Weimar im Blick der USA: amerikanische Auslandskorrespondenten und öffentliche Meinung zwischen Perzeption und Realität
In: Studien zu Geschichte, Politik und Gesellschaft Nordamerikas 7
3 Ergebnisse
In: Studien zu Geschichte, Politik und Gesellschaft Nordamerikas 7
Previa construcción del contexto histórico y socio político de los procesos de paz en Colombia y particularmente de aquel que dio lugar a la creación de la Zona de Distensión para negociar las condiciones de paz con la guerrilla de las FARC, se examina la posibilidad de atribuir responsabilidad extracontractual al Estado colombiano por los daños ocasionados a los habitantes de la zona de distensión y de su área de influencia y, los mecanismos con los que cuentan los afectados para obtener el reconocimiento de los perjuicios, lo cual se estudia a la luz del derecho interno y del Derecho Internacional Humanitario. Se concluye que la doctrina y la jurisprudencia nacionales han venido construyendo una línea argumentativa que determina las condiciones para que el Estado responda por las acciones y omisiones en las guerras internas que se inicia en 1864, bajo la Constitución de 1863, para establecer el estado actual de la jurisprudencia en relación con el conflicto y realizar una propuesta en torno a cuáles deberían ser sus características y limitaciones. ; The following thesis aims to study and analyse historical and political facts that preceded and determined the creation of a demilitarized zone(DMZ) which would allow a peace process with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) to take place in order to put an end to the Colombian Armed Conflict; the legal framework established with the process in mind; its implementation and later retake of the zone by state armed forces, along with the responsibility the government incurred as a consequence of the indirect damage caused to the inhabitants of the surrounding area of this DMZ, taking into account former research of the central topics of this investigation made by different authors.
Drought tolerance is a complex phenomenon comprising many physiological, biochemical and morphological changes at both aerial and below ground levels. We aim to reveal changes on root morphology that promote drought tolerance in oat in both seedling and adult plants. To this aim, we employed two oat genotypes, previously characterized as susceptible and tolerant to drought. Root phenotyping was carried out on young plants grown either in pots or in rhizotrons under controlled environments, and on adult plants grown in big containers under field conditions. Overall, the tolerant genotype showed an increased root length, branching rate, root surface, and length of fine roots, while coarse to fine ratio decreased as compared with the susceptible genotype. We also observed a high and significant correlation between various morphological root traits within and between experiments, identifying several of them as appropriate markers to identify drought tolerant oat genotypes. Stimulation of fine root growth was one of the most prominent responses to cope with gradual soil water depletion, in both seedlings and adult plants. Although seedling experiments did not exactly match the response of adult plants, they were similarly informative for discriminating between tolerant and susceptible genotypes. This might contribute to easier and faster phenotyping of large amount of plants. ; This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [AGL2016-78965AGR], (AEI/FEDER, UE) and regional government through the AGR-253 group, the European Regional and Social Development Funds and the COST action FA1306. FC is holder of a FPI fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. ; Peer reviewed