Development of New Product/Process Development Procedure for SMEs The result of our research is a developed and implemented set of activities for new process or product development (NPD procedure) for SMEs environment in the plastic processing industry, which enables the production of products and services with a high value added. The developed NPD procedure consists of five consecutive and overlapping steps: attracting orders, designing a project, developing a product, developing a process and zero production series. Each distinct step is further divided into sub-activities supported by adequate methods and managed in an information system. Investigated and included were three different methodologies use for NPD procedure in the automotive industry such as Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP), Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) and Stage/Gate methodology. The results presented in the paper show that the developed NPD procedure significantly improved NPD in terms of cost management and time-effectiveness.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to apply an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for the evaluation/selection of maintenance policy. Methodology/Approach: The paper adopts a case study approach of selecting most appropriate maintenance policy in the case of Slovenian paper mill company. Several steps of the AHP method are used in order to structure the decision-making process. Five possible alternatives are considered: failure based maintenance, preventive maintenance, total productive maintenance, reliability centered maintenance and total quality maintenance. Findings: This paper proposes a framework for maintenance policy selection based on the AHP methodology. The framework was applied to select the most appropriate maintenance policy in a paper mill company. The results suggest that total quality maintenance is the most suitable concept for a paper machine. By performing a sensitivity analysis, it was revealed that the final outcome remained stable in all cases when the weights of the main criteria were increased for 25 percent. Originality/value: The paper contributes to the literature by providing a framework for decision-making process regarding the maintenance policy selection. In addition, this paper utilizes an exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) chart for performing a consistency test. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis also presents an important implication of this study. ; Namen: Namen članka je prikazati uporabo metode analitičnega hierarhičnega procesa (AHP) na primeru evalvacije in izbire ustrezne politike vzdrževanja. Metodologija/pristop: Članek temelji na študiji primera izbire najprimernejše politike vzdrževanja za slovensko papirniško podjetje. V okviru študije primera so uporabljeni in predlagani številni koraki AHP metode, katerih namen je strukturirati odločitveni proces. V raziskavi so bili upoštevani naslednji koncepti vzdrževanja: kurativno vzdrževanje, preventivno vzdrževanje, celovito produktivno vzdrževanje, vzdrževanje na osnovi zanesljivosti, celovito kakovostno vzdrževanje. Ugotovitve: Predlagan je okvir za izbiro ustrezne politike vzdrževanja, ki temelji na metodologiji AHP. Predlagani okvir je bil testiran na primeru izbire najprimernejše politike vzdrževanja za slovensko papirniško podjetje. Rezultati kažejo, da je celovito kakovostno vzdrževanje najbolj primeren koncept vzdrževanja za proučevani papirniški stroj. Z naknadno analizo občutljivosti je bilo ugotovljeno, da je končna razvrstitev ocenjevanih politik vzdrževanja ostala nespremenjena, kljub 25% povečanjem uteži vseh ključnih kriterijev. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Članek predstavlja doprinos k obstoječi literaturi z vidika razvoja okvira, katerega namen je zagotoviti strukturirani odločitveni proces izbire ustrezne politike vzdrževanja. V članku je predlagana in prikazana metoda za preverjanje konsistentnosti na osnovi kontrolne karte, ki temelji na eksponentnem ponderiranem pomičnim povprečjem (EWMA). Pomembnost raziskave se dodatno odraža še preko analize občutljivosti, ki ravno tako predstavlja pomembni del predlaganega okvira za izbiro ustrezne politike vzdrževanja.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to apply an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for the evaluation/selection of maintenance policy.
Methodology/Approach: The paper adopts a case study approach of selecting most appropriate maintenance policy in the case of Slovenian paper mill company. Several steps of the AHP method are used in order to structure the decision-making process. Five possible alternatives are considered: failure based maintenance, preventive maintenance, total productive maintenance, reliability centered maintenance and total quality maintenance.
