Passenger or driver?: A cross national examination of media coverage and civil war interventions
In: International interactions: empirical and theoretical research in international relations, Band 39, Heft 5, S. 646-671
ISSN: 0305-0629
Existing research on civil war interventions provides contradicting. - evidence about the role that the media plays in affecting the likelihood. - of intervention. To date, studies often focus on specific cases. - (frequently by the United States) leaving it unclear whether the. - media's influence extends more broadly. In this article we examine. - this question cross-nationally and argue that we need to account. - for the possibility that interventions also lead to increases in media. - coverage. We test our hypotheses using cross-national data on civil. - war interventions and media coverage. These data include a new. - measure of media coverage of 73 countries experiencing civil wars. - between 1982 and 1999. These data allow us to determine whether. - media coverage is more likely to drive leaders' decisions or follow. - them. Toward this end we employ a two-stage conditional maximum. - likelihood model to control for potential endogeneity between. - media attention and interventions. The results suggest a reciprocal. - positive relationship between media attention and civil conflict interventions. . - Specifically, an increase of one standard deviation. - in media coverage raises the probability of intervention 68%. (International Interactions (London)/ FUB)