15 Ergebnisse
Understanding Political Reform and Islamic Education Position in Indonesia
The political conditions in Indonesia which underwent a reformation in 1998 had an influence on position and the existence of Islamic education in Indonesia post-New order. In this era, the position of Islamic education is as a subsystem of national education. It cannot be separated from the changes in the education system regulation in this country, namely the National Education System regulation No. 2 1989 changed to Law of Sisdiknas No. 20 / 2003. These changes have a major impact on the progress and existence of Islamic education in Indonesia. This can be seen from the aspect of the authority of Islamic education which can actually be said to be the same as the policies in the previous legislation, namely in the education system, at least, there are still two ministries that manage educational institutions, namely the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) and the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag). Both institutions also organize education to tertiary level. In addition, there are basic, secondary, and tertiary education in the Ministry of Education and Culture, as well as the primary, intermediate, and tertiary education institutions administered by the Kemenag. This research intends to discuss the implications of political reform on the position of Islamic education in Indonesia.
A Policy Analysis of Islamic Education Budget in Indonesia
Budget policies for Islamic education in contemporary Indonesia, especially in the post-New Order era, are still within the authority of the management of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) of the Republic of Indonesia. In terms of quantity, the amount of budget obtained is still in the low category compared to the national education budget received by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education. Moreover, the budget received by the MORA is not all for the implementation of Islamic educational institutions but also for other non-Islamic educational institutions which are the responsibility of the ministry. Therefore, this paper discusses the policies of the Islamic education budget in Indonesia and the impacts of these policies on the implementation and sustainability of the quality of Indonesia's Islamic education. This paper exposes that Islamic education policies are always placed at a crossroads. In this context, the Islamic education budget policy is face to face and even contrasted with other policies. The problems with the political policies of the education budget, including those in the Islamic education budget policy in contemporary Indonesia, still need to be continuously monitored, evaluated, and implemented in relation to existing policies to optimize while providing better solutions and contributions.
A Policy Analysis of Islamic Education Budget in Indonesia
Budget policies for Islamic education in contemporary Indonesia, especially in the post-New Order era, are still within the authority of the management of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) of the Republic of Indonesia. In terms of quantity, the amount of budget obtained is still in the low category compared to the national education budget received by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education. Moreover, the budget received by the MORA is not all for the implementation of Islamic educational institutions but also for other non-Islamic educational institutions which are the responsibility of the ministry. Therefore, this paper discusses the policies of the Islamic education budget in Indonesia and the impacts of these policies on the implementation and sustainability of the quality of Indonesia's Islamic education. This paper exposes that Islamic education policies are always placed at a crossroads. In this context, the Islamic education budget policy is face to face and even contrasted with other policies. The problems with the political policies of the education budget, including those in the Islamic education budget policy in contemporary Indonesia, still need to be continuously monitored, evaluated, and implemented in relation to existing policies to optimize while providing better solutions and contributions.
Discussing today's Islamic education in Indonesia can be seen from an optic of politics of curriculum and policy in the politics of education. As we know that the reality of replacing the minister is always followed by replacing policy. Here, indeed, many people do not mean allergy or anti-change as long as the changes are still in the context of continuity and toward the better or the best. So, maybe no worries for all. In this paper, the focus of discussion is focused on important and interesting questions about how is the portrait of Islamic education in Indonesia? How the goals and the Quo Vadis of curriculum policy of Islamic education in Indonesia? How idealism education policy widely in Indonesia? How are the challenges and solutions for Islamic education problems in Indonesia? The paper is written by using qualitative data which is based on references and books literature, newsletters, journals and opinions in the mass media and other sources that are relevant in the study of Islamic education in Indonesia, particularly related to curriculum and education policy. The results showed that: first, a portrait of Islamic education in Indonesia from pre-independence to the independence of Indonesia continues to date indicating a paradox, besides the significant development and progress. Second, the goals of the policy of the Islamic education curriculum in Indonesia are always influenced by government policies at the same general education policy. How idealism education policy widely in Indonesia is the mainstreaming of education as a commander (education is king). Moreover, education policy is not merely to discuss the practice of education and learning, more than that is also concerned with the development of education in the competition at the same time the international synergies. Fourth, the challenges and solutions of Islamic education problems in Indonesia can be seen in terms of internal and external context. The solutions are about the culture of competitiveness balanced with the cooperation