60 Ergebnisse
Taglialeggi e normattiva tra luci e ombre
In: Collana di studi / LUISS Guido Carli, Dipartimento di scienze giuridiche 22
Maxi-emendamenti, questioni di fiducia, nozione costituzionale di articolo: atti del seminario svoltosi presso la LUISS Guido Carli il 1. ottobre 2009
In: Pubblicazioni del Centro di ricerca sulle amministrazioni pubbliche Vittorio Bachelet
In: Collana di quaderni 9
Dalla legge al regolamento: lo sviluppo della potestà normativa del governo nella disciplina delle pubbliche amministrazioni
In: Studi e ricerche 506
La prima legge annuale di semplificazione: commento alla Legge n. 50 del 1999
In: Pubblicazioni del Centro di Ricerca sulle Amministrazioni Pubbliche "Vittorio Bachelet"
In: Collana di quaderni 18
Deleghe e decreti legislativi correttivi: esperienze, problemi, prospettive
In: Quaderni 7
Parliamentary Studies Between Sectionalism and Universalism
In: International journal of parliamentary studies, Band 3, Heft 2, S. 151-155
ISSN: 2666-8912
Implicit and explicit "European clauses" in the Italian Constitution ; Clausole "europee" implicite ed esplicite nella Costituzione italiana
The contribution analyzes the links between the Italian Constitution and the process of European integration, which are generally outlined by what are called "European clauses": the constitutional provisions – contained in the original text of the Constitution of the Member States or introduced later – which, with very varied formulas, allow or require the accession to the European Union, possibly setting limits and conditions to future stages of the process of European integration. To this end, a large part of the contribution is devoted to the analysis of the provision that has functioned as an "implicit and general" European clause: namely, article 11 of the Italian Constitution. The contribution retraces its origins, in the Constituent Assembly and in the light of the fascist experience, its multiple (but closely) connected contents and, above all, the interpretation of this article that has been affirmed, since the 1950s, in order to implement in Italy the Treaties establishing the European Communities. It also takes into account the consultative referendum held in 1989 and the constitutional revisions approved subsequently, which introduced specific and explicit references to the European Union (the most important of which in articles 81, 97, 117 and 119 of the Constitution), albeit without ever replacing the general clause in article 11 and its crucial role. It is argued that the use of article 11 of the Constitution as an "implicit and general European clause", although originally due to peculiar historical and political circumstances, has represented a crucial and now foundational junction in the evolution of the Italian Constitution. The openness to international organizations aimed at promoting peace and justice among nations and the necessity of the consequent limitations of sovereignty have allowed Italy to figure among the promoters of the various phases of European integration; and the Republican Constitution to evolve, over more than seventy years, in full coherence with its founding values, for the most part without the need to resort to constitutional revisions. ; Il contributo analizza i legami tra la Costituzione italiana e il processo di integrazione europea, legami che sono in genere delineati dalle "clausole europee": le disposizioni costituzionali – contenute nel testo originario delle Costituzioni degli Stati membri o introdotte in seguito – che, con formule assai variegate, consentono o richiedono l'adesione all'Unione europea, ponendo eventualmente limiti e condizioni alle future tappe del processo di integrazione europea. A questo scopo, larga parte del contributo è dedicata all'analisi della disposizione che, per l'Italia, ha funzionato da clausola europea "implicita e generale": ossia, l'art. 11 della Costituzione italiana. Si ripercorrono le sue origini, in Assemblea Costituente e alla luce dell'esperienza fascista, i suoi molteplici (ma strettamente connessi) contenuti e, soprattutto, l'interpretazione di tale articolo che si è affermata, sin dagli anni '50, al fine di dare esecuzione in Italia dei trattati istitutivi delle Comunità europee. Si dà inoltre conto del referendum consultivo svoltosi nel 1989 e delle revisioni costituzionali intervenute successivamente, con cui si sono introdotti specifici ed espliciti riferimenti all'Unione europea (le più importanti delle quali negli articoli 81, 97, 117 e 119 Cost.), seppure senza mai sostituire, né emendare la clausola di carattere generale di cui all'art. 11. Si sostiene che l'uso dell'art. 11 della Costituzione come "clausola europea implicita e generale", pur in origine dovuto a circostanze storico-politiche peculiari, abbia rappresentato uno snodo cruciale e a pieno titolo fondativo per l'evoluzione della Costituzione italiana. L'apertura alle organizzazioni internazionali volte a promuovere la pace e la giustizia tra le nazioni e le conseguenti necessarie limitazioni di sovranità hanno permesso all'Italia di figurare tra i promotori delle diverse fasi dell'integrazione europea; e, al contempo, alla Costituzione repubblicana di evolversi, nell'arco di più di un settantennio, in piena coerenza con i suoi valori fondanti, perlopiù senza bisogno di ricorrere a revisioni costituzionali. ; The contribution analyzes the links between the Italian Constitution and the process of European integration, which are generally outlined by what are called "European clauses": the constitutional provisions – contained in the original text of the Constitution of the Member States or introduced later – which, with very varied formulas, allow or require the accession to the European Union, possibly setting limits and conditions to future stages of the process of European integration. To this end, a large part of the contribution is devoted to the analysis of the provision that has functioned as an "implicit and general" European clause: namely, article 11 of the Italian Constitution. The contribution retraces its origins, in the Constituent Assembly and in the light of the fascist experience, its multiple (but closely) connected contents and, above all, the interpretation of this article that has been affirmed, since the 1950s, in order to implement in Italy the Treaties establishing the European Communities. It also takes into account the consultative referendum held in 1989 and the constitutional revisions approved subsequently, which introduced specific and explicit references to the European Union (the most important of which in articles 81, 97, 117 and 119 of the Constitution), albeit without ever replacing the general clause in article 11 and its crucial role. It is argued that the use of article 11 of the Constitution as an "implicit and general European clause", although originally due to peculiar historical and political circumstances, has represented a crucial and now foundational junction in the evolution of the Italian Constitution. The openness to international organizations aimed at promoting peace and justice among nations and the necessity of the consequent limitations of sovereignty have allowed Italy to figure among the promoters of the various phases of European integration; and the Republican Constitution to evolve, over more than seventy years, in full coherence with its founding values, for the most part without the need to resort to constitutional revisions.
