15 Ergebnisse
Fuentes Quintana y los Pactos de la Moncloa ; Fuentes Quintana and the Moncloa Pacts
El artículo analiza la huella del economista Enrique Fuentes Quin-tana en la política económica española. La trayectoria profesional del profesor Fuentes pone de manifiesto el desarrollo académico de la ciencia económica en España, país en el que la aplicación práctica de los conocimientos económicos generó importantes avances en su economía. Dentro del complejo contexto histórico de integración política y económica en Europa que España había emprendido en los años 70, le fue encomendada al profesor Fuentes la tarea de articular las respuestas desde la política económica a la situación creada por la crisis del petróleo, lo que se plasmó en los Pactos de la Moncloa. Este trabajo recoge documentos de los años previos a los Pactos sobre el pensamiento económico de Fuentes Quintana y sus opiniones sobre lo que ocurría en la economía italiana, país al que consideraba como referencia práctica para la economía española. ; The article analyzes the imprint of the economist Enrique Fuentes Quintana on Spanish economic policy. Professor Fuentes' professional career highlights the academic development of economic science in Spain, a country in which the practical application of economic knowledge generated important advances in its economy. Within the complex historical context of political and economic integration in Europe that Spain had undertaken in the 1970s, Professor Fuentes was entrusted with the task of articulating economic policy responses to the situation created by the oil crisis, which took the form of the Moncloa Pacts. This paper gathers documents from the years prior to the Pacts on Fuentes Quintana's economic thinking and his opinions on what was happening in the Italian economy, a country he considered as a practical reference for the Spanish economy.
Fuentes Quintana and the Moncloa Pacts ; Fuentes Quintana y los Pactos de la Moncloa
The article analyzes the imprint of the economist Enrique Fuentes Quintana on Spanish economic policy. Professor Fuentes' professional career highlights the academic development of economic science in Spain, a country in which the practical application of economic knowledge generated important advances in its economy. Within the complex historical context of political and economic integration in Europe that Spain had undertaken in the 1970s, Professor Fuentes was entrusted with the task of articulating economic policy responses to the situation created by the oil crisis, which took the form of the Moncloa Pacts. This paper gathers documents from the years prior to the Pacts on Fuentes Quintana's economic thinking and his opinions on what was happening in the Italian economy, a country he considered as a practical reference for the Spanish economy. ; El artículo analiza la huella del economista Enrique Fuentes Quintana en la política económica española. La trayectoria profesional del profesor Fuentes pone de manifiesto el desarrollo académico de la ciencia económica en España, país en el que la aplicación práctica de los conocimientos económicos generó importantes avances en su economía. Dentro del complejo contexto histórico de integración política y económica en Europa que España había emprendido en los años 70, le fue encomendada al profesor Fuentes la tarea de articular las respuestas desde la política económica a la situación creada por la crisis del petróleo, lo que se plasmó en los Pactos de la Moncloa. Este trabajo recoge documentos de los años previos a los Pactos sobre el pensamiento económico de Fuentes Quintana y sus opiniones sobre lo que ocurría en la economía italiana, país al que consideraba como referencia práctica para la economía española.
Análisis estructural de bóvedas de fábrica. La eficacia de la geometría
La normativa vigente ignora la situación de los cientos de miles de edificios resueltos con bóvedas. Actualmente, cualquier actuación sobre cualquiera de estos edificios sumerge al técnico en una encrucijada legal que en muchas ocasiones se resuelve derribando a estos elementos estructurales sin otro motivo. Por otra parte, el comportamiento de estos elementos estructurales es también bastante desconocido por la mayoría de los técnicos. Este proyecto de tesis trata sobre el análisis estructural de bóvedas de fábrica, y especialmente de la relación entre su comportamiento y su geometría. Dentro de las bóvedas se incluyen arcos y cúpulas, por lo que realmente el campo abarca a todas las estructuras llamadas abovedadas. Al hablar de su geometría se refiere a su configuración espacial, a su forma, más allá de sus dimensiones globales, secciones y otros datos como el momento de inercia. Son estructuras de fábrica, aquellas compuestas por un material esencialmente discontinuo y anisótropo, bien de piedra o ladrillos. La tesis contrastará las formas de las bóvedas con su capacidad de carga, con las deformaciones admisibles y con sus condiciones de seguridad. Igualmente se establecerá un análisis estructural de estos elementos estructurales a través de sus deformaciones con respecto a sus geometrías teóricas. De esta manera se conseguirá evaluar estas estructuras con los mismos criterios con los que el CTE DB- SE aborda la seguridad y la aptitud al servicio de las estructuras actuales. Además, las conclusiones previsibles generarían un catálogo de recomendaciones para el diseño, la rehabilitación y el mantenimiento de estos elementos. ; Current legislation ignores the situation of hundreds of thousands of buildings with vaults resolved. Currently, any action on any of these buildings coach plunges into a legal crossroads on many occasions to resolve these structural elements breaking down for no reason. Moreover, the behavior of these structural elements is also quite unknown to most of the technicians. This thesis deals with the structural analysis of masonry vaults, especially the relationship between their behavior and their geometry. Within the vaults, arches and domes are included, so the field actually covers all calls vaulted structures. Speaking of its geometry in terms of its spatial configuration, to form, beyond its overall size, sections and other data as the moment of inertia. They are masonry structures, those mainly composed of a discontinuous and anisotropic material, either stone or brick. The thesis will contrast the shapes of the vaults with load capacity, with acceptable deformations and their safety. Also there will be a structural analysis of these structural elements through its deformation with respect to their theoretical geometries. This will get to evaluate these structures using the same criteria with which the CTE DB-SE addresses the safety and suitability to serve existing structures. Furthermore, the findings would likely create a list of recommendations for designing, rehabilitation and maintenance of these elements.
