Evaluation of in‐service residential nutating disc water meter performance
In: AWWA Water Science, Band 1, Heft 1
ISSN: 2577-8161
This article reports the experimental evaluation of registry error of in‐service residential water meters and the effects of service time (ST) and volumetric throughput (TP). Nutating disc (ND) meters (413 total, consisting of two models) from a single water system were tested ex situ following AWWA‐recommended test flow rates (TQs). The meters sampled encompassed a range of ST (2–53 years) and TP (0.01–7.65 mil gal). Mean registration error (RE) at TQ ≤ 0.5 gpm was significantly greater for ST > 25 years, independent of TP. Mean RE at TQ = 0.25 gpm was −46.5% and −35.0% for meters with 25 < ST ≤ 33 years and ST ≥ 34 years, respectively. Severe underregistration (RE < −90%) at TQ = 0.25 gpm was observed in 41% and 24% of meters with 25 < ST ≤ 33 years and ST ≥ 34 years, respectively.