Makhnev and Samoilenko have found parameters of strongly regular graphs with no more than 1000 vertices, which may be neighborhoods of vertices in antipodal distance-regular graph of diameter 3 and with λ=μ. They proposed the program of investigation vertex-symmetric antipodal distance-regular graphs of diameter 3 with λ=μ, in which neighborhoods of vertices are strongly regular. In this paper we consider neighborhoods of vertices with parameters (25,8,3,2). ; This work is partially supported by RSF, project 14-11-00061-P (Theorem 1) and by the program of the government support of leading universities of Russian Federation, agreement 02.A03.21.0006 from 27.08.2013 (Corollary 1).
The role of actors of the innovation process and the role of government in creating congenial innovation climate in the region are considered in the article. A project approach in order to solve problems of regional development is proposed in the article