Interparliamentary Cooperation at the Political and Administrative Levels, in the Euro-National Parliamentary System
In: Luiss School of Government Working Paper Series SOG-WP68/2022
Implicit and explicit "European clauses" in the Italian Constitution ; Clausole "europee" implicite ed esplicite nella Costituzione italiana
The contribution analyzes the links between the Italian Constitution and the process of European integration, which are generally outlined by what are called "European clauses": the constitutional provisions – contained in the original text of the Constitution of the Member States or introduced later – which, with very varied formulas, allow or require the accession to the European Union, possibly setting limits and conditions to future stages of the process of European integration. To this end, a large part of the contribution is devoted to the analysis of the provision that has functioned as an "implicit and general" European clause: namely, article 11 of the Italian Constitution. The contribution retraces its origins, in the Constituent Assembly and in the light of the fascist experience, its multiple (but closely) connected contents and, above all, the interpretation of this article that has been affirmed, since the 1950s, in order to implement in Italy the Treaties establishing the European Communities. It also takes into account the consultative referendum held in 1989 and the constitutional revisions approved subsequently, which introduced specific and explicit references to the European Union (the most important of which in articles 81, 97, 117 and 119 of the Constitution), albeit without ever replacing the general clause in article 11 and its crucial role. It is argued that the use of article 11 of the Constitution as an "implicit and general European clause", although originally due to peculiar historical and political circumstances, has represented a crucial and now foundational junction in the evolution of the Italian Constitution. The openness to international organizations aimed at promoting peace and justice among nations and the necessity of the consequent limitations of sovereignty have allowed Italy to figure among the promoters of the various phases of European integration; and the Republican Constitution to evolve, over more than seventy years, in full coherence with its founding values, for the most part without the need to resort to constitutional revisions. ; Il contributo analizza i legami tra la Costituzione italiana e il processo di integrazione europea, legami che sono in genere delineati dalle "clausole europee": le disposizioni costituzionali – contenute nel testo originario delle Costituzioni degli Stati membri o introdotte in seguito – che, con formule assai variegate, consentono o richiedono l'adesione all'Unione europea, ponendo eventualmente limiti e condizioni alle future tappe del processo di integrazione europea. A questo scopo, larga parte del contributo è dedicata all'analisi della disposizione che, per l'Italia, ha funzionato da clausola europea "implicita e generale": ossia, l'art. 11 della Costituzione italiana. Si ripercorrono le sue origini, in Assemblea Costituente e alla luce dell'esperienza fascista, i suoi molteplici (ma strettamente connessi) contenuti e, soprattutto, l'interpretazione di tale articolo che si è affermata, sin dagli anni '50, al fine di dare esecuzione in Italia dei trattati istitutivi delle Comunità europee. Si dà inoltre conto del referendum consultivo svoltosi nel 1989 e delle revisioni costituzionali intervenute successivamente, con cui si sono introdotti specifici ed espliciti riferimenti all'Unione europea (le più importanti delle quali negli articoli 81, 97, 117 e 119 Cost.), seppure senza mai sostituire, né emendare la clausola di carattere generale di cui all'art. 11. Si sostiene che l'uso dell'art. 11 della Costituzione come "clausola europea implicita e generale", pur in origine dovuto a circostanze storico-politiche peculiari, abbia rappresentato uno snodo cruciale e a pieno titolo fondativo per l'evoluzione della Costituzione italiana. L'apertura alle organizzazioni internazionali volte a promuovere la pace e la giustizia tra le nazioni e le conseguenti necessarie limitazioni di sovranità hanno permesso all'Italia di figurare tra i promotori delle diverse fasi dell'integrazione europea; e, al contempo, alla Costituzione repubblicana di evolversi, nell'arco di più di un settantennio, in piena coerenza con i suoi valori fondanti, perlopiù senza bisogno di ricorrere a revisioni costituzionali. ; The contribution analyzes the links between the Italian Constitution and the process of European integration, which are generally outlined by what are called "European clauses": the constitutional provisions – contained in the original text of the Constitution of the Member States or introduced later – which, with very varied formulas, allow or require the accession to the European Union, possibly setting limits and conditions to future stages of the process of European integration. To this end, a large part