14 Ergebnisse
Gesundheitszirkel als Instrument der Arbeitsplatzgestaltung
In: Der Personalrat: Personal-Recht im öffentlichen Dienst, Band 15, Heft 4, S. 149-154
ISSN: 0175-9299
Elemente der Herausbildung des Kapitalismus in Nikaragua: Voraussetzungen, Verlaufsformen u. Auswirkungen
In: Europäische Hochschulschriften
In: Reihe 22, Soziologie = Sociologie = Sociology 126
Changes in Social Network Diversity and Perceived Social Support After Psychiatric Hospitalization: Results From a Longitudinal Study
In: The international journal of social psychiatry, Band 53, Heft 6, S. 564-575
ISSN: 1741-2854
Background: There is a large empirical basis for the importance of social networks and support for people with a mental illness. However, only a few studies have eXamined the predictors, changes and correlations of these constructs within a longitudinal framework. Aim: To analyze changes in social network diversity as measured by the number of social roles and perceived social support over the course of three years after a psychiatric hospitalization while controlling for sociodemographic and clinical variables. A further aim was to inquire whether some social roles are perceived as being more supportive than others. Method: Random coefficient models were applied to the data of a longitudinal study on the life circumstances of people with affective disorders or schizophrenia ( N = 183). Results: The majority of participants had relatives, friends and co-workers, while a markedly smaller proportion had a spouse/partner or children. Social network diversity increased during the time period observed while the perception of social support did not change. Being male, without a job (competitive or sheltered), or having a low income predicted less diverse networks. Partners and friends were perceived as most supportive. Persons without a close friendship perceived less overall support, but only at baseline (hospitalization), while persons with a job on the competitive labor market felt better supported. Conclusions: Social disintegration in the course of mental illness that is found in some studies has no equivalent in our study in what concerns network diversity and perceived support. According to our results, characteristics of vocational and economic integration are of much greater relevance, as they enhance or hinder access to social participation.
Auswahl und Evaluation der Josef-Ressel Zentren und Kontextualisierung in der Forschungslandschaft
In: Plattform Forschungs- und Technologieevaluierung, Heft 56, S. e8, 1-18
Mit den Josef Ressel Zentren (JR-Zentren) steht Österreichs Fachhochschulen ein spezielles Premiumprodukt der nationalen Forschungsförderung zur Verfügung. Seit 2012 ist die Förde-rung von JR-Zentren integraler Bestandteil der Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft (CDG), deren Fördermodell (Christian Doppler Labors bzw. CD-Labors) bis dato ausschließlich auf Öster-reichs Universitäten ausgerichtet gewesen war. Mit zunehmender Bedeutung österreichischer Fachhochschulen für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft war es jedoch an der Zeit gewesen, ein spezifi-sches Programm für diesen Bildungssektor aufzulegen. Im Rahmen eines nationalen und inter-nationalen Peer-Review- und Evaluierungsprozesses betreiben JR-Zentren in Kooperation mit Unternehmen angewandte Bottom-Up-Forschung im naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Be-reich. Österreichs Fachhochschulen können damit ihre Forschungsqualität auf internationalem Niveau ausbauen und strategische Forschungscluster nachhaltig verankern.
Matching of European business requirements with Japan expertise: Workshop 24.-25.10.1994
In: Publications of the Japanese-German Center Berlin / Series 3, English, Vol. 12
World Affairs Online
Lead, Cadmium and Mercury Flow Analysis – Decision Support for Austrian Environmental Policy
In: Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, Band 61, Heft 5-6, S. 63-69
ISSN: 1613-7566
Klein- und Mittelunternehmen in Japan (I): Dokumentation eines Workshops
In: Duisburger Arbeitspapiere Ostasienwissenschaften, No. 6/1995
Dolles, H.: Die strategische Rolle der kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen zur Schaffung von Wettbewerbsvorteilen japanischer Verbundgruppen. Aufbau und Sicherung von Marktmacht durch Eintritts- und Mobilitätsbarrieren. - S. 1-12. Storz, C.: Unternehmerprofile. Der mittelständische Unternehmer. - S. 13-21. Ernst, A.: Karrieremuster für reguläre Beschäftigte in Großunternehmen. - S. 22-29. Schwarz, R.: Marktzugang für deutsche mittelständische Unternehmen in Japan. - S. 30-38. Kubota-Müller, B.: Internationalisierungs-Strategien bei Klein- und Mittelbetrieben in Japan am Beispiel einjähriger Praktika für AusländerInnen. - S. 39-48
World Affairs Online
Participation of Children and Parents in the Swiss Child Protection System in the Past and Present: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
In: Social Sciences: open access journal, Band 9, Heft 8, S. 148
ISSN: 2076-0760
As in other European countries, the Swiss child protection system has gone through substantial changes in the course of the 20th century up to today. Increasingly, the needs as well as the participation of children and parents affected by child protection interventions have become a central concern. In Switzerland, critical debates around care-related detention of children and adults until 1981 have led to the launch of the National Research Program 'Welfare and Coercion—Past, Present and Future' (NRP 76), with the aim of understanding past and current welfare practices. This paper is based on our research project, which is part of this national program. We first discuss three overarching concepts—integrity, autonomy and participation—at the heart of a theoretical framework in order to understand the position of parents and children in child protection proceedings. Secondly, we critically analyze the historical and legal development of the child protection system in Switzerland and its effects on children and parents from 1912 until today. Thirdly, we give an insight into the current Swiss child protection system, with an investigation of hearings of parents and children conducted by the Child and Adult Protection Authorities (CAPA) based on participant observations. In particular, we show the importance of information exchanges and of signs of mutual recognition. Finally, in light of our findings, we discuss the interplay between socio-historical and legal developments in child protection and their consequences for the integrity, autonomy and participation of the people involved.