Did corporate governance safeguard investor interest in the global financial crisis? Evidence from Hong Kong SAR
In: Asia Pacific business review, Band 21, Heft 4, S. 534-550
ISSN: 1743-792X
6 Ergebnisse
In: Asia Pacific business review, Band 21, Heft 4, S. 534-550
ISSN: 1743-792X
In: Dong, L., Lui, G., & Wong‐On‐Wing, B. (2017). Unintended Consequences of Forecast Disaggregation: A Multi‐Period Perspective. Contemporary Accounting Research, 34(3), 1580-1595.
Working paper
In: The Chinese economy: translations and studies, Band 38, Heft 2, S. 36-55
ISSN: 1558-0954
In: Issues in accounting education, Band 23, Heft 1, S. 67-75
ISSN: 1558-7983
This study replicates Hwang et al. (2005) with a different cohort of accounting majors. This study also extends Hwang et al.'s (2005) article by exploring the effectiveness of employing cooperative learning pedagogy to enhance students' learning outcomes at both the application level and analysis level of knowledge (Bloom 1956). Different from the original paper, this study evaluates participants' learning outcomes using cases with supporting calculations, instead of multiple-choice questions. Overall, this study finds that cooperative learning is a more effective pedagogy than traditional lecture for students who were raised and educated in a passive learning environment. Limitations and possible directions for future research are also discussed.
In: Issues in accounting education, Band 20, Heft 2, S. 151-165
ISSN: 1558-7983
This study examines whether cooperative learning can improve the learning outcomes of students in a passive learning environment. One hundred seventy-two accounting students who were attending a major Hong Kong university participated in this study. Using a 2 × 2 between-subjects experimental design, this study finds that students who were taught using a cooperative learning approach significantly outperformed those who were taught using a traditional lecture format. Moreover, the results of this study indicate that the students in cooperative learning sessions performed significantly better in answering indirect application-type questions than those in traditional lecture sessions. Overall, the results of this experiment suggest that cooperative learning is an effective teaching pedagogy for delivering accounting topics in a passive learning environment. The implications of this study for accounting education and the directions for future research are also discussed.