Sursele Principiilor Generale Ale Dreptului (Origins of the General Principles of Law)
In: Impactul transformărilor socio-economice și tehnologice la nivel national, european si mondial; Nr.5/2015, Vol.5
3 Ergebnisse
In: Impactul transformărilor socio-economice și tehnologice la nivel national, european si mondial; Nr.5/2015, Vol.5
It is a well-known fact that the so called "white collar crimes" now implies a wide variety of offenses (including bribery) that can affect the lives of more individuals than the "classic" crimes. An analysis of corruption necessarily implies an interdisciplinary approach, as it has multiple facets: social, political, economic and juridical. The New Criminal Code of Romania (NCC) has brought a series of important changes, compared to the previous regulation. All forms of corruption involve an abusive use of power (public or private), for a personal gain, occurring regardless of the form of government or historical period.
Working paper