This research aims at answering these questions: 1) how is the formulation of the government legal politics in granting the authority of land area to the local government?; 2) what the local government has done with the authority of land area given to them?; and 3) in what terms are the right authority that can be given by the government to the local government. This research is normative law research; that is a research that is carried out based on the library research to obtain secondary data in law field. To complete and support the data from library research, the researcher also did some field researches. The field research was carried out in Jakarta and Central Java with purposive sampling to determine the sample. The analysis is done normative qualitatively that includes conceptualization, categorizing, relations, and explanations. The research result shows that: 1) there has been unclearness and inconsistency in determining the formulation of legal politic in granting the authority in land area to the local government; 2) the duty that is conducted by the local government in carrying out their authority in land area is forming the organizational structure that handles the problems with the land and does the functions of land services given by the government; and 3) the right term for authority in land area is the authority of the government and some of those authorities should be able to be decentralized to the Governor or to be delegated to the local government based on medebewind principles. The authority that can be given is the one that is related with the technical services and operational procedures of the land policy.
The purpose of this study are to: 1) To be able to know and analyze about the function of Notary / PPAT in Appeals Process Acquisition of Land Rights Under the Foreign Investment Regulations. 2.) To be able to know and analyze the Protection of Investor Interests Investing in the Era of Regional Autonomy Under the Foreign Investment Law. The method shows the procedure and process of a study undertaken to achieve an objective results. Method of normative juridical approach specifications in this research is descriptive analysis, the data collection method, literature (study document), with critical analysis and finding the problems and legal issues that will be examined and gather all the information related to the problems studied.The results of this study concluded Function Notary / PPAT in the filing process of acquiring land rights based on foreign investment regulations number 25 in 2007. The function of Notaries easier for the public to take legal actions both Indonesian citizens or citizens of foreign countries who participate in investing in Indonesia , The Indonesian government also needs to prepare for national law and the law of international relations to establish it. Government to maintain legal certainty for foreign investors without discrimination by being able to compete with domestic investors. Protection of the interests of investors in investing in regional autonomy based on legislation.Keywords: Function of Notaries; Investments; Autonomy; Foreign Investment.
The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the implementation of the final income tax payments on acquisition of land and buildings based on Act No.34 of 2016 government regulation on Sustainable PT.Citra Lestari Propertindo in Cirebon regency, akibathukum for PPAT which have signed but not yet received evidence AJB PPH Final validation by the study used KPP Pratama. Methode is sociological juridical nature of this research using descriptive analysis, type and sources of data used are dataprimer obtained by interviews, data retrieval and datasekunder obtained from the law books, Regulations. Based on research and discussion can concluded that PPAT in running position Has Violated the signing of AJB first, in fact have not met the requirements of signing one of them has not received evidence PPH Final validation of KPP Pratama because PT.CLP having problems is the lack of complementary requirement form an attachment validation, causing delays in the issuance of evidence of validation, therefore AJB who first signed by PPAT without evidence PPH Final validation result is void due to the unlaw of KUHPdt 1869. Law impact is the provision of sanctions which will apply to the PPAT under Article 6 paragraph (1) of the 2017 No.112 of 2017 ATR KEPMEN Code, IPPAT.Keyword: Payment PPH Final, Assignment Land and buildings, PT.Citra Lestari Propertindo.
