Goodbye UNSCOM: A Sorry Tale in US-UN Relations
In: Security dialogue, Band 30, Heft 4, S. 393-412
ISSN: 0967-0106
10 Ergebnisse
In: Security dialogue, Band 30, Heft 4, S. 393-412
ISSN: 0967-0106
In: Survival: global politics and strategy, Band 39, Heft 2, S. 126-146
ISSN: 0039-6338
In: Journal of refugee studies, Band 10, Heft 2, S. 214-215
ISSN: 1471-6925
In: Journal of developmental and physical disabilities, Band 19, Heft 4, S. 365-383
ISSN: 1573-3580
In: Journal of social work in disability & rehabilitation, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 21-36
ISSN: 1536-7118
In: Family relations, Band 37, Heft 4, S. 367
ISSN: 1741-3729
In: Journal of social work in disability & rehabilitation, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 1-20
ISSN: 1536-7118
In: Health & social work: a journal of the National Association of Social Workers, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 169-180
ISSN: 1545-6854
Vector control using long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) accounts for most of the malaria burden reductions achieved recently in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). LLINs and IRS are highly effective, but are insufficient to eliminate malaria transmission in many settings because of operational constraints, growing resistance to available insecticides and mosquitoes that behaviourally avoid contact with these interventions. However, a number of substantive opportunities now exist for rapidly developing and implementing more diverse, effective and sustainable malaria vector control strategies for LMICs. For example, mosquito control in high-income countries is predominantly achieved with a combination of mosquito-proofed housing and environmental management, supplemented with large-scale insecticide applications to larval habitats and outdoor spaces that kill off vector populations en masse, but all these interventions remain underused in LMICs. Programmatic development and evaluation of decentralised, locally managed systems for delivering these proactive mosquito population abatement practices in LMICs could therefore enable broader scale-up. Furthermore, a diverse range of emerging or repurposed technologies are becoming available for targeting mosquitoes when they enter houses, feed outdoors, attack livestock, feed on sugar or aggregate into mating swarms. Global policy must now be realigned to mobilise the political and financial support necessary to exploit these opportunities over the decade ahead, so that national malaria control and elimination programmes can access a much broader, more effective set of vector control interventions.
Vector control using long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS), accounts for most of the malaria burden reductions achieved recently in low and middleincome countries (LMICs). LLINs and IRS are highly effective, but are insufficient to eliminate malaria transmission in many settings, because of operational constraints, growing resistance to available insecticides, and mosquitoes that behaviourally avoid contact with these interventions. However, a number of substantive opportunities now exist for rapidly developing and implementing more diverse, effective, and sustainable malaria vector control strategies for LMICs. For example, mosquito control in high income countries (HICs) is predominantly achieved with a combination of mosquito -proofed housing and environmental management, supplemented with large-scale insecticide applications to larval habitats and outdoor spaces that kill off vector populations en masse, but all these interventions remain under-utilized in LMICs. Programmatic development and evaluation of decentralized, locally-managed systems for delivering these pro-active mosquito population abatement practices in LMICs could therefore enable broader scale up. Furthermore, a diverse range of emerging or re-purposed technologies are becoming available for targeting mosquitoes when they enter houses, feed outdoors, attack livestock, feed on sugar, or aggregate into mating swarms. Global policy must now be realigned to mobilize the political and financial support necessary to exploit these opportunities over the decade ahead, so that national malaria control and elimination programmes can access a much broader, more effective set of vector control interventions.