Considers some of the interactions between the illicit drug trade and the use of territory in the Amazon basin, especially in its eastern section, which belongs to Brazil. Analysis of some of the territorial and economic effects brought about by changes in the mode of organisation of the coca-cocaine complex suggests that criminal activities, although sensitive and adaptable to the local environment, tend to encourage the worst of legitimate social and economic practices, becoming a parasite of parasites. (Original abstract - amended)
Ce texte porte sur les développements récents relatifs au trafic des drogues et aux mouvements d'argent qui en sont venus à composer le contexte socioéconomique de l'espace amazonique brésilien. Son objectif est d'introduire une perspective géographique à l'étude de ces thèmes. La méthodologie proposée est fondée sur la notion de réseau mise en rapport avec celle de territoire, à partir de la constatation que les réseaux constituent le mode préférentiel d'organisation des opérations du trafic de drogue et du blachiment d'argent. Ce que les données préliminaires indiquent, c'est la probailité d'une relation entre les circuits de la drogue et les mouvements de capitaux loclaisés en Amazonie brésilienne. (Résumé d'auteur)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) ; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) ; Fundação para o Desenvolvimento da UNESP (FUNDUNESP) ; No grupo repleta de Drosophila, o estabelecimento de subgrupos e complexos realizado com base em evidências citológicas e morfológicas é suportado por testes de isolamento reprodutivo. Entre as espécies do grupo repleta, o cluster buzzatii, devido a seu politipismo e polimorfismo, é um excelente material para estudos ecológicos e de especiação. Alguns cruzamentos interespecíficos envolvendo linhagens de Drosophila seriema, Drosophila sp. B, D. koepferae e D. buzzatii foram completamente estéreis, enquanto outros produziram híbridos F1 que não deixaram F2. No presente trabalho são apresentados dados sobre a duração da corte e ocorrência de cópula dos intercruzamentos estéreis e dados sobre a mobilidade dos espermatozóides dos híbridos F1 que não deixaram F2. Não houve ocorrência de cópula no período de 1 hora de observação e os espermatozóides dos híbridos analisados não foram móveis em qualquer das idades testadas (3, 7, 9 e 10 dias de idade). Houve alta variação na duração média da corte e na porcentagem dos machos que cortejaram as fêmeas. A ausência de cópula e esterilidade dos machos F1 indica mecanismos pré e pós-zigótico operando entre as espécies desse cluster. Os dados também mostram diferentes níveis de compatibilidade reprodutiva entre linhagens classificadas como da mesma espécie mas de diferentes localidades geográficas. ; In the Drosophila repleta group the establishment of subgroups and complexes made on the basis of morphological and cytological evidences is supported by tests of reproductive isolation. Among species in the repleta group, the buzzatii cluster, due to its polymorphism and polytipism, is an excellent material for ecological and speciation studies. Some interspecific crosses involving Drosophila seriema, Drosophila sp. B, D. koepferae and D. buzzatii strains were completely sterile while others involving strains from these species produced F1 hybrids that did not yield F2. In the present work, data on courtship duration and copula occurrence obtained in the analysis of flies from parental sterile crosses and on spermatozoon mobility observed in F1 hybrids that did not yield F2 are presented. Copula did not occur during one hour of observation and the spermatozoon also did not show mobility at any of the analyzed stages (3, 7, 9 and 10 days old). There was a high variation in courtship average duration and in the percentage of males that courted the females. The reproductive isolation mechanisms indicated by these observations were pre and post-zygotic, as supported by the absence of copula and male sterility. Data obtained also showed the occurrence of different degrees of reproductive compatibility among the strains classified as the same species but from distinct geographic localities.
The plasma specimen is the gold standard for viral load monitoring, the key method to assess the effect of antiviral chemotherapy and to monitor progression of the disease toward AIDS. Nevertheless, several works endorse the use of dried blood spots (DBS) on filter paper for the reliable quantification of the levels needed to take therapeutic decisions, detect of treatment failure and monitor the occurrence of drug resistance. The purpose of this study was to validate the use of Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan HIV‐1 test version 2.0, with DBS. To evaluate the performance of the above mentioned kit, three stages were involved: 1‐ Standardization of DBS working conditions, 2‐ Stability studies at three temperature conditions and 3‐ Performance evaluation of the kit using this alternative specimen. Additionally, the viral load was quantified in parallel (plasma and DBS) to 43 genetically characterized samples, with different levels of viral load. The Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated and the prediction of the value of RNA in plasma starting from the obtained value in DBS was made. Linear regression analysis was performed and coefficients of variation in precision assays were calculated. The best conditions pickups to the work with DBS were: 100 µL of blood (2 spots/50 µl), dried time between 16 and 18 hours at room temperature and, elution of the blood, 2 hours, between 2 and 8°C; in TRIS‐EDTA buffer. The samples on DBS proved to be stable during the study periods. A strong correlation was attained between the measurements of viral load in plasma and DBS samples (r=0.96). The detection rate was 90.7 and the coefficient of variation between the values obtained in plasma‐DBS sample pairs averaged 3.42%. The CAP/CTM HIV‐1 test provided a linear response in DBS, from 330 copies/mL to 420 000 copies/mL. Overall, coefficients of variation in precision tests were below 10%. Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan HIV‐1 test version 2.0 had a good performance using DBS. High detection rate was obtained with DBS specimen. Our results clearly support the use of CAP/CTM HIV‐1 test with DBS, as it reliably quantifies the levels needed for therapeutic decision‐making and detection of treatment failure.
Due to global warming considerations, the European Union has banned the use of refrigerants with a GWP greater than 150 in new passenger cars (air-conditioning systems) and 750 for fluids used in residential heat exchangers starting on January 1, 2017 (E. UNION, 2006). In this sense, the R1234yf was developed which consists of a hydrofluorolefin derived from alkenes and commercialized with the name of Opteon YF. Given the need for research related to the use of this fluid, this work has the objective of comparing the data of the local heat transfer coefficient in condensation extracted from the work of Del Col et al. (2010) for flow in a mini channel of 0.96 mm internal diameter, with mass flux of 200, 300, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 kg·(m²·s)-1 at saturation temperature of 40ºC with ten different correlations from literature as well as one neural network. It is verified that among the correlations analyzed the one which best suited the experimental data was presented by Cavallini and Zecchin (1974), with MRD, MARD, and Accuracy values equal to 5.42%, 7.81%, and 96.96%, respectively. The neural network used as a prediction model presents values of MRD, MARD, and Accuracy equals to 2.53%, 3.66%, and 100%, respectively