The purpose of this study was to: 1) To analyze the role of a third party as a buyer in the resolution of land disputes in the District Land Office Blora 2).To analyze constraints and solutions in the settlement of land disputes by mediation in Blora District Land Office.The research method approach used by the authors is empirical juridical approach. Specifications research using analytical descriptive. The data used is data qualitative, while the data collection techniques used were interviews and literature.From the research we concluded that 1) A third party that acts as a creditor with good intention to buy the land on which the object is helpful in resolving issues of conflict between the parties, so that the conflict can be resolved without going through the litigation. 2) Obstacles encountered in the process of mediation in Blora district land office the address of domicile of the parties is less clear, the willingness of the parties to attend mediation, the emotions of the Parties and the willingness of the Parties to resolve the conflict by peaceful means. Notice mediation may be submitted to the village chief residence of the parties. Mediators should create an atmosphere of calm, relaxed but focused on the purpose of mediation.Keywords: Mediation; The parties; Barriers; Solutions
The purpose of this study was to: 1) Knowing and analyzing on the Implementation of the Right Dissenters in the Making Notary Deed. 2) To determine and analyze about the obstacle Notaries in Implementing Dissenters rights. The method used in this research is the empirical jurisdiction. Adopting legislation, learning materials primary and secondary law. The technique of collecting data using interviews and literature study and data analysis techniques qualitative analysis using descriptive analysis decomposition.After doing research Juridical Review of Implementation of the Right Dissenters In the Manufacture Notary Deed to a conclusion that is Implementation of the Dissenters rights in the Making Notary Deed is basically the right to withdraw from testifying upfront Court in Civil and Criminal problem. Implementation of the right of refusal notaries in practice, if it turns out the notary as a witness or a suspect, defendant, or in the examination by the Board of Trustees Notary divulge and provide information/statements should shall be kept confidential, while legislation is not ordered, then the complaint filed by parties who feel aggrieved can sue the notary.As well as Obstacles Notaries in options or Use Dissenters rights in the Making Deed is faced by a notary public in using the right of refusal which are the Assembly, Regional Supervisor (MPD) approved the request of the police in the inspection of a notary public, a notary unable to escape to does not provide information because the police already have the recommendation of the Supervisory Council of Regions (MPD). Another constraint is that if the investigating authorities in this case the police use forceful measures with the reason for the interest of the investigation, the notary can not usually be avoided by reason of use right of refusal because the police could have used the excuse that the notary was not cooperative in providing information regarding the deed he made , so that the police do a forced effort.Keywords: Dissenters Rights, Notary and Deed.
According to the certainty on the material law, the definition of transfer of land right is the transfer of old owner to the new one. There are 2 (two) ways of the transfer of land right, which are to transfer and being transferred. To transfer means the transfer of land right without any legal action done by the owner, for example by the hereditarily. While being transferred refers to the transfer of the land through the legal action by the owner, for example by the purchase and sale. According to Paragraph 37 Article 1 Government Regulation Number 24 the Of 1997, it is stated that the Transfer of land right done by making the deed by Land Titles Registrar, so the transfer deed of land transfer will have a strong proof as a deed in the court system and a deed as the base of issuing the ownership certificate. The registration of the land as Government Regulation Number 24 the Of 1997 aims to give the legal certainty and legal protection to the right holder of the land, apartment units and other registered rights so it can easily prove that himself/herself is the right holder. On the other hand, we also acknowledge the registration of land tax, such as pipil-girik, petok, letter C, which is done by the Tax Office in Java Island. Due to there are still some lands in Indonesia that aren't registered yet around society.Keywords: The Transfer of A Land Right; Registration; Letter D
Practice transitional land rights usually involve communities affected by development projects such as those in Pemalang-Batang toll road construction project. The method used in this research is juridical empirical method. This research is descriptive. With the research that is descriptive, it can be analyzed and compiled the data collected, so that it can be concluded that a general nature, as well as giving a clear picture of the role of the Notary in the transaction of land acquisition for the construction site of Pemalang-Batang Toll Road (PBTR) , The field data were analyzed qualitatively and literature that only retrieve data related to the issues discussed. Legal uncertainty for public land needs to be a concern for the government. As for efforts to be made, among others, regulatory arrangement to produce quality legal regulations, Based on Presidential Decree Number 36 Of 2005 and Presidential Decree No. 65 of 2006, there are two points that are important in the release of land property rights to state land. The process of transitional status of land property rights to state land to development projects Pemalang-Batang toll road has reached 99.21% starting in October 2017. This indicates that the transition process is almost completed and the soil needs to be studied further whether the operation has been fulfilling the principle of justice, Based on Presidential Decree Number 36 Of 2005 and Presidential Decree No. 65 of 2006, there are two points that are important in the release of land property rights to state land. The process of transitional status of land property rights to state land to development projects Pemalang-Batang toll road has reached 99.21% starting in October 2017. This indicates that the transition process is almost completed and the soil needs to be studied further whether the operation has been fulfilling the principle of justice, Based on Presidential Decree Number 36 Of 2005 and Presidential Decree No. 65 of 2006, there are two points that are important in the release of land property rights to state land. The process of transitional status of land property rights to state land to development projects Pemalang-Batang toll road has reached 99.21% starting in October 2017. This indicates that the transition process is almost completed and the soil needs to be studied further whether the operation has been fulfilling the principle of justice.Keywords: Switching Status of Land; Land Property; State Land.