with all stakeholders need to be done for the goodness and the nation's welfare.Keywords: Islamic Education, Politics of Curriculum and Policy in Educational PoliticsAbstrakMembahas pendidikan Islam saat ini di Indonesia dapat dilihat dari optik politik kurikulum dan kebijakan dalam politik pendidikan. Seperti kita ketahui bahwa realitas penggantian menteri selalu diikuti dengan penggantian kebijakan. Di sini, memang, banyak orang tidak bermaksud alergi atau anti-perubahan asalkan perubahan masih dalam konteks kontinuitas dan menuju yang lebih baik atau yang terbaik. Dalam tulisan ini, fokus diskusi difokuskan pada pertanyaan-pertanyaan penting dan menarik tentang bagaimana potret paradoks pendidikan Islam di Indonesia? Bagaimana tujuan dan Quo Vadis tentang kebijakan kurikulum pendidikan Islam di Indonesia? Bagaimana idealisme kebijakan pendidikan secara luas di Indonesia? Bagaimana tantangan dan solusi untuk masalah pendidikan Islam di Indonesia? Makalah ini ditulis dengan menggunakan data kualitatif yang didasarkan pada referensi dan buku literatur, buletin, jurnal dan opini di media massa dan sumber-sumber lain yang relevan dalam studi pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, terutama yang berkaitan dengan paradoks pendidikan Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: pertama, potret pendidikan Islam di Indonesia dari pra-kemerdekaan hingga kemerdekaan Indonesia hingga saat ini menunjukkan paradoks, di samping perkembangan dan kemajuan yang signifikan. Kedua, tujuan kebijakan kurikulum pendidikan Islam di Indonesia selalu dipengaruhi oleh kebijakan pemerintah pada kebijakan pendidikan umum yang sama. Bagaimana idealisme kebijakan pendidikan secara luas di Indonesia adalah pengarusutamaan pendidikan sebagai panglima. Selain itu, kebijakan pendidikan tidak hanya membahas praktik pendidikan dan pembelajaran, lebih dari itu juga berkaitan dengan perkembangan pendidikan dalam kompetisi sekaligus sinergi internasional. Keempat, tantangan dan solusi masalah pendidikan Islam di Indonesia dapat dilihat dari segi konteks internal dan eksternal. Solusinya adalah tentang budaya daya saing yang seimbang dengan kerja sama dengan semua pemangku kepentingan yang perlu dilakukan untuk kebaikan dan kesejahteraan bangsa.Kata kunci: Pendidikan Islam, Politik Kurikulum dan Kebijakan dalam Politik Pendidikan
In Indonesia, education and politics have a close connection and inter-dependant. Many educational policies in this country have been issued through political decision. Furthermore, many teachers have been produced political elites and bureaucrat s. Sometimes, different ministry means different policy. Furthermore, the existence of Islamic education in Indonesia cannot be separated from political policies before the independence era until now. Therefore, this article asks: what does the politics of Islamic education mean? Is there any relation between politics and Islamic education? What are kind of political Islamic education policy products? Why does the political dichotomy between Islamic education and secular education always happen? Where can the political policy of Islamic education in Indonesia be brought? The research of this article is descriptive-qualitative. The data are taken from many sources such as library, documentation, and mass-media.
Belakangan ini, kajian politik dan pendidikan sangat ramai dibincangkan. Sebab, antara keduanya saling mempengaruhi. Salah satu wujudnya adalah berupa kebijakan politik pendidikan. Politik pendidikan membahas hal ihwal kebijakan pendidikan. Urgensi politik pendidikan di sebuah negara dan pemerintahan lokal sangat penting. Sama halnya dengan pentingnya kebijakan ekonomi dan kebijakan prioritas lain dalam suatu negara. Masalah pendidikan tidak mungkin dilepaskan dari masalah sosio-politik, karena kebijakan politik sangat menentukan arah pembinaan dan pengembangan pendidikan.
Studying on the politics of Islamic education in Indonesia cannot be separated from historical aspects. This study discusses why and how the history of Islamic education cannot be separated from the birth, growth and development of Islamic education in a country. In the Indonesian context, the political history of Islamic education cannot be separated from the dynamics of Islamic education and power from time to time, starting from the pre-independence period to the present. This article uses qualitative research methods that emphasize the study of documents or texts. That is, the study of the text in this study focuses more on the analysis or interpretation of written material based on the context. The results of this study indicate that the relationship between history and politics of Islamic education in Indonesia is very close and strong relationship. Azyumardi Azra sees the historical aspect as very dominant in constructing the political reality of Islamic education in Indonesia from time to time. In this context, Michel Foucault gives attention to the genealogical aspects in history which focus on the origin and form of the history of knowledge which in certain contexts cannot be separated from power.
Vocational Education in Indonesia Facing ASEAN Economic Community
Nowadays, vocational education and the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) are an interesting topic to discuss for contributing to the ASEAN future. This article explores the vocational education in Indonesia facing ASEAN Economic Community. Vocational education is clearly significant not only to help the government but also to determine the future direction of the people and the nation. This article describes the condition of vocational education in facing ASEAN Economic Community. Also, this article explores the strategic roles in the development of vocational education in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) era for the benefit of the nation which is expected by all, especially for society, nation, and the world through reviewing references and literature books, news, journals and opinions in mass media and various related publications and sources. The article discusses the contributions from all stakeholders of education from civil society organizations in Indonesia that are very significant for facing AEC. Implications for educational policies on vocational education are also presented.
