A Compendium to the Phosphoregulation of Mitosis
Mitosis is largely driven by the highly ordered process of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. Current estimates from large scale deep phosphor-proteomics analysis suggest that the majority of the proteasome is fully-phosphorylated during mitosis, highlighting the extensive network of events that phosphorylation controls. To better understand these events, we utilised the unique Minardo layout, which displays multi-dimensional information including time which flows around a schematic "circtanglar" cell (Ma et al., 2013). Over 90 events are visually represented on the layout, providing a quick yet comprehensive overview of the key phosphorylation events that regulate entry, progression and exit from mitosis (Burgess et al., 2017). Each phosphorylation event is visually linked to its upstream regulatory kinase or phosphatase, adding an additional layer of information. In addition, the website version (http://www.cell.com/cell/enhanced/odonoghue2), is fully interactive allowing users to click on each phosphosite, with the pop-up box containing direct links to 3D structure, UniProt and most importantly, a simple description along with additional phosphorylation events and direct links to the supporting literature in PubMed. Currently, the information contained within these pop-up boxes is not easily accessible or searchable, limiting its use, consequently in this review we have re-compiled the pop-up boxes to enable easy access to the information and provide a comprehensive compendium of the major phosphorylation events currently known to be essential for mitosis. ; A.B. is supported by CINSW FRL (ID#10/FRL/3-02), The Patricia Helen Guest Fellowship and a NBCF IIRS grant (#IIRS-18-103). S.R. is an Australian Government RTP Scholarship. M.M. is supported by MINECO (SAF2015-69920-R, ERDF-EU, and BFU2014-52125-REDT grants). J.V. and S.I.O'D. are supported by CSIRO's OCE Science Leader programme. The authors thank Benedetta Frida Baldi and Christopher Hammang for creative input.