The main focus of this project Improving Social Innovation Competencies of Sports Professionals through Increasing Quality of VET (SPIN-VET) is to develop an innovative course curriculum that can be implemented by organizations (universities, Vocational Education and Training [VET] institutes, NGOs) responsible for vocational training of sports professionals in order to meet these needs. However, the development of open and innovative educational resources needed by trainers/lecturers responsible for vocational education and training of sports managers is one of the priorities of the project. SPIN-VET has focused on increasing the capacities of sports vocational education and training stakeholders (universities, institutes, VET providers, trainers, lecturers, mentors, etc.) through course curricula and innovative educational resources to be developed for the improvement of the social innovation competencies of sports managers. SPIN-VET project therefore seeks to address the following identified needs of VET for sport field in social innovation at the European Union (EU) level: Current curricula implemented by VET institutions responsible for VET of sports professionals are insufficient to train qualified sports managers to meet the needs of the sports labor market. Social innovation in sports is a relatively new but rapidly developing field. There is no innovative course curriculum on social innovation that VET institutions in the field of sport can apply. Trainers/lecturers responsible for VET of sports managers need innovative educational resources on social innovation. The social innovation competencies of the sports professionals in the labor market are not sufficient. Sports professionals in the labor market need open and digital learning platforms and training resources to improve their social innovation knowledge,skills and competences. With this scope, the overall objectives of the project are to contribute to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe by: Supporting professional development of ...
Spain is a European leader as a golf tourism destination, and Andalusia is the region that receives the most tourism in this sector, boosting not only the golf industry but also the percentage of income overall. Thus, user loyalty and knowing the future intentions of users is a matter of vital importance in these sports organizations. This study analyses 636 users of 17 golf courses in Andalusia –73.43% men and 26.42% women– and with an average age of 50.2 ± 15.6. The results show that more than 70% of users would encourage their families to play on the golf course and recommend it in more than 75% of them. In conclusion, this study emphasises the need for the use of the adapted tool, as it is a valid and reliable instrument that guides on the aspects demanded by the user as well as how to build loyalty.
The current Bachelor's Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (TU CAFIDE), has undergone several changes over the last decades. Different legislative changes have been consolidating the credits related to the career opportunities of Sports Direction or Management. A total of 28 teaching guides have been analyzed at a national level (14 public universities and 14 private) to know if the contents taught sufficiently qualify the competences of the students for what the organizations of the sector demand. It is a subject considered in 75% of the university's compulsory, highlighting the structure of 6 credit ECTS (82.1%) and where only one teacher (75%) appears as a professor. The greatest burden in the final grade is on the exam (50-70%), followed by practical works (30-50%) and 28.6% of the universities, value 10% the attendance. The results show that there are differences in the structure, methodology and contents taught in the subject, depending on the type of university (public/private) and its character (compulsory/optional), although these are not significant, except in the course in which it is taught according to its character (p=.009), greater weight of the exam when it is compulsory (p=.017) and differences in some contents taught according to the type of university (p=.020) and character (p=.043). This training should be analyzed and oriented in accordance with the resolution of the General Secretary of Universities on the establishment of recommendations to be followed in the verification reports of this Bachelor's Degree, in addition to respond to the labor market. ; El actual Título Universitario oficial de Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte (TU CAFIDE), ha sufrido numerosos cambios a lo largo de las últimas décadas. Así como la asignatura de equipamiento e instalaciones deportivas, materia relevante pues puede procurar conocimientos para la optimización de estos recursos. Se han analizado un total de 28 guías docentes a nivel nacional (14 ámbito público y 14 privado) para conocer si los contenidos, metodologías y procesos evaluativos pueden orientar suficientemente en la adquisición de las competencias del alumnado para lo que las organizaciones del sector demandan. Es una asignatura considerada en el 75% de las universidades obligatoria, destacando la carga de 6 créditos ECTS (82,1%) y donde solo un docente (75%) figura como profesor. El mayor peso en la calificación lo tiene la prueba de examen entre un 50-70%, seguida de la prueba de trabajos (30-50%) y para el 28,6% de las universidades se valora el 10% en asistencia. Los resultados determinan que existen diferencias en la estructura, metodología y contenidos impartidos de la asignatura, en función del tipo de universidad (pública/privada) y su carácter (obligatoria/optativa), si bien estas no son significativas, excepto en el curso en que se imparte en función de su carácter (p=.009), mayor peso del examen cuando es obligatoria (p=.017) y diferencias en algunos contenidos impartidos según su titularidad (p=.020) y carácter (p=.043). Debe analizarse esta formación y orientarla atendiendo a la resolución de la Secretaría General de Universidades sobre el establecimiento de las recomendaciones a seguir en las memorias de verificación del título de este grado, además de dar respuesta al mercado laboral. Abstract. The current Bachelor's Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (TU CAFIDE), has undergone several changes over the last decades. Different legislative changes have been consolidating the credits related to the career opportunities of Sports Direction or Management. A total of 28 teaching guides have been analyzed at a national level (14 public universities and 14 private) to know if the contents taught sufficiently qualify the competences of the students for what the organizations of the sector demand. It is a subject considered in 75% of the university's compulsory, highlighting the structure of 6 credit ECTS (82.1%) and where only one teacher (75%) appears as a professor. The greatest burden in the final grade is on the exam (50-70%), followed by practical works (30-50%) and 28.6% of the universities, value 10% the attendance. The results show that there are differences in the structure, methodology and contents taught in the subject, depending on the type of university (public/private) and its character (compulsory/optional), although these are not significant, except in the course in which it is taught according to its character (p=.009), greater weight of the exam when it is compulsory (p=.017) and differences in some contents taught according to the type of university (p=.020) and character (p=.043). This training should be analyzed and oriented in accordance with the resolution of the General Secretary of Universities on the establishment of recommendations to be followed in the verification reports of this Bachelor's Degree, in addition to respond to the labor market. ; O atual curso oficial de Licenciatura em Ciências da Atividade Física e do Esporte (TU CAFIDE), passou por inúmeras mudanças nas últimas décadas. Para além da disciplina de equipamentos e instalações desportivas, um assunto relevante na medida em que pode proporcionar conhecimentos para a optimização destes recursos. Foram analisados 28 guias pedagógicos a nível nacional (14 públicos e 14 privados) para saber se os conteúdos, metodologias e processos de avaliação podem fornecer orientações suficientes na aquisição das competências dos alunos para o que as organizações do setor exigem. É uma disciplina considerada obrigatória em 75% das universidades, destacando-se a carga de 6 créditos ECTS (82,1%) e onde apenas um professor (75%) surge como docente. O maior peso na qualificação é a prova de exame entre 50-70%, seguida da prova de trabalho (30-50%) e para 28,6% das universidades 10% é valorizado na assiduidade. Os resultados determinam que existem diferenças na estrutura, metodologia e conteúdos ministrados na disciplina, consoante o tipo de universidade (pública / privada) e a sua natureza (obrigatória / opcional), embora estas não sejam significativas, exceto na disciplina de que é ministrado de acordo com seu caráter (p = 0,009), maior peso do exame quando é obrigatório (p = 0,017) e diferenças em alguns conteúdos ministrados de acordo com sua titularidade (p = 0,020) e caráter (p = 0,043 ) Esta formação deve ser analisada e orientada de acordo com a resolução da Secretaria-Geral das Universidades sobre o estabelecimento das recomendações a serem seguidas nos relatórios de verificação do título deste curso, além de responder ao mercado de trabalho.