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22 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
"The Portuguese in West Africa, 1415-1670 brings together a collection of documents - all in new English translation - that illustrate aspects of the encounters between the Portuguese and the peoples of North and West Africa in the period from 1400 to 1650. This period witnessed the diaspora of the Sephardic Jews, the emigration of Portuguese to West Africa and the islands, and the beginnings of the black diaspora associated with the slave trade. The documents show how the Portuguese tried to understand the societies with which they came into contact and to reconcile their experience with the myths and legends inherited from classical and medieval learning. They also show how Africans reacted to the coming of Europeans, adapting Christian ideas to local beliefs and making use of exotic imports and European technologies. The documents also describe the evolution of the black Portuguese communities in Guinea and the islands, as well as the slave trade and the way that it was organized, understood, and justified"--
The Portuguese in West Africa, 1415–1670 brings together a collection of documents - all in new English translation - that illustrate aspects of the encounters between the Portuguese and the peoples of North and West Africa in the period from 1400 to 1650. This period witnessed the diaspora of the Sephardic Jews, the emigration of Portuguese to West Africa and the islands, and the beginnings of the black diaspora associated with the slave trade. The documents show how the Portuguese tried to understand the societies with which they came into contact and to reconcile their experience with the myths and legends inherited from classical and medieval learning. They also show how Africans reacted to the coming of Europeans, adapting Christian ideas to local beliefs and making use of exotic imports and European technologies. The documents also describe the evolution of the black Portuguese communities in Guinea and the islands, as well as the slave trade and the way that it was organized, understood, and justified
In: Portugese Encounters with the World in the Age of the Discoveries
In: African studies: History
Legislation that authorises controversial organ procurement strategies but ignores respect for autonomy is flawed in principle and predictably unworkable in practice
World Affairs Online
In: European expansion and indigenous response Volume 18
Introduction -- Lieutenant Henry Edward O'Neill -- Prologue -- The life and career of Henry Edward O'Neill from 1848 to 1879 -- The consuls and their work, 1857-1885 -- Consul O'Neill's journeys 1879-1885 -- Henry Edward O'Neill, the later years 1885-1925 -- Northern Mozambique in the nineteenth century -- The slave trade in eastern Africa in the 1880s -- The Makua and Lomwe countries of eastern Africa -- Sketch of two voyages, north of Mozambique - in 1880 -- First voyage: journey from Mozambique to Pemba Bay. May & June/80 -- Second voyage: journey from Mozambique to Cape Delgado. Oct. & Nov./80 -- Sketch of three voyages, south of Mozambique - in 1881 and 1882 -- First voyage: journey through the Kivolani-Umfussi districts, south of Mokambo Bay Feb/81 -- Second voyage: journey from Mozambique to Angoche, and intermediate ports July/81 -- Third voyage: from Mozambique to the Moma River. March & April/82 -- First journey in Makua and Lomwe countries, west of Mozambique - in 1881 -- Visit to Fernao Veloso, and discovery and survey of Nakala and Kisima Julu Bays - in 1881 -- Journey in the district west of Cape Delgado Bay, discovery of Lake Lidedi and visit to Mavia tribe, with voyage to Kissanga and neighbourhood - 1882 -- First voyage: from Mozambique to Ibo and adjacent ports March & April/81 -- Second voyage: journey in the district west of Cape Delgado Bay, Sept.-Oct. 1882 -- From Mozambique to Lake Shirwa, including discovery of lakes, Amaramba and Chiuta the true sources of the Lugenda River 1883 -- From Mozambique through the Makua and Lomwe countries to Lake Shirwa, June to September 1883 -- Exploration of the northern and north-eastern shores of Lake Shirwa and discovery of the lakes Amaramba and Chiuta, the true sources of the Lugenda river -- Return journey from Lake Shirwa to the Mozambique coast at Angoche, November 1883 to January 1884 -- From Quillimane to Blantyre in the shire highlands and thence overland to the coast - 1884 -- Appendix 1: A catalogue of the published papers of Henry Edward O'Neill -- Appendix 2: 'Notes by Consul O'Neill upon agriculture and labour in the province of Mozambique', 15 March 1883 -- Appendix 3: Comparative table of Makua and the dialects of Angoche and Ibo -- Appendix 4: 'Table of native names of places between Mozambique and Pemba Bays' -- Appendix 5: Letter relating to 'The new slave trade' -- Appendix 6: Caravan route from Kissanga to the Nyassa Lake
World Affairs Online