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29 Ergebnisse
In: Springer eBook Collection
Chapter 1: Innovation: engine of economic growth (and employment) -- Chapter 2: The technological revolution: The rise of machines -- Chapter 3: The technological revolution: professions at risk and new jobs -- Chapter 4: Constraints to economic growth: Sustainability, happiness and other issues -- Chapter 5: New jobs or technological unemployment? -- Chapter 6: Many proposals, few resources: The difficult choices for the future of labour -- Chapter 7: Human beings at the centre as "shareholders" of development -- Chapter 8: Ye were not made to live with the virus: Lessons from the pandemic.
In: Palgrave Advances in Regional and Urban Economics
In: Palgrave Advances in Regional and Urban Economics Ser.
As national leaders struggle to revive their economies, the people of Europe face a stark reality, which has created an opportunity for local leaders and citizen movers and shakers to rise to the occasion to spur revitalization from the bottom up. The author offers a six-point plan to prosperity.
In: Journal of economics, Band 129, Heft 1, S. 49-77
ISSN: 1617-7134
This thesis collects three independent essays and a literature review. Two of them relate to vertical agreements. The first essay explores a retailer's choice in allocating control rights over the decision of retail prices. Results show that retailers adopt a hybrid configuration as a middle ground between two extremes, where pricing decisions are delegated, for all products, either to retailer or manufacturers. The second essay investigates the make-it-or-license-it choice of a brand owner under the risk of moral hazard when licensing the extension product to a third party. Brand licensing emerges as an equilibrium choice under brand dilution (respectively, enhancement) when the consumer perceives a large (small) distance between the extension product and parent brand. The third essay explores the issue of rating bubbles within online feedback systems by means of a field experiment. The analysis found the presence of positive social influence bias, in that high ratings affect the individual rating behavior in a significant way. The last paper is accompanied by a thorough and deep review of the literature about the consequences of online user ratings on product sales/performance (economic dimension) and product adoption/rating behavior (behavioral dimension). The topic is increasingly investigated by academic researchers and industry professionals alike. This overview presents established results and insights as issues for future research.
In: Journal of economics, Band 120, Heft 1, S. 79-87
ISSN: 1617-7134
In: Journal of theoretical politics, Band 29, Heft 3, S. 415-439
ISSN: 1460-3667
This paper studies pork barrel spending in a model where two symmetric parties compete for an electorate consisting of groups which have different ideological preferences. In equilibrium, party electoral promises decrease with voter ideological biases, and a "swing voter" outcome emerges. In this context, a problem of exclusion from party transfer plans arises which depends on ideology distribution. Groups with extreme ideological preferences are excluded from these plans, and also within moderate groups a share of voters receives a nil transfer from the parties. This exclusion problem is generally reduced if a transformation of the electorate occurs which decreases the polarization of the distribution of ideology.
Working paper
Working paper
In: Journal of institutional and theoretical economics: JITE, Band 166, Heft 2, S. 321
ISSN: 1614-0559