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34 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of risk research: the official journal of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe and the Society for Risk Analysis Japan, Band 17, Heft 6, S. 709-719
ISSN: 1466-4461
In: Journal of risk research: the official journal of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe and the Society for Risk Analysis Japan, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 143-157
ISSN: 1466-4461
In: Politics and the life sciences: PLS ; a journal of political behavior, ethics, and policy, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 91-92
ISSN: 1471-5457
In: Politics and the life sciences: PLS ; a journal of political behavior, ethics, and policy, Band 19, Heft 1, S. 109-110
ISSN: 1471-5457
In: The library of essays on the ethics of emerging technologies
In: Library of Essays on the Ethics of Emerging Technologies
Cover -- Half Title -- Series Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Series Preface -- Introduction -- Part 1: Foundations -- Chapter 1: Langdon Winner. 'Do Artifacts Have Politics?' Daedalus 109.1 (1980), 121-136 (excerpt from 'The Whale and the Reactor') -- Chapter 2: Arie Rip. 'Introduction of New Technology: Making Use of Recent Insights from Sociology and Economics of Technology.' Technology Analysis & -- Strategic Management 7.4 (1995), 417-432 -- Chapter 3: Bill Joy. 'Why the Future Doesn't Need Us.' Wired, (April 2000) -- Chapter 4: John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid. 'A Response to Bill Joy and the Doom-and-Gloom Technofuturists.' In Albert H. Teich, Stephen D. Nelson, Celia McEnaney and Stephen J. Lita (eds), AAAS Science and Technology Policy Yearbook 2001 (2001), 77-83 -- Part 2: Ethics and Public Policy -- Chapter 5: Braden Allenby. 'The Industrial Ecology of Emerging Technologies.' Journal of Industrial Ecology 13.2 (2009), 168-183 -- Chapter 6: Amy Gutmann. 'The Ethics of Synthetic Biology: Guiding Principles for Emerging Technologies.' Hastings Center Report 41.4 (2011), 17-22 -- Chapter 7: Gary Marchant, Ann Meyer and Megan Scanlon. 'Integrating Social and Ethical Concerns into Regulatory Decision-Making for Emerging Technologies.' 11 Minnesota J. Law Science & -- Technology (2010), 345-363 -- Chapter 8: Richard Owen, Phil Macnaghten and Jack Stilgoe. 'Responsible Research and Innovation: From Science in Society to Science for Society, with Society.' Science and Public Policy 39.6 (2012), 751-760 -- Chapter 9: Alfred Nordmann. 'Discussion Paper: Responsible Innovation, the Art and Craft of Anticipation.' Journal of Responsible Innovation 1.1 (2014), 87-98 -- Part 3: Public Perception and Participation.
In: Bulletin of the atomic scientists, Band 73, Heft 2, S. 108-114
ISSN: 1938-3282
ABSTRACT. The question of whether biotechnology regulation should be based on the process or the product has long been debated, with different jurisdictions adopting different approaches. The European Union has adopted a process-based approach, Canada has adopted a product-based approach, and the United States has implemented a hybrid system. With the recent proliferation of new methods of genetic modification, such as gene editing, process-based regulatory systems, which are premised on a binary system of transgenic and conventional approaches, will become increasingly obsolete and unsustainable. To avoid unreasonable, unfair and arbitrary results, nations that have adopted process-based approaches will need to migrate to a product-based approach that considers the novelty and risks of the individual trait, rather than the process by which that trait was produced. This commentary suggests some approaches for the design of such a product-based approach.
In: Jurimetrics, Band 56, Heft 4
In: 2015 Michigan State Law Review 1911
In: Politics and the life sciences: PLS, Band 19, Heft 1, S. 109-110
ISSN: 0730-9384
In: IEEE technology and society magazine: publication of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology, Band 40, Heft 4, S. 101-114
ISSN: 0278-0097
In: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.https://www.oecd.ai/wonk/soft-law-2-0.2021