Northern words, Southern readings
In: Development in practice, Band 9, Heft 1-2, S. 151-158
ISSN: 1364-9213
110 Ergebnisse
In: Development in practice, Band 9, Heft 1-2, S. 151-158
ISSN: 1364-9213
In: Development in practice, Band 17, Heft 3, S. 393-403
ISSN: 1364-9213
In: Development in practice, Band 17, Heft 3
ISSN: 0961-4524
In: Development in practice, Band 17, Heft 3, S. 393-403
ISSN: 1364-9213
In: Development in practice, Band 9, Heft 1 and 2
ISSN: 0961-4524
In: Annals of public and cooperative economics, Band 69, Heft 2, S. 175-192
ISSN: 1467-8292
The economic literature has proposed different explanations about the role and existence of the non‐profit organizations in the economy. These theories can be divided into two types: demand theories and supply theories. However, Ben‐Ner and Van Hoomissen (1991, 1992) suggested that, in some cases, demand and supply factors operate simultaneously and it is particularly difficult to separate them. Thus, it is necessary to consider these two factors in the study of the determinants that have influence in the existence of non‐profit organizations. In this paper, this argument is considered in order to analyse the demand and supply determinants of the non‐profit organizations' development in Catalonia, a Spanish region.
In: Development in practice, Band 5, Heft 3, S. 271-272
ISSN: 0961-4524
We present a study of the Non-governmental Organisations for the Development (NGOD) Spanish, members of Coordinator of NGOD- Spain (CNGOD-AND). These organisations represent a set Consolidated within sector wider of the Non-profít Organisations. They have gone from the social invisibility to the growing presence in the media and in the imaginary of the society. They have been Consolidated as social actors and as political actors. In fact, from a sociological point of view they are considered as a fundamental part of the new social movements. Also, they are economic agents, since they manage tens of million of pesetas around the beginning of the eighties and 40 billion in the year 1996. We analyse also the structural transformation that they have experimented in the last five years: contracted personnel increase, number of volunteer, number of Services offer and International presence. ; En este artículo se analizan las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales para el Desarrollo (ONGD) españolas, federadas en el marco de la Coordinadora de ONGD-España (CONGD-E). Estas organizaciones representan un conjunto consolidado dentro del sector más amplio de las Organizaciones No Lucrativas. Han pasado de la invisibilidad social, a la presencia creciente en los medios de comunicación y en el imaginario de la sociedad. Se han consolidado como actores sociales y como actores políticos. De hecho, desde un punto de vista sociológico son consideradas como una parte fundamental de los llamados nuevos movimientos sociales. Asimismo, también son agentes económicos que han pasado de la gestión de poco más de unas decenas de millones de pesetas a comienzos de los años ochenta, a unos ingresos de 40.000 millones en el año 1996. Junto a esto hay que destacar también la transformación estructural que han experimentado: incremento de personal contratado, de voluntariado, de oferta de servicios, de presencia internacional.
In: Current sociology: journal of the International Sociological Association ISA, Band 71, Heft 4, S. 547-551
ISSN: 1461-7064
In: Current sociology: journal of the International Sociological Association ISA, Band 70, Heft 4, S. 475-477
ISSN: 1461-7064
In: Current sociology: journal of the International Sociological Association ISA, Band 69, Heft 2, S. 143-145
ISSN: 1461-7064
In: Current sociology: journal of the International Sociological Association ISA, Band 66, Heft 4, S. 493-494
ISSN: 1461-7064
In: International sociology: the journal of the International Sociological Association, Band 29, Heft 5, S. 384-387
ISSN: 1461-7242
The 2008 global crisis impacted western societies in a number of ways, especially the way in which we understand the welfare state and social policies. In this context, examining the conceptual basis of social policies is needed. This review essay puts forward questions and data that analyse our difficult times of turbulence and uncertainty by considering two authors and their books. They offer two ways of thinking from different Anglo-Saxon perspectives about the question of social policies. These discussions are transferable to other contexts. That is because the economic crisis has been used to justify the mutation of social policies that had been in effect until less than a decade ago.
In: International social work, Band 57, Heft 6, S. 566-575
ISSN: 1461-7234
The aim of this article is to analyse and describe social work education and its professional context in Spain. Specifically, it analyses new degree implementation as a consequence of the Bologna Process over the last 10 years. It posits some ideas about the social sciences beyond the dominant paradigms with the aim of overcoming corporatism. It concludes that social sciences could be used as a toolkit where several instruments and techniques may be useful in tackling social problems in a transdisciplinary way and in systems thinking. What one is able to solve and learn in the present is more interesting than remaining in the past and asking about one's background.
In: International sociology: the journal of the International Sociological Association, Band 27, Heft 2, S. 270-272
ISSN: 1461-7242