ABSTRAKPenelitian dengan judul "Pengalihan Hak Tanggungan Pada Perbankan di Kabupaten Banjarnegara" bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan terjadi pengalihan Hak Tanggungan pada perbankan di Banjarnegara, peran Notaris dan PPAT dalam proses pengalihan Hak Tanggungan di Kabupaten Banjarnegara dan hambatan-hambatan dalam pelaksanaan pengalihan Hak Tanggungan pada perbankan dan bagaimanakah solusinya di Kabupaten Banjarnegara. Penelitian ini penelitian kualitatif dengan metode pendekatan secara yuridis empiris. Spesifikasi penelitian deskriptif analistis, data yang digunakan data primer dan data sekunder, teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara pengumpulan data akan dilakukan melalui : studi kepustakaan , wawancara. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, artinya dalam penulisan hanya berisi uraian uraian dan tidak menggunakan data statistik.Informasi narasumber yang berhubungan dengan pokok permasalahan dipilih yang berkualitas, yang kemudian disajikan secara deskriptif yang berhubungan dengan masalah yang diteliti.Berdasarkan penelitian dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan sebab Terjadi pengalihan Hak Tanggungan pada perbankan di Banjarnegara, karena karena penambahan modal dengan kenaikan plafond karena Peralihan pemegang hak tanggungan, Terjadi karena undang-undang, karena peralihan pemberi hak tanggungan. Peran Notaris dan PPAT terkait dengan proses pengalihan Hak Tanggungan di Kabupaten Banjarnegara adalah, membuat akta otentik, Akta otentik dalam pelaksanaan peralihan jaminan Hak Tanggungan adalah Akta Pemberian Hak Tanggungan (APHT). Pembuatan akta APHT harus dibuat oleh Notaris dan PPAT. Hal ini sebagai bentuk dari asas spesialitas dari Hak Tanggungan, Melakukan legalisasi perjanjian kredit, melakukan pengikatan perjanjian, membuat surat kuasa, melakukan pengarsipan untuk menjaga kerahasiaan klien, membantu para pihak dalam melakukan perbuatan hukum dan membantu pemerintah dalam mewujudkan tertib administrasi pendaftaran tanah.Hambatan-hambatan dalam pelaksanaan pengalihan Hak Tanggungan pada perbankan dan solusinya di Kabupaten Banjarnegara adalah hambatan sebelum terjadinya pengikatan, hambatan yang dihadapi Notaris saat terjadinya pengikatan, hambatan yang dihadapai Notaris setelah terjadinya pengikatan, hambatan yang ditemui dalam pelaksanaan peralihan jaminan Hak Tanggungan dari kreditur lama kepada kreditur baru adalah da hambatan terjadi BPN. Adapun solusi yang memungkinkan dilakukan terhadap hambatan-hambatan tersebut adalah; memberikan pemahaman kepada pihak bank agar berkas yang sudah diserahkan kepada notaris benar-benar telah disetujui oleh pihak calon debitur baik bunga maupun biaya administrasi dan asuransi. Solusi terhadap hambatan yang dihadapi notaris setelah terjadinya pengikatan yaitu : mengantisipasi pengingkaran dari debitur terhadap tanda tangan yang pernah dilakukan dihadapan notaris, maka arsip atau berkas yang asli harus dicek dan ditunjukan kepada notaris dan dibawah foto copy KTP debitur, ditandatangani oleh yang bersangkutan. Pihak notaris harus berperan aktif untuk konfirmasi ke BPN tidak hanya menunggu konfirmasi balik dari BPN. Solusi terhadap hambatan yang dihadapi BPN dalam dalam pelaksanaan pengalihan Hak Tanggungan pada perbankan ini masih sangat terbatas SDM dengan cara meningkatkat SDM yang ada di BPH melalui Work shop, seminar-seminar, meningkatkan sarana dan prasarana.Kata kunci : pengalihan hak tanggungan, perbankan, notaris/PPAT ABSTRACTThe study entitled "Transfer of Distribution Right to Banking in Kabupaten Banjarnegara" aims to know and explain the transfer of dependency on banks in Banjarnegara, the role of Notary and PPAT in the process of transferring Mortgage Rights in Kabupaten Banjarnegara and obstacles in the implementation of the transfer of Mortgage to the banking and how is the solution in Kabupaten Banjarnegara. This research is qualitative research with empirical juridical approach method. Descriptive analytical research specifications, data used primary data and secondary data, data collection techniques by means of data collection will be done through: library study, interview. Data analysis used in this research is descriptive qualitative, meaning in writing only contains description of description and do not use statistical data. Informant resource that related to subject matter selected quality, which then presented descriptively related to problem studied.Based on the research and discussion, it can be concluded because there is a transfer of dependency on banking in Banjarnegara because of the increase of capital with the increase of ceiling due to the transfer of the dependent, due to the law, due to the transfer of the dependent giver. The role of Notary