Findings: This paper proposes a framework for maintenance policy selection based on the AHP methodology. The framework was applied to select the most appropriate maintenance policy in a paper mill company. The results suggest that total quality maintenance is the most suitable concept for a paper machine. By performing a sensitivity analysis, it was revealed that the final outcome remained stable in all cases when the weights of the main criteria were increased for 25 percent.
Originality/value: The paper contributes to the literature by providing a framework for decision-making process regarding the maintenance policy selection. In addition, this paper utilizes an exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) chart for performing a consistency test. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis also presents an important implication of this study.
Abstract Background: This study draws upon the use of Information Systems in support of achieving sustainability, known as Green IS. Furthermore, this study builds on the premise that Green IS offers the opportunity for organizations to act proactively in terms of environmental preservation as well as to mitigate the effects of global climate change and other environmental problems. Aim: In particular, this study aims to assess the extent of awareness among managers regarding the use and the acceptance of Green IS in Slovenian enterprises. Method: Using empirical data based on a large-scale survey among senior managers within Slovenian enterprises this study utilized several statistical methods (such as t-test, analysis of variance and multiple linear regression) to analyse the research questions. Results: In general, findings seem to suggest that institutional mechanisms might be a plausible explanation for differences regarding the attitude towards Green IS adoption. For instance, enterprises with at least one implemented sustainability related certificate expressed higher levels of willingness to use Green IS in order to facilitate the achievement of sustainable development. Moreover, the results of the regression analysis revealed that both Institutional Mimetic pressure and Internal Environment Impact has positive impact on Green IS adoption. Conclusion: The main conclusion is that the internal environmental impact is considered the most influential factor of the attitude towards Green IS adoption. The culture or individual perception of managers and employees play an important role in the Green IS adoption. Indeed, enterprises that have no intention of improving their environmental performance, but adopt Green IS by the means of seeking legitimacy among external stakeholders, cannot provide a sustainable improvement in environmental management.
Abstract Background and Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to empirically analyse the effects of sustainability-oriented innovation practices on the overall organizational performance. Further, this paper also aims to advance understanding of the measurement of corporate sustainability practices with the focus on innovation dimensions. Design/Methodology/Approach - The study uses data obtained from a survey of 116 organizations encompassing both the manufacturing and service industries in Slovenia. Descriptive statistics were used in order to determine the level of sustainability-oriented innovation practices deployment. Exploratory factor analysis was applied to extract the underlying factors and to provide a basis for assessing their reliability and validity. In addition, regression analysis was used to quantify the effect of sustainability practices on the organizational performance. Results - Data analysis result showed that sustainability-oriented innovation practices are significantly associated with organizational performance. Therefore, empirical evidence from this research confirmed the premise that building innovation competencies and integrating innovation activities in organization's processes lead to performance benefits. This contributes to the debate about the potential for organizations to be sustainable and competitive. Conclusion - The presented research on corporate sustainability provides important theoretical and practical insights on which the deployment of sustainability-oriented innovation practices are conducive to fostering a broader set of performance benefits. As such, managers should increase organizations' capacity for innovation which can be beneficial in terms of performance implications and achieving sustainability goals
