The Al Qaeda factor: plots against the West
In: EBL-Schweitzer
The devastating events of September 11, 2001 changed world's perception of Al Qaeda. What had been considered a small band of revolutionary terrorists capable of attacking Western targets in Middle East and Africa demonstrated an ability to strike globally with enormous impact. Subsequent plots perpetuated impression of Al Qaeda as a highly organized and rigidly controlled organization with recruiters, operatives, and sleeper cells in the West who could be activated on command. Al Qaeda's role in global jihadist plots has varied significantly over time. Terrorism expert Mitchell D. Silber argues that to comprehend threat posed by transnational jihad movement, we must have a greater understanding of dynamics behind Al Qaeda plots. In The Al Qaeda Factor he examines sixteen Al Qaeda-associated plots and attacks, from 1993 World Trade Center bombing through 2009. For each case, he probes primary sources and determines the precise involvement of Al Qaeda. What connects radicalized groups in the West to the core Al Qaeda organization in Afghanistan and Pakistan? Does one of the plotters have to attend an Al Qaeda training camp or meet with an Al Qaeda trainer, or can they simply be inspired by Al Qaeda ideology? Silber's further analysis examines specifics of Al Qaeda's role in the inspiration, formation, membership, and organization of terrorist groups. Silber identifies potential points of vulnerability, which may raise odds of thwarting future terrorist attacks in the West. His book demonstrates that the role of Al Qaeda is very limited even in plots with direct involvement. Silber finds that in majority of cases, individuals went to Al Qaeda seeking aid or training, but even then there was limited direct command and control of terrorists activities, a sobering conclusion that shows even destruction of Al Qaeda's core would not stop Al Qaeda plots