and PPAT in relation to the transfer of rights process in Banjarnegara Regency is to make an authentic deed, authentic deed in the implementation of the transfer of guarantee of Mortgage right is the Deed of Assignment Rights (APHT). The making of APHT deed must be made by Notary and PPAT. This is a form of the special principle of Mortgage Rights, Conducting legalization of credit agreements, contracting agreements, creating power of attorney, filing to maintain client confidentiality, assisting parties in performing legal actions and assisting the government in realizing the orderly administration of land registration.Constraints in the execution of transfer of Mortgage Rights to the banking and its solutions in Banjarnegara Regency are obstacles prior to the occurrence of bonding, barriers faced by Notary during the occurrence of bonding, barriers faced by Notary after the occurrence of binding, obstacles encountered in the implementation of the transfer of guarantee of Mortgage Rights from the old creditor to the new creditor is the obstacle occurs BPN. The possible solutions to these obstacles are; provide understanding to the bank that the file that has been submitted to the notary has actually been approved by the prospective debtor both interest and administrative and insurance fees. The solution to the obstacles faced by the notary after the bonding is: to anticipate the denial of the debtor against the signature that has been made before the notary, the original file or file must be checked and displayed to the notary and under the copy of the debtor's ID card, signed by the person concerned. Notary parties must play an active role to confirm to the BPN not only waiting for confirmation back from BPN. The solution to the obstacles faced by BPN in the implementation of the transfer of Mortgage Rights to banks is still very limited by increasing human resources in BPH through Work Shop, seminars, improving facilities and infrastructure.Keywords: transfer of mortgage, banking, notary / PPAT
Notary is a public official assigned to represent the country and is a profession. So the notary gets trust by both government and society. The value of this trust that a notary publicly has as a general official not only because he obtained because of the law in making an authentic deed. This study uses empirical juridical approach, which is a method used to solve problems by first researching the primary data in the field and then followed by a study of secondary data available. The result of the research states that 1) the function of the notary as a public official is to make an authentic deed of all acts, agreements and statutes required by laws and regulations as well as a notary authorized to validate the signature and specify the date of the letter under the hand by registering in a special book , To record the letters under his / her hand by registering in a special book, to make copies of the original letters under the hand in the form of copies containing the description as written and described in the corresponding letter, endorsing matches and photocopies with the original letter, 2) Efforts Preventive measures that can be made by a notary in making authentic deed so that no mistake occurs in the exercise of its authority of making an authentic deed, the notary must make the deed in accordance with the forms and ordinances established by law.
Notary is a public official assigned to represent the country and is a profession. So the notary gets trust by both government and society. The value of this trust that a notary publicly has as a general official not only because he obtained because of the law in making an authentic deed. This study uses empirical juridical approach, which is a method used to solve problems by first researching the primary data in the field and then followed by a study of secondary data available.The result of the research states that 1) the function of the notary as a public official is to make an authentic deed of all acts, agreements and statutes required by laws and regulations as well as a notary authorized to validate the signature and specify the date of the letter under the hand by registering in a special book , To record the letters under his / her hand by registering in a special book, to make copies of the original letters under the hand in the form of copies containing the description as written and described in the corresponding letter, endorsing matches and photocopies with the original letter, 2) Efforts Preventive measures that can be made by a notary in making authentic deed so that no mistake occurs in the exercise of its authority of making an authentic deed, the notary must make the deed in accordance with the forms and ordinances established by law.
