Green's formulation for chirowaveguides
Green integral formulation of the boundary value problem in chirowaveguides with translational symmetry and the application to the rectangular case are presented in this paper. The Green equations for the two eigenmodes in unbounded chiral media, i.e. right and left circularly polarized waves, are formulated in terms of the Hankel functions. By splitting the waveguide contour into a finite number of intervals, the equations are discretized and a homogeneous system of equations can be obtained. The number of unknowns is reduced to the half by applying the relations between the longitudinal components and their normal derivatives at the metallic contours. The method has been used for modeling the rectangular waveguide and the dispersion diagram and the field structure for some propagation modes are presented. ; This work was supported by the Spanish Government (Research Projects TEC2014-55463-C3-1-P and TEC2014-55463-C3-2-P) and by the European Commission (ERDF).