of the contribution is devoted to the analysis of the provision that has functioned as an "implicit and general" European clause: namely, article 11 of the Italian Constitution. The contribution retraces its origins, in the Constituent Assembly and in the light of the fascist experience, its multiple (but closely) connected contents and, above all, the interpretation of this article that has been affirmed, since the 1950s, in order to implement in Italy the Treaties establishing the European Communities. It also takes into account the consultative referendum held in 1989 and the constitutional revisions approved subsequently, which introduced specific and explicit references to the European Union (the most important of which in articles 81, 97, 117 and 119 of the Constitution), albeit without ever replacing the general clause in article 11 and its crucial role. It is argued that the use of article 11 of the Constitution as an "implicit and general European clause", although originally due to peculiar historical and political circumstances, has represented a crucial and now foundational junction in the evolution of the Italian Constitution. The openness to international organizations aimed at promoting peace and justice among nations and the necessity of the consequent limitations of sovereignty have allowed Italy to figure among the promoters of the various phases of European integration; and the Republican Constitution to evolve, over more than seventy years, in full coherence with its founding values, for the most part without the need to resort to constitutional revisions.
Intertwining 'Forms of Government' Between Rome and Brussels: The Influence of EU Dynamics on the Handover from Conte I to Conte II Cabinet
In: Intertwining 'Forms of Government' Between Rome and Brussels: The Influence of EU Dynamics on the Handover from Conte I to Conte II Cabinet, RECONNECT WP series, no. 13
Working paper
The 2019 European Parliament Elections: Politically Crucial, but without Clear Institutional Effects
In: Perspectives on Federalism, Band 11, Heft 1
The Failed Constitutional Reform of the Italian Senate
In: Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo Online, Band 2019, Heft 2
In the shadow of the treaties: National Parliaments and their evolving role in European Integration
In: Politique européenne, Band 59, Heft 1, S. 196-215
ISSN: 2105-2875
Cette contribution, qui conclut ce numéro spécial, propose quelques réflexions quant à la façon dont les parlements nationaux répondent et s'adaptent aux nombreux défis qu'induit le processus d'intégration européenne. Cet article remet en cause plus particulièrement deux éléments qui, supposément, caractérisent les parlements nationaux : leur qualité d'institutions largement passives, et le fait qu'ils ont commencé à jouer un rôle sur la scène européenne seulement après l'entrée en vigueur du traité de Lisbonne. Puis, cet article résume certaines des conclusions présentées dans les articles inclus dans ce numéro spécial en rapport avec les nombreux rôles joués par les parlements dans l'Union européenne (UE), et quant à certaines des caractéristiques du processus d'intégration européenne. Les analyses présentées dans les différents articles adoptent, en effet, différentes approches : certains ont recours à la méthode juridique, alors que d'autres s'appuient sur celle de la science politique. De plus, certains se concentrent sur un secteur spécifique, quand d'autres étudient plusieurs politiques concomitamment, et, enfin, certains comparent plusieurs Etats membres alors que d'autres limitent leur analyse à une période bien définie. Ceci étant, tous les articles inclus dans ce numéro spécial prennent en compte tant la dimension européenne que la dimension nationale. Ainsi, ils contribuent à obtenir une vision plus claire, bien qu'encore incomplète, de l'impact qu'a eu l'attribution de « pouvoirs européens » aux parlements nationaux avec l'entrée en vigueur du traité de Lisbonne ; la mise en œuvre de ces pouvoirs ayant, en outre, eu lieu alors que l'UE faisant face à de profondes crises et d'importantes transformations. On avance ici que de plus amples recherches allant dans le même sens sont encore nécessaires. Elles devraient suivre la même méthodologie en se concentrant sur les échanges entre niveaux national et européen au travers des « processus parlementaires euro-nationaux ». Dans sa dernière partie, le présent article avance que le rôle des parlements nationaux va continuer à croître dans l'évolution future du processus d'intégration européenne, en particulier dans une Union plus asymétrique. Le mécanisme institutionnel à travers lequel le potentiel des parlements nationaux en matière de légitimation démocratique va être utilisé reste, toutefois, encore à définir.
The Advantage of Having the 'First Word' in the Composite European Constitution
In: Italian Journal of Public Law, 2018, N. 2 (Special Issue on Constitutional Adjudication in Europe between Unity and Pluralism, Edited by Pietro Faraguna, Cristina Fasone, Giovanni Piccirilli), pp. 186-204