Land as one of the natural resources that have a close relationship with human survival. Due to the imbalance between land supply in our country as a result of rapid population growth and increasing development, it can lead to various land disputes including multiple certificates. The purpose of this study to determine the cause of the double land certificate in Semarang and Semarang Land Office responsibilities in the event of multiple land certificates as well as the barriers and solutions Land Office responsibilities in the completion of the double land certificate in Semarang.The method used in this research is the method of juridical-sociological. Specifications are descriptive analytical research. The data used primary data and secondary data obtained by interview and literature study. Qualitative data analysis, the problem was analyzed by the theory of the legal system, legal certainty and legal responsibilities.The results showed that the cause of the land multiple certificates in the Land Office of Semarang is the first that structure, that possible errors and omissions of agencies, both which are substances that can be made possible on the legislation governing the registration of land and the third is Culture Law, uncaused of view of the society on land certificates. The responsibility of the Land Office of Semarang in It contained a land multiple certificates is the Regulation of the Minister of ATR / BPN No. 11 of 2016 on the Settlement of Cases of Land, which is after all the research is done, the land office is obliged to cancel one of them if there were procedural errors in the case of defective administration and conditions other rule. Obstacles Land Office in the completion of a land multiple certificates in Semarang is external (the parties are not present and not good faith when mediation) and internal (Land Office only as a mediator is not a court), so the solution in order to give rise to legal certainty then the settlement of disputes through State court and State Administrative court.Keywords: Responsibility; Land; Associate Certificate.
ABSTRAKTugas dan kewenangan Notaris dalam membuat akta yang berkaitan dengan pertanahan perlu dipahami secara berbeda agar tidak menimbulkan kerancuan. Pertanyaan yang timbul dari problem ini adalah: Bagaimana implementasi tugas dan kewenangan Notaris dalam membuat akta yang berkaitan dengan pertanahan?Apa kelemahan-kelemahan dalam implementasi tugas dan wewenang Notaris dalam pembuatan Akta yang berkaitan dengan pertanahan ? Bagaimana solusi implementasi tugas dan wewenang Notaris dalam pembuatan Akta yang berakitan dengan pertanahan ?Metode pendekatan menggunakan sosio legal research.Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan studi pustaka. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis kualitatif.Permasalahan di analisis dengan teori kepastian hukum dan teori kewenangan: Pertama,Implementasi tugas dan kewenangan Notaris dalam membuat akta yang berkaitan dengan pertanahandipahami secara berbeda, karena; (1) Mengacu Pasal 15 ayat (2) huruf (f) UUJN 2014, maka Notaris secara otomatis adalah pejabat yang berwenang membuat akta tanah. Namun kenyataan di lapangan, Notaris tidak secara otomatis dapat menjadi Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT) (2) Pada praktik di lapangan, Notaris dapat diangkat menjadi PPAT setelah mengikuti pendidikan dan pelatihan serta dinyatakan lulus yang diselenggarakan oleh BPN.Akan tetapi bahwa dalam hal Notaris membuat akta – akta yang berkaitan dengan pertanahan yang bukan merupakan kewajiban PPAT.Kedua, Kelemahan implementasi tugas dan kewenangan Notaris dalam membuat akta yang berkaitan dengan pertanahan adalah: (a) Konsep ideal implementasi tugas dan kewenangan Notaris menurut UUJN 2014 yaitu seorang Notaris sekaligus PPAT; (2) Praktik implementasi tugas dan kewenagan Notaris di lapangan berbeda dengan UUJN 2014, karena Notaris diangkat menjadi PPAT setelah harus mengikuti pendidikan dan pelatihan serta dinyatakan lulus yang diselenggarakan oleh BPN. Ketiga solusi terkait dengan perbedaan implementasi tugas dan kewenangan Notaris antara yang ideal seperti UUJN 2014 dengan praktik di lapangan, yaitu: (a)Pemerintah melakukan revisi UUJN 2014 atau membuat Peraturan Pengganti Undang Undang.Kata Kunci : Notaris, Akta Pertanahan.ABSTRACTThe duties and authorities of Notary in making deed related to land shall be understood differently so as not to cause confusion. Questions arising from this problem are: How is the implementation of the task and authority of Notary in making deed related to land? What are the weaknesses in the implementation of the duties and authorities of Notary in making the deed related to land? How is the implementation solution of duties and authority of Notary in the making of Deed that is in assembly with land?The approach method uses socio legal. The data used are primary and secondary data. Methods of data collection using interviews and literature study. Methods of data analysis using qualitative analysis.Problems in the analysis with the theory of legal certainty and theories of authority: First, the implementation of duties and authorities of Notaries in making deed related to land is understood differently, because; (1) Referring to Article 15 paragraph (2) letter (f) of UUJN 2014, the Notary is automatically authorized to make the land deed. However, the facts in the field, Notary can not automatically become Land Acquisition Official (PPAT). (2) In practice in the field, Notary can be appointed to PPAT after attending the education and training and graduated from BPN. However, in the case that a Notary public makes deed - deed related to land which is not an obligation of PPAT. Second, the weakness of the implementation of duty and authority of Notary in making deed related to land are: (a) Ideal concept of implementation of duty and authority of Notary pursuant to UUJN 2014 that is a Notary as well as PPAT; (2) Practice of duties implementation and authority of Notary in the field is different from UUJN 2014, since Notary is appointed to PPAT after having to attend education and training and passed the event held by BPN; and Third solutions related to differences in the implementation of duties and authorities of Notary between the ideal such as UUJN 2014 with practice in the field, namely: (a) The Government revised the UUJN 2014 or made a Law Enforcement Rules.Keywords: Notary, Land deed.