Designing a spirituality-based Islamic education framework for young muslim generations: a case study from two Indonesian universities
In: Higher education pedagogies, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 195-211
ISSN: 2375-2696
Islamic Law Practice among East Javanesse Chinese Muslims; PITI's Contribution on Its Enforcement
In: Al-Ihkam: jurnal hukum & pranata sosial, Band 19, Heft 1, S. 197-220
ISSN: 2442-3084
This qualitative research explores the practice of Islamic law among Chinese Muslims in Indonesia, focusing on the contribution of the Indonesian Chinese Islamic Association, or Persatuan Islam Tionghoa Indonesia (PITI) in East Java in three aspects; translating the Qur'an into Mandarin, organizing marriage guidance and religious consultation, and facilitating ḥalāl food industry. The primary data collection method involves in-depth interviews with Islamic leaders within the community, particularly those affiliated with PITI. Secondary data is gathered through an extensive review of literature comprising documents, books, news, and articles related to Islamic law practices among Indonesian Chinese Muslims. Data analysis employs a spiral approach, encompassing content analysis, contextual examination, and critical evaluation. The results of this research show that, specifically, PITI East Java is focused on three areas: arranging marriage counseling, translating the Qur'an into Mandarin, and developing a mentoring program for ḥalāl products. Besides, PITI uses a cultural approach to help Chinese Muslims comprehend and follow Islamic precepts while also taking into account their unique background and characteristics. As a result, the Chinese heritage has been influenced by Indonesian and Islamic traditions. This practice is dynamic and still proceeding in the new horizon that needs support from all stakeholders, the government, and other Muslim communities in Indonesia.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to compare Indonesian and Malaysian Muslims in understanding the term of polygamy in Qur'an according to surah Annisa: 3 through their perspectives and perceptions of the word of khiftum. Methodology: This is a qualitative study which employs library material analysis with enrichment from questionnaire field observation and interview. Several material objects used such as Alwafi dictionary and Diwan dictionary. The difference in its meaning was analyzed by lexical decomposition. Field research was conducted in Indonesia and Malaysia. The impact of distinguishing between the words of khiftum meaning with polygamy's theme in both countries compared and examined by descriptive statistics analysis. Main Findings: It was found that perception, the culture of context on polygamy and social views as well as legal policies of government on polygamy were influential in the translation of the word of khiftum in Qur'an. Applications: The significance of this research is to understand the correlation of different cultural backgrounds with people's insight into the related verses and people's responses to the practice of the verses. Novelty/Originality of this study: The current research contributes to the literature by providing in-depth knowledge about polygamy in two different cultures in light of the Quran and Islam. it will reveal the different meanings of the word of khafa, and describe the Malaysian and Indonesian Muslim points of view on the issue of polygamy as stipulated in Qur'an. The significance of this research is to understand the correlation of different cultural backgrounds with people's insight into the related verses and people's responses to the practice of the verses.
Digitizing the Values of Religious Character, Pancasila and Citizenship Education Through YouTube
Digitalization is a keyword in the current era of the industrial revolution. In the future, there will likely continue to be a need for the Indonesian generation to obtain various information about the values of a religious character, Pancasila, and education in facing the challenges of the digital era. Therefore, this study focuses more on what and how digitalization efforts spread religious values, Pancasila, and education through YouTube social media carried out by anyone, both the government and the community. This research is based on data and documents with a qualitative descriptive method. The study results show many socialization and information efforts through YouTube that lecturers, teachers, and various parties carry out. The effect can be seen from the response and enthusiasm of the community. Also, to understand the message of the video on YouTube.
Review and analysis of current responses to COVID-19 in Indonesia: Period of January to March 2020
In: Progress in disaster science, Band 6, S. 100091
ISSN: 2590-0617
Review and analysis of current responses to COVID-19 in Indonesia: Period of January to March 2020
The world is presently under an emergency situation because of the COVID-19 global pandemic, caused by a novel coronavirus. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world and is predicted to be affected significantly over a longer time period. Our paper aims to provide detailed reporting and analyses of the present rapid responses to COVID-19 in Indonesia. We particularly highlight the progress of governments, key organisations and community responses to COVID-19 between January and March 2020. We outline the gaps and limitations in the responses, based on our rapid analysis of media contents, from government speeches and reports, social and mass media platforms. We present our recommendations toward more rapid effective, and comprehensive responses.