A conceptual framework for risk management in aquaculture
In: Marine policy, Band 147, S. 105377
ISSN: 0308-597X
A decision support system for fish farming using particle swarm optimization
In: Computers and electronics in agriculture: COMPAG online ; an international journal, Band 161, S. 121-130
Integration of environmental sustainability and product quality criteria in the decision-making process for feeding strategies in seabream aquaculture companies
Economic criteria have traditionally been taken into account as the most important factor for the selection of the most suitable feed in aquaculture. However, currently, management decisions have become increasingly complex, taking into account issues such as environmental sustainability and product quality. In this regard, there is growing recognition that the quality of the environment in which an organization operates has a direct effect on its financial results. Unfortunately, the complex integration of all these factors, which are sometimes opposing, limits the ability of aquaculture producers to adapt their production strategy to cleaner production systems. In this context, the aim of this work is to address this problem with the development of a novel, multiple-criteria decision-making optimization methodology that allows producers to include different preferences in the design of feeding strategies. Here, this methodology is applied to gilthead seabream production. The results obtained show the utility of this methodology for integrating numerous criteria in the evaluation of various alternatives and for carrying out an efficient sensitivity analysis which test the impact of different hypotheses on stakeholders' preferences. ; This research was undertaken under the MedAID project, which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no 727315 ( The authors wish to thank the Ibero-American Program for the Development of Science and Technology (CYTED) and the Red Iberoamericana BigDSSAgro (Ref. P515RT0123) for their support of this work, and Juan B. Cabral for the package scikit-criteria for MCDM.
Determination of feeding strategies in aquaculture farms using a multiple-criteria approach and genetic algorithms
Since the 1990s, fishing production has stagnated and aquaculture has experienced an exponential growth thanks to the production on an industrial scale. One of the major challenges facing aquaculture companies is the management of breeding activity affected by biological, technical, environmental and economic factors. In recent years, decision-making has also become increasingly complex due to the need for managers to consider aspects other than economic ones, such as product quality or environmental sustainability. In this context, there is an increasing need for expert systems applied to decision-making processes that maximize economic efficiency of the operational process. One of the production planning decisions more affected by these changes is the feeding strategy. The selection of the feed determines the growth of the fish, but also generates the greatest impact of the activity on the environment and determines the quality of the product. In addition, feed is the main production cost in finfish aquaculture. In order to address all these problems, the present work integrates a multiple-criteria methodology with a genetic algorithm that allows determining the best sequence of feeds to be used throughout the fattening period, depending on multiple optimization objectives. Results show its utility to generate and evaluate different alternatives and fulfill the initial hypothesis, demonstrating that the combination of several feeds at precise times may improve the results obtained by one feed strategies. ; This paper is part of the MedAID project which has received funding from the European Union's H2020 program under grant agreement 727315. The authors also wish to thank the Ibero-American Program for the Development of Science and Technology, CYTED, and the Red Iberoamericana BigDSSAgro (Ref. P515RT0123) for their support of this work.
