Imigrantes na região de Lisboa: os anos da mudança: imigração e processo de integração das comunidades de origem indiana
In: Colecção Geografia 1
28 Ergebnisse
In: Colecção Geografia 1
In: Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, Heft 92, S. 119-138
ISSN: 1133-6595
In: Lusotopie: enjeux contemporains dans les espaces lusophones ; publication annuelle internationale de recherches politiques en science de l'homme, de la société et de l'environnement sur les lieux, pays et communautés d'histoire et de langue officielle ou nationale portugais et luso-créoles ; revue reconnue par le CRNS, S. 377-398
ISSN: 1257-0273
In: South European society & politics, Band 3, Heft 3, S. 169-185
ISSN: 1743-9612
In: South European society & politics, Band 3, Heft 3, S. 169-185
ISSN: 1360-8746
Discusses the role of foreign workers in the Portuguese labor market, relating recent changes in the labor market with the need for foreign workers to satisfy the demand in some sectors. Focusing on the secondary labor market, particularly the sectors that require temporary & flexible work (eg, construction & public works), an overview is presented of the strategies supporting clandestine work. Using the example of the construction sector in the metropolitan area of Lisbon, the role of diverse agents (firms, subcontractors, workers, state institutions, & trade unions) in this network of informal labor is discussed -- as well as the different forms of vulnerability to which the foreign clandestine workers are exposed. 4 Tables, 2 Figures, 19 References. Adapted from the source document.
In: Revue européenne des migrations internationales: REMI, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 141-158
ISSN: 1777-5418
Communautés Indiennes à Lisbonne
La présence de communautés étrangères ou d'origine étrangère au Portugal est un phénomène récent. Cet article explicite les raisons de la présence de communautés indiennes à Lisbonne, en privilégiant la compréhension des stratégies commerciales développées par la plupart de leurs membres. La logique de développement et de fonctionnement (origine du financement, main-d'œuvre, relation entre espace domestique et espace de travail, localisation géographique...) du commerce de patrons et d'indépendants d'origine indienne à Lisbonne est présentée en référence au développement du commerce ethnique dans plusieurs villes des pays développés. En conclusion l'auteur s'interroge sur l'avenir du commerce d'origine indienne à Lisbonne et sur son rôle dans le processus de transformation de la zone centrale de la ville.
In: Identities: global studies in culture and power, Band 22, Heft 6, S. 687-19
ISSN: 1070-289X
In: Identities: global studies in culture and power, Band 22, Heft 6, S. 687-705
ISSN: 1547-3384
In: Journal of ethnic and migration studies: JEMS, Band 36, Heft 2, S. 227-255
ISSN: 1469-9451
In: Journal of ethnic and migration studies: JEMS, Band 36, Heft 2, S. 227-256
ISSN: 1369-183X
In: Journal of ethnic and migration studies: JEMS, Band 36, Heft 2, S. 227-255
ISSN: 1469-9451
In: Textos & Debates: revista de filosofia e ciências humanas da Universidade Federal de Roraima, Band 2, Heft 27
O presente texto tem como objectivo debater criticamente o conteúdo e os propósitos da Geografia Política, procurando estabelecer o quadro
de elementos que diferenciam esta área disciplinar da Geopolítica. Partindo de uma breve síntese da evolução e da estrutura interna da Geografia, posiciona-se a área da Geografia Política neste quadro, contrapondo-se à linha clássica estatista iniciada por Ratzel em finais do século XIX, ideias alternativas como as de Reclus e mais recentemente Lacoste ou O' Tuathail. Esta análise crítica serve de base para uma leitura comparativa e dinâmica, bastante apoiada em autores portugueses, das características da Geografia Política e da Geopolitica que permite estabelecer um quadro final de diferenças e complementaridades. A partir deste, é possível constatar a pertinência dos dois saberes, os limites, por vezes difusos, que os separam e, sobretudo, a sua utilidade social nos dias de hoje.
In: Journal of ethnic and migration studies: JEMS, Band 30, Heft 6, S. 1065-1086
ISSN: 1469-9451
In: Journal of ethnic and migration studies: JEMS, Band 30, Heft 6, S. 1065-1086
ISSN: 1369-183X
The European Union and the United States are areas of immigration, and both are entities of multi-level governance facing the task of managing international migration. However, unlike the United States most European states do not consider immigration as a matter of national interest. In the US a regulated immigration system aims to enhance the benefits and minimise the drawbacks of immigration. The country's bi-partisan immigration policy receives strong support from a wide variety of stakeholders. In Europe the emphasis is on immigration restriction and prevention, reflecting the position of most stakeholders that the costs of immigration outweigh its benefits. Immigration is a sensitive and sometimes controversial issue, as is demonstrated in recent elections in a number of European countries. On both sides of the Atlantic migration ranked high on the agenda throughout the nineties. Changes in the size and direction of migratory movements as a result of global developments, EU enlargement and NAFTA received a great deal of attention. The ways in which migration policies are designed and implemented were reviewed and underwent some important changes. In 1997, the US Commission on Immigration Reform presented its final report to Congress, proposing important changes in US immigration policies and management. In Europe the 1997 Amsterdam Treaty empowered the European Union's institutions to act on migration, changing intergovernmental co-operation among member states into the development of joint policies on immigration and immigrant integration. A new debate emerged on the role of immigration to address economic and demographic imbalances. The events of September 11 did not in themselves have an impact on the foundations of immigration policies' governance structures, or lead to changes in them, other than those already proposed. The events added, however, a range of other issues to the overall policy agenda (issues related to the fight against terrorism became a top priority) and the immigration agenda (where ...