Purpose: The purpose of this empirical study is to examine the role of two contingency factors, i.e. uncertainty and competitiveness in relation to physical asset management (PAM) practices as well as to maintenance key performance indicators. The research is based on a premise that PAM, which was defined by risk management practices, performance assessment practices, life cycle management practices, and policy & strategy practices, has become an indispensable element of strategic thinking of asset owners as well as maintenance and asset managers. The purpose of this study is to advance the understanding of how organizations that face high or low level of uncertainty and competitiveness respond in terms of PAM deployment. Methodology/Approach: This study employed a data set based on a large-scale survey among organizations in six European countries (i.e. Slovenia, Poland, Greece, Sweden, Turkey and Slovakia). Data were collected from 138 organizations located in the above-mentioned countries to conduct the study. Findings: The results show that organizations that are faced with high level of uncertainty and competitiveness are more engaged in the deployment of PAM practices. Moreover, results show that when organizations are facing high levels of competitiveness they are using KPIs to a greater extent than organizations under low levels of competitiveness. Originality/value: From a theoretical perspective, this study contributes to the contingency theory by providing empirical evidence whether a context-dependent approach to PAM is needed. The findings also provide insights for managers on how to respond to the competitive pressure as well as how to customize PAM practices in order to adapt to the changes in dynamic organizational environment. ; Namen: Namen pričujoče empirične raziskave je preučiti vlogo dveh kontingenčnih dejavnikov, t.i. negotovosti in konkurenčnost v povezavi z oblvadovanjem fizičnih sredstev (physical asset management - PAM), kakor tudi v povezavi s ključnimi kazalniki učinkovitosti in uspešnosti vzdrževanja. Raziskava temelji na predpostavki, da dejavnosti obvladovanja fizičnih sredstev, ki so opredeljene z dimenzijami kot so obvladovanje tveganj, ocenjevanje učinkovitosti in uspešnosti, obvladovanje življenjskega cikla ter politika in strategija, so postali nepogrešljiv del strateškega razmišljanja lastnikov fizičnih sredstev, kakor tudi managerjev s področja vzdrževanja in PAM. Namen raziskave je poglobiti razumevanje odzivanja organizacij na visoko ali nizko stopnjo negotovosti in konkurenčnosti z vidika implementacije PAM. Metodologija/pristop: Podatki v članku temeljijo na izvedeni anketni raziskavi med organizacijami iz šestih evropskih držav (Slovenija, Poljska, Grčija, Švedska, Turčija in Slovaška). Podatki so bili zbrani iz 138 organizacij, ki se nahajajo v omenjenih državah. Ugotovitve: Rezultati kažejo, da organizacije, ki se soočajo z visoko stopnjo negotovosti in konkurenčnost se bolj uspešni pri vključevanju dejavnosti PAM v organizacijo. Nadalje, rezultati kažejo, da če se organizacije soočajo z visoko stopnjo konkurenčnosti uporabljajo ključne kazalnike učinkovitosti in uspešnosti vzdrževanja ter PAM v večji meri kot organizacije podvržene nizki stopnji konkurenčnosti. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: S teoretičnega vidika, pričujoča raziskava prispeva k kontingenčni teoriji z zagotovitvijo empiričnih dokazov, ki prikazujejo ali je potreben kontekstno odvisen pristop k PAM. Rezultati raziskave tudi nudijo spoznanje managerjem o tem kako se odzvati na pritisk konkurence in katere so dejavnosti PAM, ki organizaciji omogočajo, da se prilagodi na spremembe v dinamičnem poslovnem okolju.
Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this empirical study is to examine the role of two contingency factors, i.e. uncertainty and competitiveness in relation to physical asset management (PAM) practices as well as to maintenance key performance indicators. The research is based on a premise that PAM, which was defined by risk management practices, performance assessment practices, life cycle management practices, and policy & strategy practices, has become an indispensable element of strategic thinking of asset owners as well as maintenance and asset managers. The purpose of this study is to advance the understanding of how organizations that face high or low level of uncertainty and competitiveness respond in terms of PAM deployment. Methodology/Approach: This study employed a data set based on a large-scale survey among organizations in six European countries (i.e. Slovenia, Poland, Greece, Sweden, Turkey and Slovakia). Data were collected from 138 organizations located in the above-mentioned countries to conduct the study. Findings: The results show that organizations that are faced with high level of uncertainty and competitiveness are more engaged in the deployment of PAM practices. Moreover, results show that when organizations are facing high levels of competitiveness they are using KPIs to a greater extent than organizations under low levels of competitiveness. Originality/value: From a theoretical perspective, this study contributes to the contingency theory by providing empirical evidence whether a context-dependent approach to PAM is needed. The findings also provide insights for managers on how to respond to the competitive pressure as well as how to customize PAM practices in order to adapt to the changes in dynamic organizational environment.