewing, editing, and analysis of geospatial data), for the period 2000&ndash ; 2016. For a relevant analysis of spatial behaviour, we used Sholl and Kolmogorov complexity, which highlighted specific patterns of spatial dynamics that help us to understand the role of creative economies in the sustainable development of regional economies. The results highlighted the role of accessibility corridors in the development of the regional economy.
This paper intends to demonstrate on the basis of a case study that rural people's access to modern goods and services is not necessarily a relentless source of deculturalisation, because it sometimes allows a better management and valorisation of the main characteristics of the rural space. Despite socio-economic unrest and successive changes of political regimes that took place in Romania during the last century, the human communities within the Arges foothills have defended with dignity their traditional material and spiritual values, passing them down from generation to generation. In the medium and long-term, the valorisation of the Romanian rural space, in general, and of that belonging to the Arges foothills, in particular, will imply the creation of a balance between the valuable cultural potential and the quality of life of the inhabitants, who are the keepers of rural cultural heritage. At present, the best thing to do to pass on the traditions of this area is to proudly accept the affiliation to this geographical space. This is true not only for the permanent inhabitants of rural settlements, but mostly for those who have left the countryside to carry it in their minds and souls. In our opinion, this fact is a pre-requisite for preventing the loss of material and spiritual values of this cultural-historical space.
This paper intends to demonstrate on the basis of a case study that rural people's access to modern goods and services is not necessarily a relentless source of deculturalisation, because it sometimes allows a better management and valorisation of the main characteristics of the rural space. Despite socio-economic unrest and successive changes of political regimes that took place in Romania during the last century, the human communities within the Arges foothills have defended with dignity their traditional material and spiritual values, passing them down from generation to generation. In the medium and long-term, the valorisation of the Romanian rural space, in general, and of that belonging to the Arges foothills, in particular, will imply the creation of a balance between the valuable cultural potential and the quality of life of the inhabitants, who are the keepers of rural cultural heritage. At present, the best thing to do to pass on the traditions of this area is to proudly accept the affiliation to this geographical space. This is true not only for the permanent inhabitants of rural settlements, but mostly for those who have left the countryside to carry it in their minds and souls. In our opinion, this fact is a pre-requisite for preventing the loss of material and spiritual values of this cultural-historical space.
"Assessment of Geography Teaching-Learning Process Through Game, in Pre-University Education. A general problem recognized in the educational process is the need to identify the manner in which the teacher, as the factor with the greatest influence on learning, increases the students' school performance. The creation of a tool in the form of an interactive website, using types of languages to improve an easy understanding of learning, the formation of specific competences and the students' enhanced motivation for study are the objectives of this study. This study evaluates the teaching-learning system through its own created game, using certain types of computer languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript, from the perspective of measuring the impact of the effect on tests in the formative assessment sequence of students, compared to other teaching-learning methods. The experiment, observations, performance analysis and qualitative Google Forms questionnaires, suggested a high degree of student engagement and how game technology can facilitate teaching. As the results have shown that there is a strong difference between experimental and control groups, it indicates that educational play has had a positive impact on learning and increasing students' interest, confirming the advantages of learning through play. The teaching-learning model can be extended to use at national and international level. Keywords: teaching-learning through game; Geography; Google Forms; HTML computer language; CSS and JavaScript. "