How Corporate Governance Mechanisms of Banks Have Changed After the 2007–08 Financial Crisis
In: Global policy: gp, Band 11, Heft S1, S. 52-61
ISSN: 1758-5899
AbstractWeak and ineffective corporate governance mechanisms in banks have been pointed out as the main factor that contributed to the 2007–08 financial crisis. The purpose of this study is to analyze empirically how the global financial crisis of 2007–08 has impacted on banks' governance mechanisms, comparing the differences between the two most important models of corporate governance (the shareholder and stakeholder models), and if these changes are related to improvements in banks' governance effectiveness. To carry out our analysis, we have used a sample with 46 of the largest commercial banks in the world and the period of analysis has covered from 2002 until 2015. Our findings show that Anglo‐American banks following the common law system (shareholder model) maintained their high level of governance effectiveness after the financial crises. On the other hand, Continental European banks following the civil law system (stakeholder model) increased their effectiveness after the crisis changing some practices in their corporate governance mechanisms (improvements in the structure and functioning of directors' boards, improvements in the compensation policy for banks' executives, as well as the implementation of CSR committees) what led to a convergence of both governance systems.
A blockchain-based approach to the challenges of EU's environmental policy compliance in aquaculture: From traceability to fraud prevention
In: Marine policy, Band 159, S. 105892
ISSN: 0308-597X
Mapping research on corporate misconduct in banking: Lessons from literature on preventive and punitive actions
In: Global policy: gp, Band 15, Heft S1, S. 62-75
ISSN: 1758-5899
AbstractAdvanced societies are increasingly concerned about corporate misconduct. Citizens are more willing to penalize it, and regulators are punishing companies more significantly than ever before. In particular, while reputation is a key asset for any business, corporate conduct has proven to be especially relevant in the banking industry. The present paper explores the main research efforts carried out on this topic, aiming to learn lessons from a comparison of studies focused on preventive and punitive actions. To accomplish this, we selected relevant corporate misconduct papers from the Web of Science, conducted a comprehensive bibliometric analysis to understand the role of banking industry‐oriented research, and finally, performed a systematic review to distinguish between articles addressing impact measurement and those focusing on prevention. The results allowed us to respond to the unanswered questions regarding the particularities of the banking industry that make it require further and independent analysis and to the debate about whether the current regulation led to certain unwanted effects. Among those many lessons, one is strikingly important as most studies coincide in the conclusion that, instead of the current actions, more effort should be put into efficient prevention methods, such as education for more ethical corporate and individual behavior.
Producing C-S-H gel by reaction between silica oligomers and portlandite: A promising approach to repair cementitious materials
Impregnation treatments are one of the alternatives to protect concrete-based building and monuments from weathering degradation. However, it is important to consider the chemical compatibility of the reaction products with the building material. The impregnation product studied here consists of a silica oligomer able to polymerize, by a simple sol-gel process, inside the pore structure of concrete. In this work, we investigate the ability of this impregnation treatment to produce C-S-H gel in contact with cement paste. A complete characterization of the reaction products demonstrated that the silanol groups from silica oligomers react with the portlandite present in the cement paste generating a material with the chemical, structural and morphological features of C-S-H gel. Simultaneously, the 29Si NMR results indicate that the Sisingle bondO units are incorporated into the existing C-S-H, increasing its chain length. These results open the way for a simple concrete structures repairing procedure. ; This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Framework Programme under grant agreement No 760858; and from Spanish Government/FEDER-EU under research project MAT2017-84228-R. ; Peer reviewed
Assessment of the economic performance of the seabream and seabass aquaculture industry in the European Union
In: Marine policy, Band 117, S. 103876
ISSN: 0308-597X
Assessment of the economic performance of the seabream and seabass aquaculture industry in the European Union
Production of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is the second most important aquaculture industry in the European Union in value terms. During the last 10 years, the industry has experienced a process of industry concentration with the aim to overcome efficiency and profitability issues. However, the economic performance of the companies is still in general rather poor. The present work analyzes the economic performance of EU seabream and seabass companies in the period 2008–2016. The work is the first study to analyze companies' profitability in the EU as a whole, by country and company size, using economic and financial data extracted from companies' annual accounts. Based on the results, the study discusses the improvement of production and business profitability in recent years and the different factors that may have caused it, as well as the challenges and threats that seabream and seabass companies will have to face in order to achieve economic sustainability. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion
Assessment of the economic performance of the seabream and seabass aquaculture industry in the European Union
Production of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is the second most important aquaculture industry in the European Union in value terms. During the last 10 years, the industry has experienced a process of industry concentration with the aim to overcome efficiency and profitability issues. However, the economic performance of the companies is still in general rather poor. The present work analyzes the economic performance of EU seabream and seabass companies in the period 2008?2016. The work is the first study to analyze companies? profitability in the EU as a whole, by country and company size, using economic and financial data extracted from companies? annual accounts. Based on the results, the study discusses the improvement of production and business profitability in recent years and the different factors that may have caused it, as well as the challenges and threats that seabream and seabass companies will have to face in order to achieve economic sustainability. ; This research was undertaken under the MedAID project, which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no 727315 (