The land disputes caused by unregistered notarial agreement according to Paragraph 40 Government Regulation No. 24 the Of 1997 about registration of the land creates a legal issue in the society. The unfinished process of implementation causes legal uncertainty to all parties. The authentic agreement or certificate of ownership has the similar legal force and valid to all the holders. The legal consequences of the unregistered notarial agreement related to Paragraph 40 Government Regulation No. 24 the Of 1997 about the Land Registration will cause "null and void". So the legal position related to the ownership of the land title certificate is undamaged (the legal issue doesn't change) according to the rights holder written on it. There are two ways of completion, which are the land dispute resolution by Court (Litigation) and the land dispute resolution by non-Court (Non-Litigation).Keywords: Notarial Agreement; Land Registration; Legal Philosophy.
This study aims to determine why the binding of collateral in the process of granting subsidized housing loans in PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. Pekalongan branch office is not binding perfectly implemented using the security rights, the legal position of the agreement of power sold to the collateral to be encumbered encumbrance in the process of providing subsidized credit facilities, and a form of legal protection for authorizing the use of certificate authority to sell. This study uses empirical juridical approach or Socio Legal Research. Data collected through literature, observation and interviews. The survey results revealed that the cause of non-performance perfect binding manner using the right mortgage loan process dala subsidized home ownership in PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. Pekalongan branch office is due to the type of housing loan subsidies are certain types of loans are regulated in the legislation which the binding process is limited to a power of attorney install security rights. On the basis of these reasons the bank asked the Notary / PPAT can issue certificates aimed at selling power if the debtor defaults, the creditor as the bank can make the sale to get the loan repayment. However, if the power of attorney install security rights has been upgraded to the Agreement of Encumbrances Encumbrance and has been registered to receive the certificate Encumbrance the collateral execution process should be subject to the laws Mortgage. Making the notarized agreement of power selling is a form of legal protection for the debtor as the authorizer.Keywords: Authorization Agreement Sell; Collateral Will Be Charged Mortgage; Credit Homeownership Subsidies.
The objectives of this study are: 1) To find out and explain the legal impact of the Land Deed Official whose position is different from the place of domicile as a Notary. 2) To find out the actions and steps that can be taken if in practice a Notary / PPAT gets a different position area. The method of approach used in this study is the Normative juridical approach. Retrieval of data with a library approach. The analysis was carried out qualitatively.Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that: 1) Notary who has been appointed in an office whose position is different from his area of office as a PPAT is temporarily dismissed from his position for violating the obligations and prohibition of office. Regulations regarding this matter are expressly regulated in UUJN. The person concerned is no longer entitled to make a deed, meaning that he no longer has the authority to make any deed, so if he turns out to still make a deed, then the deed concerned only has the power of proof as a deed under the hand. Whereas the PPAT who is appointed in a position whose position is different from his position as a Notary, causing the PPAT in question automatically stops automatically as a PPAT and for that reason, no dismissal decision is needed. Regulations regarding this matter are explicitly regulated in Government regulation number 24 of 2016 on Government regulation number 38 of 1998 on PPAT Position Regulations. 2) Notary / PPAT Actions and Steps that deal with the problems mentioned above must immediately submit an application to the relevant agency (DEPKUMHAM/BPN) to be able to adjust the area of office. In the event that the formation for the area concerned is closed, the relevant person must wait until the formation for the area is opened. In order to continue to carry out his position concerned must choose his work area as a Notary or work area as PPAT. Regulations regarding this matter are explicitly regulated in Government regulation number 24 of 2016 on Government regulation number 38 of 1998 on PPAT Position Regulations.Keywords: Legal Impact; Land Deed Official; Position; Notary.